
  • 网络Automatic Ticket
  1. 本课题以南京某地铁线自动售票机开发项目为背景,对地铁自动售票机里的非接触式筹码发售模块进行了分析和研究。

    This thesis comes from automatic ticket vending machine of Nanjing subway , analyses and studies the " Contactless Smart Token " of automatic ticket vending machine .

  2. 上海轨道交通系统里的交易型设备包括自动售票机、充值机和检票机,它们良好的工作状态直接关系到整个轨道交通系统的正常运营和其运营效益。

    Transaction system in metro is directly related to the normal operation and efficiency of Shanghai Metro . Transaction equipments include automatic ticket vending machines , automatic recharging machines and automatic ticket machines .

  3. 这台自动售票机可以找零。

    This ticket machine gives change .

  4. 基于VISUALBASIC的多功能自动售票机软件的实现

    Implementation of a Multifunctional Automatic Ticket-Selling Machine Using Visual BASIC

  5. 介绍了地铁AFC系统的功能和自动售票机的工作原理。

    Introduceed the metro AFC system function and the TVM ( Ticket Vending Machine ) principle of work .

  6. 其中自动售票机(TicketVendingMachine,简称TVM)是使用最为频繁和要求最高的终端设备,而且其与运营和收益管理密切相关。

    Ticket vending machine ( TVM ) is the most frequently used and most demanding terminal equipment , and closely related to its operations and revenue management .

  7. 2014年,韦尔康奈尔医学院(WeillCornellMedicalCollege)的科学家研究团队采集了486个纽约地铁站中的验票闸门、座位和自动售票机里的各种细菌基因样本进行排序。

    In 2014 , a team of scientists from Weill Cornell Medical College sequenced genetic material found in the turnstiles , seats , and ticket booths of all 468 New York City subway stations .

  8. 而自动售票机作为AFC系统中最重要的设备之一,真正完成对车票的发售及对交易的记录。

    And the ticket vending machine as one of the most important equipment of the AFC system , really complete the sale of tickets and transactions .

  9. 目前,ISP中的一些功能模块已经在铁路自动售票系统以及铁道部假日办公系统上使用,收到了广泛的社会效益和良好的经济效益。

    By now , some functions of ISP have been used in the railway auto-ticketing system as well as China Railway Holiday Transportation Office MIS , and have achieved pretty good social and economic benefits .

  10. 在现代城市多媒体信息亭、自动售票机,银行ATM等自助式终端系统的开发中,终端上各种设备的可靠性、与平台无关的访问接口及安全性管理,是其设计和实现的关键。

    The reliability of various equipment , the platform-independent access interface and security management are playing a key role in the development of self service terminal ( SST ) systems such as multimedia kiosks , automation tickets seller , and ATM machine .

  11. 我们现在得拿些零钱在自动售票机上买票了。

    Now we need some change for the machine .

  12. 门禁和自动售票机将由中央计算机系统进行监控。

    Gates and ticket vending machines will be supervised from a central computer system .

  13. 提出并设计了以采用管理服务器进行集中管理的自动售票机网络方案;

    It designs an automatic ticketing network solution with a management server managing centrally .

  14. 短途汽车自动售票系统设计

    Design Program of Auto - ticketing System

  15. 自动售票机可以找零。

    The ticket machine gives change .

  16. 自动售票机在哪里?

    Where is the ticket machine ?

  17. 唐尼:来吧,我们得在自动售票机买地铁车票了。

    Donny : Come on , we need to buy our subway tickets at that ticket machine .

  18. 他把运货车停在栅臂前,从自动售票机里取出一张票来。

    He stops the van in front of the arm and takes a ticket from the automatic machine .

  19. 该系统使用的是触摸屏,这种屏幕在自助餐厅和机场、影院的自动售票机上可以见到。

    The system is based on touch-screens already used in self-service canteens or for ticketing in airports and cinemas .

  20. 铁路自动售票软件是运行在自动售票机内实现旅客自助购票的关键。

    Railway-ticket vending software which ran in the ticket vending machine was the crux of achieving ticket vending automatically .

  21. 快速响应矩阵码识别研究及其在车站自动售票系统中的应用

    The Research on Recognition of Quick Response Code and It 's Application in the Railway Automatic Tickets Selling System

  22. 但是那是你需要的邮票,你可以从外面墙上的自动售票机那里获得。

    But if it 's stamps you need , you can get some from the automatic stamp machine on the wall outside .

  23. 记者作为首批体验者,通过自动售票机买票并顺利检票进入地铁车站。

    As one of the first group of " passengers ", our correspondent bought one ticket and entered the subway station after checking-in .

  24. 详细的讲述了自动售票机的售票模块的工作原理、出票流程以及具体的硬件设计方案。

    The detailed introduction about the working principle , process , and specific hardware design of the SJT ( Single Journey Ticket ) .

  25. 你在自动售票机买票了吗?丽莎:是的,我进入车站时买的。

    Did you buy a ticket at the ticket machine ? Lisa : Yes , I did , when I entered the station .

  26. 其中自动售票开始在我国大范围应用于城市轨道交通中,将逐步取代人工售票,成为与人们生活息息相关的公共设施。

    Among these facilities , ticket-vending machine has been used in the urban rail transportation system in large scale and have gradually replaced manual tickets system .

  27. 然后根据任务划分,从硬件和软件设计两方面入手,详细介绍半自动售票机如何实现售票功能。

    Then according to the division of tasks , and starting with both hardware and software design , it introduces how semi-automatic ticketing machine sales tickets .

  28. 并且自动售票机与乘客有直接的接触,因此保证自动售票机的软件系统的健壮性、稳定性等及其重要。

    And ticket vending machine has direct contact with passengers , so it is very importance to ensure the robustness and stability of the software system of this machine .

  29. 自带健康的小吃,让您不会因为受到诱惑而离开校园去吃一个快餐午餐,或者去按自动售票机或去碰街口商店的巧克力和苏打水。

    Pack healthy snacks so you don 't feel tempted to step off campus for a fast-food lunch , or hit the vending machine or corner store for chocolate and a soda !

  30. 车站窗口、代售点、自动售票机预售期为23天(即2013年12月25日发售2014年1月16日(春运第一天)车票)。

    The tickets for temporary ( L ) trains are released earlier : 25 days in advance online and by telephone , and 23 day in advance at railway stations and ticket offices .