
  1. 在此之前,今年5月百度曾以3.7亿美元收购PPS网络电视互联网视频业务,去年收购了在线视频网站iQiyi.com。

    The acquisition follows Baidu 's purchase of PPS Net TV 's internet video business for $ 370m in May and online video site iQiyi.com last year .

  2. 视频业务的未来&如何面对来自IP电视和互联网电视的挑战

    The Future of Video - Taming the IPTV and Internet TV Menace

  3. 根据广告行业媒体《广告时代》(AdAge)的一项估算,仅凤凰城大学(UniversityofPhoenix)一家就每年花费2亿美元用于电视和互联网推广。

    The University of Phoenix alone spends over $ 200 million a year on television and Internet pitches , according to an estimate from Madison Avenue trade paper ad age .

  4. 本文原型系统将原有有限电视和互联网有机结合,建立以一个IPTV系统,实现传统媒体与新媒体的融合。

    This prototype system is limited to the original combination of television and the Internet , the establishment of an IPTV system to realize the traditional media and new media integration .

  5. 3G产业在中国是2009年才开始出现的新生事物,手机作为继报刊、广播、电视、互联网之后的第五媒体该如何发展而受到消费者的重视。

    In China , 3G industry began to appear in the new things in 2009.Mobile phones , as following the press , radio , television , the Internet after the fifth by the media how the development of consumer attention .

  6. 我们可以随意剖析网飞(Netflix)和康卡斯特(Comcast)的策略,但电视机从有线电视向互联网转移的速度在很大程度上将取决于消费者决定在客厅里做什么。

    We can examine the strategies of Netflix ( NFlx ) and Comcast ( cmcsa ) all we like , but the speed at which television moves off of cable and onto the Internet will be determined largely by what people decide to do in their living rooms .

  7. 我们得断掉有线电视和互联网。

    We 'd have to cut the cable and internet .

  8. 这次发射也在国有电视及互联网上进行了现场直播。

    The blastoff was also broadcasted live on state-owned television and through the Internet .

  9. 卫星电视、互联网、社交网络,这些都还在遥远的未来。

    Satellite television , the web and social networking lay somewhere in a deep distant future .

  10. 每天,人们都会从报纸、杂志、广播、电视以及互联网中获得各种各样的新闻。

    People obtain a variety of news from newspapers , magazines , broadcast , TV and Internet .

  11. 电视、互联网和手机:优点和缺点,互联网和报纸与书籍的比较

    Television , Internet and Mobile Phones : positives and negatives , Internet compared to newspapers and books

  12. 有线电视及互联网服务提供商康卡斯特公司计划斥资450亿美元收购时代华纳。

    Cable and Internet provider Comcast is planning to buy Time Warner Cable for $ 45 billion .

  13. 同时李也将业务扩展到电视和互联网,为华人社区提供娱乐信息及新闻播报。

    He also has expanded into television and the Internet , providing entertainment and news for the Chinese community .

  14. 电视和互联网使人们与朋友疏远了,因为现在人们缺乏与朋友的面对面的交流。

    TV and the Internet alienate people from their friends , since modern people lack the face-to-face communication with friends .

  15. 尤其是在有线电视和互联网普及有限的墨西哥,广播电视至关重要。

    Especially in Mexico , a country with limited cable and Internet penetration , broadcast TV plays a central role .

  16. 报纸、电视与互联网过度报道医疗卫生专业人员如何欺骗患者。

    There is disproportionate coverage in newspapers , television , and on the internet of how health professionals have cheated patients .

  17. 而且广播、电视、互联网等传播媒介对新词语的传播更起到了推波助澜的作用。

    Moreover , radio , television , internet and other media lead to a wide spread of new words and expressions .

  18. 阿巴德在一段发布于黎巴嫩电视、互联网和公告板的视频想代表所有黎巴嫩的宗教。

    Abaad wanted to represent all of Lebanon 's religions in a video for Lebanese TV , the Internet and on billboards .

  19. 后来,融合进一步扩展到电信、广播电视、互联网以及其它传媒之间。

    As time goes by , the convergence expands to telecommunication , TV and broadcasting , Internet and other approaches of media .

  20. 作为最具影响力的传媒,电影、电视与互联网在现代国际关系中履行着重要的外交职能。

    As the most influential media , cinema , television and internet are playing an important role in the modern international relations .

  21. 该公司还将业务扩展至在线音乐和可取代有线电视的互联网机顶盒。

    The company has also branched out into online music and internet-enabled set-top video boxes that act as a substitute for cable TV .

  22. 手机媒体作为跨媒体、跨产业的新媒体形态,是媒体融合、产业融合的产物,它融合了报纸、广播、电视和互联网等媒体形态,并且实现了传媒业和电信业的融合。

    Mobile media is a new media with Cross-media and cross-industry . It merges newspaper 、 radio 、 TV and internet 、 even telecommunication .

  23. 作为人体延伸的媒体呈现出多种形态并存的局面:报纸、广播、电视、互联网及手机等等。

    As an extension of the body showing a variety of media forms coexist : newspapers , radio , television , Internet and cell phones .

  24. 他指出,纪录片可以更好地覆盖受众,因为它是在多媒体平台上播出的,比如说电视、互联网和应用程序。

    He notes that the documentary can better reach audiences as it is broadcast on multi-media platforms , including TV , internet , and apps .

  25. 随着电视、互联网、报纸杂志等媒介形式在农村的大力普及,对农村社会产生强烈的社会效应。

    The vigorous popularity of media forms as TVs , internet , newspapers , magazines and so on produces a strong social effect on rural society .

  26. 人们可以从报纸、广播、电视、互联网和手机等多种渠道获取新闻信息。

    Nowadays , people can get information in a great number of ways , such as newspapers , broadcasts , TV , the internet and cellular phones .

  27. 其次,观众习惯的视频接触方式发生改变,从以前的电影院、电视转向互联网、手机等,喜欢看短视频。

    Second , video contact way of the audience habit has changed . From the previous cinema , television , turning to the internet , mobile phones .

  28. 有别于传统的媒介&报纸、杂志和电视,互联网的信息更加海量、传播渠道更加通畅、传播速度更加快捷。

    Different from the traditional media , newspapers , magazines and TV . Internet information more mass , transmission channels more fluently , spread speed is more efficient .

  29. 现代视听媒体是视听结合的现代媒体形式,包括电影、电视、互联网三大部分。

    The modern seeing and hearing media is a modern media 's form combined in seeing and hearing , Including three major parts : movie , TV & Internet .

  30. 大力发展现代远程教育,建设以卫星、电视和互联网等为载体的远程开放继续教育及公共服务平台,为学习者提供方便、灵活、个性化的学习条件。

    Modern distant education and public service platforms based with satellite , television and internet will make their own contribution to a convenient , flexible and personalized learning style .