
  • 网络Cool Culture
  1. 酷文化为初中生提供了另一种生活方式,初中生在其中释放着自我、宣泄着情绪、挑战权威并获得充分的娱乐与放松。这一切,让初中生感到一种张扬的酷。

    The cool culture provides an alternative lifestyle for the middle school students , which allow them to release themselves , pour their feelings , challenge authorities , and gain adequate fun and relaxation .

  2. 她或许也在利用日益增强的国民信心,这种信心不仅来自于1945年的逐渐远去,也来自于经济增长,以及从主办2006年世界杯到柏林被认为是一个“酷”城市等文化上的成功。

    She is also perhaps capitalising on a growing national confidence , born of the increasing distance from 1945 , economic expansion and cultural successes ranging from the hosting of the 2006 football World Cup to " cool " Berlin .