
  • 网络AMT;automatic mechanical transmission;automated mechanical transmission;automated manual transmission
  1. 本文首先介绍了电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)的发展概况、控制原理、控制装置组成、液压执行机构;

    The paper firstly introduces AMT development summarization , control principle , control equipment composing , and hydraulic execution organization ;

  2. 发动机转速控制是电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)控制系统的重要组成部分,与换档品质和离合器控制有密切关系。

    The control of engine rotational speed is an important part of AMT system and has close relation with shift quality and clutch control .

  3. 电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)的离合器控制是AMT开发中的一项关键技术。

    Clutch control is a key technology for AMT development .

  4. 电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)就是电子技术飞速发展的产物。

    Automated Mechanical Transmission ( AMT ) is the product of the electronic technology rapidly development .

  5. 提出了一种基于离合器传递扭矩的AMT(电控机械式自动变速器)换挡过程控制方法。

    A measure of shift process control based on AMT ( Automated Mechanical Transmission ) of transmitted clutch torque was developed .

  6. 在拖拉机上使用电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)很有必要。

    At present automatic mechanical transmission ( AMT ) has been widely used on automobiles , but it is seldom applied to tractors .

  7. AMT(电控机械式自动变速器)具有传动效率高、制造成本低等一系列优点,具有良好的应用前景。

    AMT ( Automated Mechanical Transmission ) with high transmission efficiency , low manufacturing costs , a series of advantages , with good prospects .

  8. 随着自动变速器技术的迅速发展,电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)在美国和欧洲已实现了商品化。

    With the rapid development of automatic transmission technology , automated mechanical transmission ( AMT ) has become the commercialization in the United States and Europe .

  9. 电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)兼具手动变速器和自动变速器的诸多优点,是自动变速技术的一个重要发展方向。

    AMT ( Automatic Mechanical Transmission ), which possesses many advantages of both manual and automatic transmission , is an important development direction of automatic transmission technology .

  10. 电控机械式自动变速器主要有电子式和电液式两种,电子式的AMT可控性好,但其价格昂贵;

    Now , the automated manual transmission has two main types & electronic AMT and electronic-hydraulic AMT . The electronic AMT is easy to control , but its price is very high ;

  11. 电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)传动效率高、成本低、易于制造,是在传统变速器和离合器的基础上,应用电子技术和自动变速理论发展起来的。

    Based on the conventional transmission and clutch , the electronic controlled automated mechanical trans - mission ( AMT ) has been developed from the application of electronic techniques and auto speed change theories . The features of AMT are higher transmission efficiency , lower cost and easy to make .

  12. 本文绪论中详细介绍了本项目(电控机械式自动变速器)的具体控制策略。

    The paper introduced the concrete controlling strategy detailedly in the exordium .

  13. 拖拉机电控机械式自动变速器动力性换档规律研究

    Dynamic power shift schedule of automatic mechanical transmission for tractors

  14. 电控机械式自动变速器换挡柔性控制试验

    Shift Flexible Control Test of Electric Mechanical Automatic Transmission

  15. 换档规律是电控机械式自动变速器的灵魂。

    Shift law is the soul of automatic mechanic transmission ( AMT ) .

  16. 电控机械式自动变速器坡道起步控制研究

    Study on the Control of Hill-starting for AMT

  17. 结合中国变速器的现状,对在中国进行电控机械式自动变速器工程化的可行性进行了论述。

    According to the domestic status of transmission , it discusses the engineering feasibility of electronic automatic mechanical transmission in our country .

  18. 电控机械式自动变速器以其传动效率高、成本低和易于制造等优点在自动变速器家族中占有重要的位置。

    Automated Mechanical Transmission ( AMT ) takes an important role in the family of Automatic Transmission , due to its high transferring efficiency , low cost and easiness to manufacture .

  19. 在车辆的传动系统中,电控机械式自动变速器以其结构简单,制造成本低、传动效率高等优点迅速在自动变速器市场上占有了一席之地。

    In the transmission system , electronic controlled automatic mechanical transmission quickly occupies a place in the automatic transmission market with its simple structure , low cost and high efficiency drive .

  20. 从电控机械式自动变速器的结构、工作原理及设计要点出发,对电控机械式自动变速器的开发进行了研究,并对全电模式的机械式自动变速器的开发做了重点阐述。

    Based on configuration , working principle and key design field , it presents and develops the electronic automatic mechanical transmission , shows the detail about the full electronic automatic model .

  21. 电控机械式自动变速器的最佳换档规律是车辆状态与最佳档位间的一个非线性关系,往往以数据表的形式给出。

    Optimal shifting in an electronically controlled automatic transmission turns out to be a nonlinear function between the vehicle state and gear position , and is usually described through a data table .

  22. 介绍用于电控机械式自动变速器的数据采集及分析系统,重点介绍系统的工作原理,软、硬件应用设计。

    A data acquisition and analysis system for AMT system of vehicles is presented in this paper . The focal points are laid on work principle of the system , application design of hardware and software .

  23. 目前,车辆上使用的自动变速器大都采用电控液力机械式自动变速器。其结构复杂而且不够灵活,制造成本高,控制频响特性不好。

    At present , the more Automatic transmission for vehicles are AT which is more complex and less flexible in structure , higher in manufacturing cost , worse in control frequency response characteristics .