
zì dǐ xiàng shàng
  • bottom-up
自底向上[zì dǐ xiàng shàng]
  1. 创建Web服务(自顶向下、自底向上和Web服务客户机)

    Creating Web services ( top-down , bottom-up and Web services clients )

  2. Web服务可以通过两种方法来生成:自顶向下的开发和自底向上的开发。

    Web services can be created using two approaches : top-down development and bottom-up development .

  3. 基于Agent的金融市场仿真是一种自底向上的金融复杂系统研究方法。

    Agent-based simulation is a bottom-up method for financial complex systems .

  4. 自底向上的方法常常用于将现有的应用程序提取为Web服务。

    The bottom-up approach is often used to expose an existing application as a Web service .

  5. 这一处理过程首先使用MicrosoftProject进行一个初步的、自底向上的分析。

    The process begins with a preliminary , bottom-up analysis using Microsoft Project .

  6. 您应该已经能更好地避免自底向上的Web服务代码生成问题了。

    You should be in a much better position to avoid bottom-up Web services code generation problems .

  7. 自底向上的Web服务开发方法

    Bottom-up Web services development approach

  8. 自底向上(即从Java实现类入手)

    Bottom-up ( that is , start from a Java implementation class )

  9. 经济骚动将把SOA送回它的根源&自底向上,增量迭代。

    Economic turmoil will return SOA to its roots-bottom up , incremental .

  10. 很多熟练的Java开发人员喜欢使用自底向上技术来加速SOA项目中的Web服务开发。

    Many skilled Java developers like to use bottom-up techniques to accelerate Web services development in SOA projects .

  11. 为了实现语义Web服务,长期的目标是,必须采用自顶向下或自底向上的方法形成更多的标准和协议。

    To realize semantic Web services , more standards and agreements have to be formulated with top-down and bottom-up approaches as the long-term goal .

  12. 在自底向上方式中,您先通过创建基本活动来定义流程,然后再将活动添加到sequence中。

    In the bottom-up approach , you define the process by creating primitive activities first and then add in the sequence later .

  13. 您需要一个自底向上的JavabeanWeb服务,并且应该将您的Java类指定为服务实现

    You need a bottom-up Java bean Web service , and you should specify your Java class as the service implementation

  14. 虽然自底向上的方法看起来是那么自然和简单,好像是治疗SOA失败的绝妙处方。

    This bottom-up approach is quite natural and easy and is the perfect recipe for a SOA failure .

  15. USB协议是一种比较复杂的协议,它的验证需要不小的工作量,这里我们采用了自底向上的灰盒测试的方法。

    USB protocol is a complex protocol . It is not easy to verify USB devices .

  16. 如果您尝试了本文的所有建议,但仍旧遇到自底向上的Web服务代码生成问题,那么该问题可能是软件的缺陷。

    If you try all the suggestions in this article and still encounter bottom-up Web services code generation problems , the problem may be a software defect .

  17. 然后,这类可重用流程组件必须经过自顶向下或自底向上的SOA分析流程分析。

    Such reusable process components must then necessarily also become subject to the top-down or bottom-up SOA analysis process .

  18. 通过不同API来支持多种查询策略(如自底向上、自顶向下),实现对XML树结构数据的查询遍历。

    Support various query strategies , such as bottom-up , top-down , through different APIs to traverse the tree-like XML data .

  19. 因为我在一个Java类中设计了这个Web服务,所以我将说明如何用自底向上方案创建这个Web服务。

    Because I designed this Web service in a Java class , I show you how to create this Web service using the Bottom Up scenario .

  20. 如果你自底向上的构建SOA,那么很有可能你最终会得到很多冗余的东西,而毫无架构可言。

    If you build SOA Bottom-Up probably you will end with a lot of redundancy and no architecture at all .

  21. 该方法之所以称为“自底向上”,是因为它的起点是代码&这些代码被抽象成接口定义,并随后作为实现该接口的Web服务公开。

    This approach is called bottom-up because the starting point is code that is being abstracted into an interface definition and subsequently exposed as a Web service implementing that interface .

  22. 很多时候,问题是SOA努力过于自底向上了,其中架构师基于现有能力指定服务。

    Frequently , the issue is that the SOA effort is excessively bottom-up , where architects specify Services based upon existing capabilities .

  23. 这是用于Web服务设计的自底向上体系结构,它主要用于将现有的、基于Java的应用程序转换为Web服务或者用于创建包装这些应用程序的包装器。

    This is a bottom-up architecture for web service design and is mainly used to convert existing Java-based applications to web services or to create wrappers around those applications .

  24. 分析级别技术(也称为自底向上方法)可用于发现对特定SOA项目有意义的资产。

    Analysis level techniques exist , also referred to as bottom-up , to surface the assets that would make sense for a particular SOA project .

  25. 例如,您可以使用自底向上流程创建发布在UDDI注册中心内的WSDL。

    For example , you can create the WSDL published in a UDDI registry using the bottom-up process .

  26. 当增建SOA时,一个自底向上的治理方法会关注于将围绕一些可以快速组装的ESB个体的服务集成起来。

    When building out a SOA , a bottom-up governance approach focuses on integrating services around individual ESBs that can be quickly assembled .

  27. 如果您在自底向上的Web服务中遇到代码生成问题,那么最有可能的是您的服务类不遵循JAX-RPC。

    If you encounter code generation problems in bottom-up Web services , it is most likely that your service class is not JAX-RPC compliant .

  28. 在自底向上的方法中,您可以根据Javabean或EnterpriseJava™Beans(EJB)中的现有业务逻辑创建Web服务。

    In the bottom-up approach , you create a Web service based on the existing business logic in Java beans or Enterprise Java ™ Beans ( EJBs ) .

  29. 值得注意的是,您可以使用自底向上流程生成驱动自顶向下流程的WSDL。

    It 's important to note that you can use the bottom-up process to produce the WSDL that drives the top-down process .

  30. 构建SOA的最佳方法是将自底向上方法(用于构建解决集成问题的服务)和自顶向下体系结构方法结合使用。

    The best approach to building an SOA is to combine a bottom-up approach of building services that solve integration problems with a top-down , architectural approach .