
  • 网络China's Foreign Policy;chinese foreign policy
  1. 论中国对外政策的和平主义传统

    The Tradition of Pacifism in Chinese Foreign Policy

  2. 经验与理念&中国对外政策思想三十年的发展及其意义

    Experience and Ideas : Thirty Years ' Development in the Chinese Foreign Policy Thinking

  3. 海外利益的保护与中国对外政策的变化

    Protection of Overseas Interests and Change of China 's Foreign Policies

  4. 和平是中国对外政策的核心。

    Peace is at the core of Chinas foreign policy .

  5. 中国对外政策的目标是争取世界和平。

    The goal of Chinas foreign policy is to strive for world peace .

  6. 加强中国对外政策的政治学研究

    Reinforcing Politics Studies of China 's Foreign Policies

  7. 这些问题对于中国对外政策的制定和实施有着重要的现实意义。

    These issues are of great significance to the making and implementation of Chinese foreign policies .

  8. 那么中国对外政策的分析又通过哪些渠道来解决呢?本文的最后部分将一一论述这些问题。

    How to analyze Chinese foreign behavior ? We will discuss the problems at the end of the paper .

  9. 加强同第三世界国家的团结与合作是中国对外政策的基本立足点。

    Strengthening unity and cooperation with countries of the third world is the fundamental standpoint of China 's diplomatic policy .

  10. 巴基斯坦留学生NishatKazmi正在北京大学读研究生,研究中国对外政策。

    Pakistani student Nishat Kazmi is currently pursuing a graduate degree , focusing on Chinese foreign policies at Peking University .

  11. 在中国对外政策的研究成果中,从政治学途径所进行的研究相对不足。

    Among the findings of studies in China 's foreign policies , the ones from the perspective of political studies are insufficient .

  12. 改革时代,在影响中国对外政策的国内因素中,经济发展战略及其成效成为决定中国对外政策的主要变量;

    Among all the domestic factors that influence China 's foreign policy , economic developing strategy and efficiency has become the most important variation .

  13. 如今,寻找能源绝对是中国对外政策的核心,而伊朗是中国珍视的石油及天然气供应国。

    The search for energy is now absolutely central to Chinese foreign policy and Iran is a valued supplier of both oil and natural gas .

  14. 因而,如何回应欧盟能源安全战略就成为了中国对外政策的极其重要的课题,也将关系到中欧战略伙伴关系的未来发展。

    So how to respond the EU energy security strategy would China foreign policy face and also involve the China-EU strategic relationship in the future .

  15. 该文探讨权力、知识与话语之间的关系在当今中国对外政策中的体现。

    This essay 's primary purpose is to investigate and explore the relationship and function among power , knowledge and discourse in China 's foreign strategy .

  16. 他提出以关心自己的国家利益为最高准则来谈判和处理国际问题的思想,实现了中国对外政策向扩大国家经济利益的转变。

    He raises the fetial ideas of negotiation & national interest as a supreme criterion , realizing a transition of China 's foreign policy toward the interests of national economy .

  17. 中国的对外政策是独立自主的,是真正的不结盟。

    China 's foreign policy is independent and truly non-aligned .

  18. 中国的对外政策,主要是两句话。

    China 's foreign policy can be summed up in two sentences .

  19. 入世背景下我国对外经济发展的主要任务国际政治障碍及外部冲击下中国对外经济政策调整

    Adjustment of Chinese External Economic Policy against International Political Obstacles and External Shocks

  20. 全球经济周期调整与中国对外开放政策

    Global Economic Cyclical Adjustment and China 's Open Policy

  21. 金融危机与中国对外贸易政策和产业政策的思考

    On the Influence of Financial Crisis and China 's Response of Trade and Industrial Policies

  22. 多哈回合谈判走向及中国对外贸易政策调整

    The Trend of Doha Round Negotiation and the Relative Adjustments for China 's Foreign Trade Policies

  23. 对中国对外贸易政策的几点思考

    On Chinese Foreign Trade Policies

  24. 亚洲内部的多边合作,一直是中国近期对外政策的重点之一,尼尔森说。

    Multilateral co-operation within Asia has been a major focus in Chinese foreign policy in recent times , said Mr Nielsen .

  25. 它对当代国际政治关系具有重要的指导意义,也为当代中国的对外政策提供了可资借鉴之处。

    It provides important guides to contemporary international political relations as well as instructive lessons to current foreign policies of China .

  26. 坚持走和平发展道路不仅是中国的对外政策,更是我们的内在需要。

    That is why Chinas pursuit of peaceful development is not only a foreign policy goal , but more importantly , a compelling domestic imperative .

  27. 二十世纪七十年代伊始,汉语立法文本的英译随着中国对外开放政策的采用而日渐兴盛。

    It is noticed that with the opening policy of China after the 1970s , the translation practice of the Chinese legislative texts began to flourish .

  28. 外商直接投资是中国对外开放政策的基本要素,因此我们欢迎想扩大在华投资的美国公司。

    Since foreign direct investment is a basic element of China 's opening-up policy , we welcome American companies that want to increase their investment in China .

  29. 第五部分结合东南亚华人对我国的历史贡献与中国的对外政策,阐述从东南亚华人生存发展问题所引发的思考。

    Chapter five , combining course of historical contribution to our country of ethnic Chinese with foreign policies of China , elaborates two reflections resulted from the issue of existence and development of ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia .

  30. 中国的对外开放政策在过去30年里取得了巨大成就。

    China 's open-door policy has brought tremendous results over the past 30 years .