
  1. 去年,由于担心外国电影在中国电影票房收入中占据的份额太大,政府控制的发行公司中国电影集团(ChinaFilmGroup,简称:中影集团)让一些好莱坞大片在相同的档期放映,进而限制了它们的商业潜力。

    Last year , concerned that foreign films were taking too big a share of box office , the government-controlled China Film distribution company released some big Hollywood movies on the same date , limiting their commercial potential .

  2. 调查集团IHS表示,去年,中国电影票房收入大涨40%,增至68亿美元,到2018年中国将超过美国成为全球最大电影市场。

    China 's cinema box office revenues surged 40 per cent last year to $ 6.8bn and the country will overtake the US as the world 's largest movie market by 2018 , according to research group IHS .

  3. 韩国的电影市场:中国电影票房的艰难挺进

    The Box Office of the Chinese Films in Korean Market

  4. 中国电影票房出现了一个奇迹。

    A miracle has happened at the Chinese box office .

  5. 2010年,中国电影票房收入达到100亿元人民币,与2002年相比增长了十倍。

    Box office revenues reached RMB 10 billion in 2010 , a tenfold increase since 2002 .

  6. 魏欢称,今年1月和2月,中国电影票房收入均超过了美国。

    Ms Huan said that China box-office revenues surpassed monthly US revenues in January and February this year .

  7. 中国电影票房复苏:《战狼2》票房突破12亿

    China Box Office Roars Back to Life as ' Wolf Warrior 2 ' Makes Massive $ 130M Debut

  8. 在同一时间段,迪士尼影片公司出品的真人动画片《奇幻森林》目前在中国电影票房收入上排名第二位。

    Meanwhile , Disney 's live-action animation " The Jungle Book " currently sits 2nd at the Chinese box office .

  9. 2013年,中国电影票房收入达到217亿元人民币,同比增长48%。

    In 2013 , box office returns in China reached Rmb21.7bn , up 48 per cent from the previous year .

  10. 2018年,中国电影票房收入增长9%,达到89亿美元(约合609.8亿人民币)。

    China 's movie box office revenue grew 9 percent to $ 8.9 billion ( RMB 60.98 billion ) in 2018 .

  11. 最新超级英雄电影《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》已经在中国电影票房上取得了超级英雄般的开始。

    Superhero movie " Batman v. Superman : Dawn of Justice " has scored a superhero-sized start at the box office here in China .

  12. 虽然中国电影票房收入中来自好莱坞制作的比重超过70%,但中国对此类影片的放映仍有严格限制。

    While more than 70 per cent of Chinese film ticket sales came from Hollywood productions , the country retains tight limits on such showings .

  13. 根据电影监管机构数据显示,中国电影票房销售额在去年同比了增长48.7%

    According to the country 's film regulator , China 's box office sales have boosted a whopping 48.7 percent in the last year alone .

  14. 好莱坞在世界人口最多的国家看到了巨大机会。去年中国电影票房收入达21亿美元,较2010年增长29%。

    Hollywood sees big opportunity in the world 's most-populous country , where revenue last year reached $ 2.1 billion , up 29 % from 2010 .

  15. 中国电影票房收入去年增长30%达到12亿美元,包括美国在内的其他主要市场票房收入则持平或出现下滑。

    Chinese box-office sales jumped 30 per cent last year to $ 1.2bn , compared with flat or shrinking sales in other major markets including the US .

  16. 2016年,中国电影票房经历了一次令人震惊的调整,从2015年的48%大幅下降到3.7%。

    In 2016 , China 's box-office experienced a shock correction , with growth plummeting to just 3.7 percent from a roaring 48 percent rate in 2015 .

  17. 2010年中国电影票房突破100亿,中国电影市场正处在高速的产业化进程之中。

    In the year of 2010 , the box office of Chinese movie broke through 10 billion . The Chinese film industry is now in a high-speed industrialization .

  18. 截止到周三为止,中国电影票房在国庆期间获得了18.5亿元(2亿9100万美元)的票房收入,这也创造了同期历史最高记录

    China 's box office rang up takings of 1.85 billion yuan ( about 291 million U.S.dollars ) during the National Day holiday , which ended on Wednesday , a record high .

