
  1. 本文探讨的主题是加入WTO以后,中国文化产业的发展研究。

    The thesis of this study is culture industry development after China 's entry into WTO .

  2. WTO与中国文化产业

    WTO and China 'S Culture Industry

  3. 对中国文化产业政策的探讨

    A Study of the Policies for China 's Culture Industry

  4. 论中国文化产业的发展趋势

    The Trend of the Development of China 's Culture Industry

  5. 文化创新是中国文化产业发展的关键

    Cultural Creation : the Key to Chinese Cultural Industry Development

  6. 中国文化产业的市场和营销

    On the Market and Marketing of the Chinese Cultural Industry

  7. 文化经济时代:中国文化产业的发展与管理

    Era of Culture Industry : Development and Management of the Chinese Cultural Industry

  8. 关于21世纪中国文化产业发展战略的思考

    Reflections on the Developing Strategy of the Chinese Culture in the 21st Century

  9. 试论中国文化产业兴起的合理性

    The Rationality of the Rise of Chinese Culture Industry

  10. 北京奥运会对中国文化产业的影响

    Effect of Beijing Olympic Games on China Culture Industry

  11. 论中国文化产业的可持续发展:打造核心竞争力&中国文化产业竞争力评价理论研究

    On Sustainable Development of China 's Cultural Industry : Building the Core Competence

  12. 中国文化产业发展的瓶颈

    Policy and Idea : the Bottleneck of the Development of Chinese Culture Industry

  13. 入世后中国文化产业的生存与发展

    China 's Entry to WTO : The Subsistence and Development of Chinese Culture Industry

  14. 北京奥运中国文化产业商机与策划研究

    A Study of Commercial Chances and planning of Chinese Cultural Industry on Beijing Olympic Games

  15. 当代中国文化产业发展的价值冲突及其成因

    On the Value Contradictions in the Development of Contemporary Chinese Culture Industry and Their Causes

  16. 21世纪中国文化产业第三届年会·山西论坛综述

    Summary of Shanxi Forum , The 3rd Annual Conference on 21st Century China Culture Industry

  17. 为了促进奥运中国文化产业的发展,还必须树立五个观念。

    And to promote the development of Chinese cultural industry , 5 concepts must be formed .

  18. 基于科学发展观视角的中国文化产业发展解读

    Analysis of the Development of the Chinese Culture Industry from the Angle of Scientific Thought of Development

  19. 中国文化产业建设的症候式分析

    Construction of Chinese Cultural Industry

  20. 丰富的民族文化遗产和传统文化资源,是中国文化产业的比较优势所在。

    Chinese rich ethical cultural heritage and traditional cultural resource is the comparative advantage of its cultural industry .

  21. 中国文化产业之菁华辉映着中国文化用品交易会之辉煌;

    It witnessed the development of China stationery and office supplies industry and the expanding of Chinese brands .

  22. 因此,中国文化产业要想在世界文化产业竞争中取胜,文化创新是最为关键的因素。

    Therefore the Chinese cultural industry must encourage cultural innovation in order to get victory in world sphere competition .

  23. 面对全球化的竞争,给中国文化产业的发展不仅带来了严峻的挑战,也创造了丰厚的机遇。

    Facing global competition not only brought serious challenges , but also created a huge opportunity for cultural industries in China .

  24. 随着中国文化产业的进一步发展,在实践的推动下,文化产业核心比较优势的理论探索将更加深入。

    With the development of Chinese culture industry , deeper analysis and practical research can be completed for the core comparative advantage theory .

  25. 中国文化产业至今仍处于培育和初步发展阶段,在文化产业发展还面临的困难和问题很多。

    Chinese cultural industry is still in the initial development stages , development of cultural industries also face a lot of difficulties and problems .

  26. 马云还是文化部下属非营利机构中国文化产业协会的副会长。

    Mr. Ma also serves as vice president of the China Cultural Industry Association , a nonprofit that operates under the Ministry of Culture .

  27. 1998年文化部设立文化产业司以来,中国文化产业的战略地位不断提升并不断发展壮大。

    Since the Ministry of Culture set up the cultural industry department in1998 , Chinese culture industry continues to enhance its strategic position and become stronger and stronger .

  28. 同时强势文化的冲击也影响了中国文化产业的发展,为西方发达国家推行其分化战略创造了有利条件。

    At the same time dominant cultures greatly influence the development of China 's cultural industry , creating positive conditions for the west countries to enhance their strategy .

  29. 假如把上世纪末认定为文化产业发展的开端,本世纪的前十年则是中国文化产业快速发展的成长期。

    If we affirmed end of the last century as the beginning of cultural industry in China , fast growth period would be the first ten years in this century .

  30. 据估计,2005年,中国文化产业规模将达到5500亿元,在中国开垦传媒产业,意味着高额的媒介市场回报。

    It is estimated that by year 2005 , the magnitude of Chinese culture industry will arrive at $ 550 billions , which means that a promising media market return .