
  • 网络self-worth;a sense of self-worth;self-esteem;feeling of self-worth;ego
  1. 尽量不要把你的自我价值感和别人的意见联系起来。

    Try not to link your sense of self-worth to the opinions of others .

  2. 由于泛泛之交在那些倾向于使用“冷漠关系”原则来进行社交的人的社交圈中占绝对优势,所以这有助于帮助这些人增强自我价值感。

    Since the former is most common among those inclined towards indifferent relationships , their predominance can bolster individuals ' sense of self-worth .

  3. 一项重大研究警告,10岁的孩子会因自我价值感越来越依赖社交媒体。

    Children as young as ten are becoming dependent on social media for their sense of self-worth , a major study warned .

  4. 方法运用青少年自我价值感量表及症状自评量表(SCL-90),对高职学生746名的自我价值感与心理健康进行测试,并进行相关分析。

    Methods Scale of Self-worth for Young Students and the SCL-90 were used to examine 746 vocational college students .

  5. 中等锻炼量的身体锻炼和大锻炼量的身体锻炼随着锻炼持续时间的增长对中学生身体自我价值感的影响呈现V型曲线状。

    At grade 2 and 3 , namely medium exercise capacity and large exercise capacity , physical self-worth presents the V curve , with the duration of physical exercise increasing .

  6. 研究二用同伴支持问卷A、同伴支持问卷B和青少年自我价值感量表,探讨同伴支持的重要性评价是否在Harter模型中起到调节作用;

    In study 2 we discussed whether importance ratings of peer support was a moderator in the model addressed by Harter among 186 adolescents ;

  7. 本文的目的是使用自编的青少年自我价值感量表建立青少年学生自我价值感(SW)全国常模。

    The purpose of the present article is to found national self worth norms for adolescent students , by means of the Self Scaled Self Worth ( SW ) Scale for Adolescents .

  8. 多伦多大学博士、该项研究的领头人邦尼·勒(BonnieLe)称,结果表明“做个有帮助的人会让人感觉良好,有助于增进关系,且带来更大的满足感和自我价值感。”

    The results : ' Being a helpful person feels good and contributes to better relationships and greater satisfaction and self-worth , ' says Bonnie Le , a Ph.D candidate at the University of Toronto and lead researcher on the study .

  9. 中学生自我价值感特点分析

    A Study of the Characteristic of Middle School Students ' Self-worth

  10. 成败等因素对小学生游戏中自我价值感的影响

    Effects of Success or Failure on Pupils ' Self-worth in Games

  11. 家庭自我价值感在家庭结构上有显著差异。

    Family self-esteem has obvious difference in different structure of family .

  12. 高职生父母教养方式和自我价值感的关系研究

    The Relationship between Self-concept and Parenting Style of Vocational College Students

  13. 大学生自我价值感与自我和谐的相关研究

    The Correlation Between Self-Worth and Self-Consistency and Congruence of College Students

  14. 体育教学中学生自我价值感的培养策略研究

    Study about Tactics of Student 's Self-worth Cultivating in PE . Teaching

  15. 青年学生自我价值感量表的编制

    Making a scale 0f self - worth for young students

  16. 大学生人际自我价值感理论与实证研究

    The Theoretical and Practical Research of the University Students ' Interpersonal Self-esteem

  17. 3社会取向和个人取向的自我价值感同主观幸福感呈显著正相关。

    Social-oriented self-worth and individual-oriented self-worth are positively correlated with subjective well-being .

  18. 中等职业学校女生自我价值感高于男生。

    The girls self-esteem in secondary vocational school is higher than boys .

  19. 农村和城市中学生自我价值感影响因素的差异研究

    Different Foctors Influencing Self-worth of High-school Students of the City and Countryside

  20. 示范高中学生自我价值感特点研究

    Characteristics of the Sense of Self-esteem of Students at Pilot High Schools

  21. 自我价值感和道德敏感性在多个维度上对学业拖延具有预测作用。

    Self-worth and the moral sensitivity have prediction effect for academic procrastination .

  22. 一般自我价值感与社会支持对抑郁有显著交互作用;

    General self-esteem and social support had significant interactive effects ;

  23. 西安与澳门中学生自我价值感的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Self-Esteem of Middle-School Students between Xi'an and Macao

  24. 大学生人际自我价值感是一个多维度的心理结构,根据其抽象程度可分为主要社会关系价值感和特殊人际需求价值感两个层次;

    Interpersonal self-esteem of university students is a multi-level and multi-dimensional system .

  25. 大学生自我价值感领域权变性量表的编制

    Development of the College Students ' Contingencies of Self-Worth Scale

  26. 验证了自我价值感与攻击的现代观点。

    It verified the modern views of self - worth and aggression .

  27. 我觉着自我价值感既不是好事也不是坏事。

    I don 't think having an ego is good or bad .

  28. 丧失希望、自我价值感低、缺乏自我认同感是他们的共同之处。

    loss of hope and self-worth as well as acceptance is commonplace .

  29. 其中父母积极的教养方式与自我价值感和学业成绩存在显著的正相关,父母消极的教养方式与自我价值感及学业成绩存在负相关。

    Negative parental rearing patterns have negative correlation with self-worth and academic achievement .

  30. 中等职业学校学生自我价值感现状的研究

    The Researches on Situation of Students ' Self Worth in Secondary Vocational School