
  • 网络automatic assembly line
  1. 集团创新的海藻生物制品联产技术和全自动流水线,凝聚了公司的多项专利技术成果。

    The innovative co-generation technologies and automatic assembly line of seaweed bio-products cohered to many patents of Leili Group .

  2. 由于烹饪的规范化,美国的厨师就像工作在自动流水线上的工人一样。

    Because of the standardization of American cooking , the American cook are like workers who work along the automatic assembly line .

  3. 对可编程序控制器中SFT指令的应用提出了自己的设计方法,成功地解决了SFT指令用于工业自动流水线时遇到的实际问题。

    The design method of SFT instruction of programmable controller is presented . The actual problem of application of SFT instruction in industrial au-tomatic production line is solved successfully .

  4. 是软管生产自动流水线中的配套设备。

    It is supporting equipment in flexible tube production automatic production line .

  5. 冲床设备,数控车床,印刷机械,自动化插件设备,自动流水线设备。

    Press equipment , CNC lathes , printing machinery , automatic plug-in devices , automated assembly line equipment .

  6. 现有全自动流水线,先进的轮组设备及精密的检测仪器及量检具。

    Existing fully automated assembly line , advanced equipment and sophisticated round of group testing equipment , and seized a quantity .

  7. 蓝硕科技位于中国上海的生产基地拥有标准厂房和设施设备齐全的现代化全自动流水线!

    Linso technology production base in Shanghai , China with standard factory building and full equipments and modem automatic product line !

  8. 与网络,数据库结合的自动流水线也已经发展的很成熟了,很多企业开始进行自动化设备的更新与信息系统的建设。

    And combining with networks , databases , the development of automatic assembly line has been mature , and many companies started automation equipment updates and information system building .

  9. 应用:能用于高温的自动流水线,输送重物,机械工业上零件的热处理,各种较大物品的烘干。

    Applications : can be used to heat the automatic assembly line , transport heavy loads , machinery and industrial parts of the heat treatment , drying a variety of large items .

  10. 该方法将图像处理与模式识别技术运用于汽车传动轴万向节自动流水线的盲孔检测中。

    The application of computer graphics and pattern recognition in the blind holes detection of the assemble line of the constant velocity joint of chive shaft in , is more effective and reliable than the traditional methods .

  11. 简要介绍了应用FP∑可编程控制器,设计一种具有较强功能的全自动生产流水线,并介绍PLC、MCGS组态软件及触摸屏技术在自动流水线的应用。

    By FP ∑ programmable controllers design for a strong function of the automatic production lines , is introduced . the application of PLC , MCGS and touching screen technology onthe automatic assembly line are presented .

  12. 发动机活塞环自动包装流水线的创新设计

    Innovative design of an automatic packaging assembly line by engine piston rings

  13. 本公司兼营自动包装流水线的设计、安装。

    Our company also manages automatic package flow line 's design 、 installation .

  14. 管道数控加工自动控制流水线。

    Numerical controlled flow line for pipe shaping .

  15. 与灌封设备连结组成管装、封口、包装自动生产流水线。

    Equipped with filling and sealing machine it can form an automatic product line for filling , sealing and packing .

  16. 简单介绍了船舶的自动涂装流水线、船舶的分段涂装法、船舶舾装的涂装和最终坞修时的涂装。

    It discussed briefly the auto-painting line for ships , sectional painting system , painting for ship up-buildings and maintainance painting in shipyard .

  17. 有先进的自动电镀流水线,有专业生产螺丝批、料制品、色拉棒和热处理的全套设备。

    It possesses advanced full electroplated flow line , the full equipments which is specialized in manufacturing screwdriver , plastic ware , dual colors stretching rod and heat treatment .

  18. 自适应流水线结构可根据帧内预测模式自动调整流水线的级数,能够降低工作频率和消除冗余的时钟,从而可以减少延迟,降低功耗。

    The self-adoptive pipeline can adjust the stage of pipeline according to intra prediction mode . It not only helps to save power since it reduces the design frequency and eliminate the redundant cycles , but also reduce latency . 2 .

  19. 介绍了KW造型线生产气缸体由立浇工艺改为卧浇工艺后进行的制芯与组芯工艺、自动组芯流水线、自动下芯系统、模具与铸造工艺的开发设计。

    The developing and design of the core making and assembly , automatic line of the core assembly , automatic core setting system , mold and casting technology of the cylinder block horizontal pouring technology derived from vertical pouring on KW line have been introduced .

  20. 公司拥有年加工1.5万吨冷冻成品蔬菜的两条现代化全自动的生产流水线。

    The company equipped with two modern automatic production lines by the production of15 thousand of frozen finished products of vegetable .

  21. 产品遍及全国二十九个省、市、自治区。广泛地应用于上述工业领域的产品或工程涂装,以及各工业部门自动涂装生产流水线。

    The products are used in29 provinces , cities and autonomous regions in the aforesaid industries or coating projects , as well as the automatic coating production line of various industries .

  22. YG35/70型白乳胶自动充填包装生产流水线

    YG35 / 70 Automatically Filling and Packing of White Emulsion Assembly Line

  23. 该过程包括三部分:控制状态机自动生成、运算流水线自动生成和整体封装模块生成。

    There are three parts of work : automatic generation of controllers , automatic generation of pipelined operations and generation of holistic encapsulation module .