
yào chá
  • medicinal tea
  1. 用途:用于碎茶、药茶、咖啡等类似产品的自动包装。

    Uses : it is suitable for automatically packaging of steeping products such as fragmntal tea , medicinal tea , coffee etc.

  2. MohammedSaadIqbalMadni声称他最终被带往开罗,收到点击的折磨,还被迫饮药茶。

    Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni alleges he was eventually flown to Cairo where he says he was tortured with electric shocks and was forced to drink drug-laced tea .

  3. 我参观的另一间工厂是药茶厂。

    The other factory I visited is a herbal tea factory .

  4. 我们讨论的是不喝咖啡而喝药茶的好处。

    We discussed the merits of drinking herbal tea instead of coffee .

  5. 她动手泡一些药茶。

    She set about brewing some herb tea .

  6. 焚香,药茶,素食主义者,全部东西,

    the incense , the herbal tea , the vegetarians , the whole deal ,

  7. 乌龙药茶对高脂血症大鼠血脂代谢、尿酸代谢的影响

    Effects of Oolong Herb Tea on Blood Lipids and Uric Acid Metabolism in Experimental Hyperlipidemia Rat

  8. 你也可以从药茶中自制酊剂,下面是一个简单配方。

    One can make tinctures from the teas as well and here is a simple formula for this .

  9. 美国贸易公司贮存并加工一些食品配料,然后出售给饮食调味料及药茶生产企业。

    American Mercantile stores and processes food ingredients , which are then sold to and used in the dietary supplement and herbal tea industries .

  10. 他们在这些选修课上学会了如何煮养生药茶,或如何通过打太极拳缓解压力。

    In those classes , they learn how to brew healthy herbal teas or do some shadow boxing to reduce stress , said some students .

  11. 我可能会变成搬进地下室的疯婆子帮我弄张床,弄点药茶,我想要条狗,行吗?

    I could become the crazy aunt who moves in down in the basement . Put a cot in for me , some herbal teas . I 'd like to get a dog , if that 's okay ?

  12. 结论:黄麦药茶具有健脾、益气、养阴、利小便的作用,能增加食欲,增强抵抗力,明显提高患者术后生活质量,促进创面愈合。

    Conclusion : Huangmaiyaocha has the role of invigorating the spleen 、 benefiting vital energy 、 nourishing yin and diuresis , and it can add patients ' appetite 、 strengthen the resistance and raise life quality , then speed wound heal .