  19. 截止至上周五傍晚,周星驰导演的奇幻喜剧电影《美人鱼》票房已达24.5亿人民币(折合3.756亿美元),创下中国电影票房史上最高纪录。最高票房纪录在此前由许诚毅执导的《捉妖记》所保持。

    Director Stephen Chow 's fantasy comedy movie Mermaid grossed 2.45 billion Yuan ( $ 375.6 million ) by Friday evening , making history as the highest-grossing film ever in Chinese box office history .

  20. 浪漫喜剧《北京遇上西雅图之不二情书》在这个五一假期中引领了中国电影票房,截止目前为止共收获3亿元(折合4600万美元)的票房收入。

    Romance-comedy " Finding Mr. Right 2 " is leading the Chinese box office through this May Day Holiday , taking in some 300 million yuan , or around 46 million US dollars , so far .

  21. 中国电影票房增长是城市消费阶层收入不断提升以及休闲需求不断扩大的结果,而非反映人们逃避严酷经济现实的需要。

    Rather than reflecting the need for escape from harsh economic reality , the growth of the Chinese box office is a product of rising incomes and the expanding leisure pursuits of an urban consuming class .

  22. 在2015年,中国电影票房销售额创历史新高,超过了440亿人民币,即68亿美元。而国产片票房在其中占据了很大一部分。

    China 's box office sales hit a record high in 2015 , by pulling in 44 billion yuan , or some 6.8 billion US dollars , with domestic films accounting for a large chunk of that growth .

  23. 同时,只有三部好莱坞大片成功挤进2015年中国电影票房销售额的前十名。它们分别是《速度与激情7》、《复仇者联盟:奥创纪元》以及《侏罗纪世界》。

    Only three Hollywood productions , ' Furious 7 ' , ' Avengers : Age of Ultron ' , and ' Jurassic World ' , made it into the top 10 at the Chinese box office in 2015 .

  24. 近年来中国电影票房迅速增长,从2002年的仅人民币9.5亿元(合1.53亿美元)增至去年的人民币216亿元。2002年,中国开始允许现代电影院线在其市场运营。

    China 's box office has been booming in recent years , growing from a mere 950 million yuan ( $ 153 million ) in 2002 when China first began allowing modern theater chains to 21.6 billion yuan last year .

  25. 这是一部以20世纪20年代的上海为背景的黑帮片,是四年前位居中国电影票房之冠的《让子弹飞》的续集。在发布会上,姜文被问到一个问题,这个问题困扰过中国的每一位著名导演。

    Mr. Jiang and his business associates had organized the event to generate buzz over the upcoming " Gone with the Bullets , " a gangster film set in 1920s Shanghai that is a follow-up to " Let the Bullets Fly , " the top earner in the Chinese film industry four years ago .

  26. 根据美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)数据,去年中国的电影票房总收入达48亿美元,较前一年增长了34%。

    Ticket sales totaled $ 4.8 billion last year , a 34 percent increase from a year earlier , according to the Motion Picture Association of America .

  27. 根据时光网的统计,截至周日结束,这部中国电影的票房是2500多万美元,《变形金刚4》是9800万美元。

    The Chinese film made more than $ 25 million by the end of Sunday , while Transformers pulled in $ 98 million , according to Mtime .

  28. 中国电影的票房越来越好,但是中国导演们抱怨说,审查制度令他们窒息,因为它降低了他们很多电影的吸引力。

    Chinese movies have done increasingly well at the box office , but Chinese directors complain they are stifled by censorship that lowers the appeal of many of their films .

  29. 目前中国的电影票房在全球位居第二,仅次于美国。2013年美国电影总票房约为109亿美元。

    Chinas box office is now the second-largest in the world , second only to that of the United States , which earned an estimated US $ 10.9 billion in 2013 .

  30. 亚洲电影咨询公司亚提森格维的数据显示,2015年中国国产电影票房收入超过40亿美元,同比2014年疯涨了70%。

    In 2015 , Chinese-made films grossed over $ 4 billion , a nearly 70 % jump from the year before , according to Artisan Gateway , an Asian film consultancy .