
  1. 周瘦鹃文学活动研究

    The Research about Literary Activities of Zhou Shoujuan

  2. 周瘦鹃是现代文学史和出版史上一位重要人物。

    Zhou Shoujuan is a well-known people during the history of the modern literature and publishing .

  3. 周瘦鹃是民初“鸳鸯蝴蝶――《礼拜六》派”的代表作家,他的言情小说在当时堪称一绝,使他享有“哀情大师”的声誉。

    His romantic novels are well known at that time and he is reputed as " master of bitter romance " .

  4. 贯彻始终的唯一编辑周瘦鹃则展示出鸳派文人在民族危机中的转变:从沦陷前的游戏心态到沦陷时期自觉的民族意识。

    The only editor Zhou Shoujuan brought forth the changing of crescent school writers in national crisis : from game to national consciousness .

  5. 笔者对民初的经济文化背景作了说明,因为它们与周瘦鹃及《礼拜六》有着密不可分的关系。

    The author points out the economic and cultural background in the early Republic , because they were closely related with Zhou Shoujuan and The Saturday .

  6. 周瘦鹃被称为小说界的林黛玉,写了大量哀情小说。

    Zhou Shoujuan is known as the " Lin Daiyu " in the world of fiction , because he writes a large number of " mournful novels " .

  7. 周瘦鹃是民国初期礼拜六派的代表作家,是翻译家、作家、编辑家,同时也是一位园艺家。

    Mr. Zhou Shoujuan is a representative writer belongs to Saturday School in the preliminary times of Republic of China , who is a translator , writer and editor as well as a horticulturist .