
kù shǔ
  • the intense heat of summer;sweltering summer heat;the dog days;summer of brutal heat;sultry summer
酷暑 [kù shǔ]
  • (1) [sweltering summer heat;the intense heat of summer;the dog days]∶盛暑;大热天

  • (2) [summer of brutal heat;sultry summer]∶极热的夏天

酷暑[kù shǔ]
  1. 他们中有好几个人在酷暑中倒下。

    Several of them keeled over in the heat .

  2. 仲夏酷暑尤其令人难熬。

    It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat .

  3. 今年夏天的酷暑实在令人无法忍受。

    The heat of this summer is really insupportable .

  4. 酷暑使树叶卷缩枯萎。

    The leaves are shrivelled up by the heat .

  5. 老年人不胜忍受今年的仲夏酷暑。

    The old aged cannot bear up against the midsummer heat this year .

  6. 2018年的酷暑是自1910年有记录以来英国并列最热的年份。

    The blazing summer of 2018 was the joint1 warmest for the UK since records began in 1910 .

  7. 经过大量的搜索后,用PHP开发原型就像酷暑中一道清凉的风。

    After all that soul-searching , prototyping an app in PHP was like a cool breeze on a hot day .

  8. 韩国现在已酷暑难当,但初夏的梅雨却没有如约而至。据韩国气象厅(KoreaMetrologicalAdministration)说,韩国今年5月初以来的降雨量创下1908年以来的同期最低水平。

    Sizzling hot summer weather has arrived in South Korea , but the early summer rains have yet to come . According to the Korea Metrological Administration , rainfall since the beginning of May has been the lowest since 1908 .

  9. UEF空军中的蓝领,酷暑是个非常有效率的区域轰炸机,无论是对移动目标还是对固定目标而言。

    The workhorse of the UEF air efforts , the Scorcher is an effective area bomber that is useful against all types of targets , both mobile and stationary .

  10. 据EM-Dat(国际灾难数据库)称,今年的印度经历的酷暑将在印度史上排名第二,世界第五。

    According to EM-Dat , The International Emergency Disasters Database , this year 's heat wave is so severe that it will go down in record books as second-deadliest in India and the fifth in the world !

  11. 天热酷暑–夏季已经光临北京!

    The weather is hot – summer has arrived in Beijing !

  12. 夏日的酷暑已经笼罩了山谷。

    The wrath of summer 's heat has enveloped the valley .

  13. 酷暑烈日使大家精疲力竭。

    Everyone was sapped of strength by the sun 's heat .

  14. 即使在夏日酷暑中也不会融化

    that doesn 't melt even at the height of summer .

  15. 酷暑还可以导致心脏病突发和中风。

    Severe heat can help cause a heart attack or stroke .

  16. 在1976年的那个酷暑,我结束了在巴黎的逗留。

    My Parisian sojourn culminated with the boiling summer of 1976 .

  17. 严寒或酷暑时,为着花粉,疲于奔命。

    Cold or heat , for the pollen , exhausted .

  18. 1978年酷暑与副高活动

    The swelter in G summer and subtropical high in 1978

  19. 你忘记了去年的酷暑了吗?

    Did you forget the heat wave of last summer ?

  20. 酷暑已造成数百人死亡。

    The heat has been blamed form hundreds of death .

  21. 因此有些解决酷暑的手段能够带来双赢

    So some solutions to heat can provide for win-win-wins .

  22. 而远在新德里,他的妻子却饱受40多度高温酷暑的折磨。

    In New Delhi , his wife sweltered in temperatures above 40C .

  23. 离世前,她被酷暑折磨了整整一个月。

    she suffered in the summer heat for a month before expiring .

  24. 为应对罕见酷暑的挑战,而把冷冻水果藏在竹子里。

    Frozen fruit hidden in bamboo for that extra challenge .

  25. 酷暑中人们成批死去。

    People were dropping like flies in the intense heat .

  26. 冬天的严寒,夏日的酷暑,

    Winter 's cold , or summer 's heat ,

  27. 一到夏季,溽热的酷暑又似乎要把他活活蒸熟。

    In summer , the heat and humidity seemed to cook him alive .

  28. 江苏盛夏出现的凉伏与酷暑及环流分析

    The Cool and Hot Days and Its Circulation Analysis of Mid-summer in Jiangsu

  29. 在酷暑的天气里,最好是喝冰凉的饮料。

    During hot weather , cool liquids are best .

  30. 这是唯一在酷暑下保鲜的办法

    the only way they 'll stay freshin the heat