• cruel;brutal;oppressive
  • very;extremely
  • 残忍、暴虐到极点:~刑。~吏。残~。严~。冷~。~滥。~虐。

  • 极,甚,程度深:~暑。~热。~寒。~爱。~似。


(残酷) cruel; brutal; oppressive:

  • 酷吏

    an oppressive (feudal) officia


(程度深的; 极) very; extremely:

  • 酷好

    be very fond of;

  • 这个女孩长得酷似她的母亲。

    The girl is the living image of her mother.

  1. 他不是那种犯下这样列酷罪行的人。

    He is not the sort of man to commit such a cruel crime .

  2. 你的品质如梅花一般刚强;我的性格像冰川一样含蓄;你有令人折服的内涵;你有让人倾倒的酷;于是我们尊称您为“梅川内酷”!

    Your character is like wintersweet my disposition resembles general and doughty ; you have implicative ; like glacier you have admirable connotation ; the cruel ; of dump letting a person then you are our address sb respectfully " the cruel inside Mei chuan "!

  3. 哇!你的样子太酷了!

    Wow ! You look terrific !

  4. 整体效果很酷,轻松而随意。

    The whole effect is cool , light and airy .

  5. 他被要求说明自己关于“酷”的定义。

    He was asked to define his concept of cool .

  6. 他看上去有点酷但也有点嫩。

    He looked kinda cool but kinda young .

  7. 我的医生实在是一位酷男。

    My doctor is a real cool dude .

  8. 16岁时她就是个十足的潮人。一袭黑衣,说话很酷,看起来像18岁。

    At 16 , she oozes street cred . She wears black , talks cool and looks 18

  9. 我们要让年轻人认识到抽烟并不是什么很酷的事情。

    We have got to get the message over to the young that smoking isn 't cool .

  10. 我的朋友说我是全天下最酷、最瘦、最聪明、最幽默的记者。

    According to my friends I am the coolest , thinnest , cleverest , funniest journalist in the universe .

  11. 酷日当空。

    The hot sun is high in sky .

  12. 许多青少年甚至认为父母很酷!

    Many even think their parents are cool !

  13. 许多青少年甚至认为父母很酷!虽然有超过三分之一的青少年在房间有一样不想让父母知道的东西,但最多是日记本、低俗的书籍或光盘。

    Although more than a third have an object in their rooms they would like to keep secret from their parents , rarely is it anything more alarming than a diary or off-color book or CD .

  14. "这是有史以来最酷的。"

    " This is the coolest ever . "

  15. 然后在我十几、二十几岁时,坏女孩和酷孩子们来了。

    Then came my tweens and teens , and mean girls and cool kids .

  16. B:哇,很酷。我相信你也玩得很开心。

    B : Wow , pretty cool . I believe you had a great time , too .

  17. 以下是一些游客可以在戈勒姆做的很酷的事情。

    Here are some of the cool things visitors can do in Goreme .

  18. 当它不“酷”时,那种时尚感就没了。

    When it is no longer " cool " , a fad goes away .

  19. 蚂蚁真的很酷!他们工作勤奋,善于交际,有条理。

    Ants are really cool ! They are hard-working , social , and organized .

  20. 戴眼镜也可以很酷。

    Wearing glasses can also be cool .

  21. 这个咖啡机很酷。

    This coffee maker is cool .

  22. “酷!能跟我说说吗?”艾米丽惊讶地问道。

    " Cool ! Can you tell me about it ? " Emily asked , amazed .

  23. 很酷,对吧?事实上,她正在给我读一封我哥哥约翰发来的电子邮件。

    It was cool , right ? In fact , she was reading to me an e-mail from my brother John .

  24. 星期五我们去了乔治亚水族馆,看到了世界各地不同种类的海洋生物。真的很酷!

    On Friday we went to the Georgia Aquarium and got to see different kinds of sea life from over the world . It was really cool !

  25. 不过那时我倒是觉得他很酷!

    I thought he was so cool , though !

  26. 你穿着褐色的看起来很酷。

    You look cool in brown .

  27. 他闭着眼的时候看起来格外的酷,因为他的眼毛是那么的长。

    He looked cute when his eyes were closed , because his lashes8 were so long .

  28. 大力士喜欢炫耀自己的膂力,酷嗜锻炼肌肉之类的运动。

    Strong man exults in his delighting in such exercises as call his muscles into action .

  29. 我觉得每个人每天可以贡献新的事物是一件很酷的事情。

    And I think that it 's so cool that every day and everyone can contribute something new .

  30. 67%的人认为使用表情符号的人比不使用表情符号的人更友好、更有趣、更酷。

    And 67 % said they think people who use emojis are friendlier , funnier and cooler than those who don 't.