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  1. 不过上周确实在伦敦的O2体育馆表演过了。

    But I did perform in the O2 Arena in London last week .

  2. 结论妇科癌症患者化疗后2周确有饮食习惯的改变。

    Conclusion Gynecological cancer patients change their diet habit after 2-week chemo-therapy .

  3. 此报价以你以传真形式在一周内确认为有效。

    The quotation is subject to your confirmation by fax within one week .

  4. 这些事情会在随后一周的预审中确,当然这也取决于法官西尔维斯特。

    These motions will be decided in a hearing a week later on August 16 , according to Sylvester .