
  • 网络natural deduction system
  1. 给出了相干命题逻辑自然推理系统NR的自动证明算法。

    This paper presented an automated reasoning algorithm for natural deduction system ( NR ) of relevance propositional logic .

  2. 以扩充的自然推理系统为基础,建立了程序逻辑的一个形式推导系统,并证明了它的完全性。

    First , an extended natural deduction system of the programming logic is established and then its completeness is proved .

  3. NL:松弛时序逻辑自然推理系统

    N_l : a loose natural deduction system of temporal logic

  4. 两型自然推理系统的比较

    Comparison between the two types of natural inference systems

  5. 清楚地叙述了自然推理系统中的存在量词消去规则和全称量词引入规则满足的条件,而这些条件在许多离散数学教科书中叙述得相当含糊。

    The conditions satisfied for the existential instantiation and the universal generalization in the natural deduction system are described clear , whereas they are described rather vaguely in many textbooks on discrete mathematics .