
  • 网络liberalism;on liberty
  1. 自由论者:信仰行动和思想自由的人。

    Libertarian : one who believes in freedom of action and thought .

  2. 有限性和超越性是萨特自由论哲学的本体论结构。

    Limitation and surpassing is the noumenon structure of Sartre 's philosophy on freedom .

  3. 无视二元论和激进自由论的事实是和经验和科学相悖的。

    Ignoring the facts of dualism and radical free will is anti-empirical and unscientific .

  4. 孟子的人格自由论研究

    On the Mencius ' Theory of Personality Freedom

  5. 道家哲学精神自由论和气本体论,则分别为道教的根本宗旨&神仙信仰和宗教实践方式提供了哲学基础。

    However , Taoist school supplied the Taoism with the philosophy base on the death .

  6. 在柔性决定论看来,意志自由论和刚性决定论都基于同一误解。

    According to soft-determinism , both libertarianism and hard-determinism are founded on a shared misconception .

  7. 决定论与自由论相抗衡的问题

    The problem of determinism versus freedom

  8. “反思前的我思”是萨特意识本体论的论域,也是其自由论哲学的根基。

    Pre-flective cogito is the sphere of Sartre 's consciousness ontology and the foundation of his philosophy on freedom .

  9. 物化自由论对传统的思维方式,尤其是艺术思维产生了深远的影响。

    The theory of " materialization freedom " has influenced profoundly the traditional thinking mode , especially artistic thinking mode .

  10. 与刚性决定论类似,意志自由论基于这一观点:自由意志在一个先定的世界中无法存在。

    Libertarianism , like hard-determinism , is based on the assumption that free will cannot exist in a deterministic universe .

  11. 自由论的游戏理论:从自为论与和谐论到自足论

    The Theory of Playing Based on Freedom View : from a Theory for Itself and of Harmony to a Self-sufficient Theory

  12. 就事论事,即便最狂热的自由论者也不会对一名被击毙的行凶者的隐私抱以丝毫同情。

    So far as specifics are concerned , even the most ardent libertarian will have little sympathy for the privacy of a dead killer .

  13. 处于少数派地位时,股东自由论者投票固然有帮助,但他们并不想传递出要召唤分裂论者到国会作证的信息。

    Stirring up libertarian votes while in the minority was helpful ; calling secessionists to testify to Congress is not the message they want to send .

  14. 另一方面,意志自由论者则认为,经验揭示了自由意志的现实存在,所以他们对决定论的真实性持否定的态度。

    The libertarian , on the other hand , believes that experience reveals the reality of free will , and so denies that determinism is true .

  15. 第三部分:自由论个人自由的至上性构成了哈耶克法治理论的伦理前设,法治的正当性就在于它以个人自由为其首要价值和终极目标。

    The third part is on liberty . The supreme of person 's liberty is the theory premise of Hayek 's theory of rule of law .

  16. 对女子的尊重,恰巧就是60年代那群支持自由论的女性想要得到的,然而如今,这却成了她们失去的最重要的东西之一。

    Respect for women was the very thing the1960 's women 's liberators sought to win , while today it is one of the greatest things they have lost .

  17. 人格的独立性是孟子“人格自由论”的立论前提,这也是孟子以及有骨气的知识分子与无道的统治者尖锐对立的必然结果。

    The independence of the personality is the prerequisite of Mencius'theory of personality freedom , and this is the result of the sharp opposites between Mencius and the amoral rulers .

  18. 二者的最大区别是:犯罪古典学派主张意志非决定论(自由论)而犯罪实证学派则主张意志决定论。

    The biggest difference between the two schools is : the Classical school of crime advocates non-determinism ( libertarian ) and the Positivist school of crime will favor will determinism .

  19. 例如,意志自由论者会强调说,即使原因系统产生最佳选择,其实仍旧不可能进行其他选择。

    The libertarian , for example , would insist that even if the system of causes produces the best choices , it is still true that no other choices are possible .

  20. 社会契约论、三权分立论、道义责任论、意志自由论、心理强制说构成了公正刑的理论基础。

    The theory of society contract , theory of three powers separation , theory of morality liability , theory of will freedom and theory of mind force compose it 's theoretic base .

  21. 在此基础上,本章还简要介绍了叔本华的意志自由论及其美学思想,指出了其在美学史上的贡献及局限。

    In addition , the dissertation also compendiously introduces schopenhauer 's views of will freedom and his aesthetic thoughts , and evaluates and analyses their contribute and limitation in the whole aesthetic history .

  22. 在我国,犯罪预备形态的处罚根据可以从三个角度进行分析:即哲学依据是意志自由论、学理依据是修正的犯罪构成论、实质依据是预备行为的社会危害性。

    Appropriate penalty could be decided base on the analysis from three perspectives : the philosophy basis of free will , the logic basis of crime construction , the realistic basis of the damage of the crime to the society .

  23. 而就其实践本体论这一形而上的理论维度来看,它的结构主要有三点构成:其哲学基础是整体实践观,其理论核心是创造自由论,其艺术本质观是审美反映论。

    As to the metaphysical theoretical dimension of his practice ontology , it has three main components : its philosophical basis is the overall concept of practice , the core of the theory is theory of Creation-freedom , the art essence is the theory of aesthetic reflection .

  24. 贝内特发起了一场捍卫“道德价值”、反对腐朽堕落的“自由相对论”的战争。

    Bennett launched a crusade for ' moral values ' against decadent ' liberal relativism . '

  25. 尽管UBI一直被认为和左倾的学术界人士、女权主义者和其他进步派活动人士有关,但它最近被范围更广的思想人士所采纳,包括一些自由意志论者和保守派。

    While U.B.I. has been associated with left-leaning academics , feminists and other progressive activists , it has lately been adopted by a wider range of thinkers , including some libertarians and conservatives .

  26. 从约束到自由&论武器进化的逻辑

    From Obligation To Freedom & The Logic of Weapon Evolution

  27. 在传统与保守中获取自由&论大学传统与保守的文化品格及当下意义

    Obtainment of Freedom in the University Traditions and Conservative Culture

  28. 庄子的心灵自由境界论

    Analysis of the State of Free Spirit of Zhuang Zi

  29. 论萨特自由决断论导出伦理的不可能性?

    Is ethics on sartre 's freedom decision theory possibile ?

  30. 教育是自由意志论者所密切关注的一个论题。

    Education is a topic in which libertarians have taken a close interest .