
  1. 实证主义史学在中国近代史学发展历程中的作用不可低估。

    Positivist Historiography plays an important role in the development of Chinese historiography .

  2. 实证主义史学思潮的特点主要是强调客观,排斥主观;

    The main feature of Objectivity History is mainly emphasizing object , ejecting subjectivity ;

  3. 近代中国接受实证主义史学的因缘

    The Reasons of Current China Accepting Positivism Historiography

  4. 实证主义史学与马克思主义史学比较研究

    The Comparison of Positivism Historiography and Marxism Historiography

  5. 论文对实证主义史学的性质、作用、影响、局限性也作了一定的研究。

    It also studies its impact and shortcomings .

  6. 论文还将实证主义史学在中国发展历程划分为三个阶段,定性分析每一阶段的发展规律及发展状况。

    Besides , this thesis analyzes the development rules of Positivist Historiography in each phase .

  7. 实证主义史学在中国的发展历程与西方不同。

    The development of positivism historiography in China is different from that in western countries .

  8. 中国实证主义史学发展历程是中国史学近代化的一个缩影。

    The development of Chinese Positivist Historiography is a miniature of the modernization of Chinese Positivist Historiography .

  9. 新史学和二三十年代的实验主义史学各有侧重地发展了实证主义史学的两个宗旨。

    The new history and the pragmatism history in 1920s and 1930s separately developed the two purpose of the western positivism history .

  10. 探讨了近代中国在内忧外患的社会条件下,接受实证主义史学的历史原因和现实条件,指出实证主义史学传入中国尤其是它提倡的进化史观,不仅是学术上的创新,更是政治上的需要。

    It pointed out the reasons of China accepting Positivist Historiography under the bad social conditions , political needs more than research innovation .

  11. 此时,通过日本间接传入的西方实证主义史学对这一思潮产生了一定的影响。

    In this period of time , it was influenced by the western positivism history which passed on to China by Japan indirectly .

  12. 使实证主义史学成为20世纪20年代中国史界较具影响的史学流派之一,促进了中国传统史学向近代科学的史学迈进的历程。

    Thus , Positivist Historiography became one of the influential history schools and this promotes the transform of Chinese traditional historiography to scientific historiography .

  13. 鉴于实证主义史学在中国史学发展史上的重要地位,近几年来学术界对实证主义史学的研究进一步加强,但现有的研究成果仍存在许多不足之处。

    Due to the important role of Positivist Historiography , the research has been strengthened these years . But some research results need to be refined .

  14. 实证主义史学在史学发展史上起了承上启下的作用,为马克思主义史学在中国的发展奠定了思想基础。

    Positivist Historiography played an important role of connection in the development of historiography , making idea foundation for the development of Marxism historiography in China .

  15. 随着时代的发展,实证主义史学的理论和实践也受到了新史学家和历史哲学家的批判,其范围也超出了德国的范围。

    Along with times , the theory and practice of positivism history were criticized by new historians and philosophers of history and the scope of criticism went beyond Germany .

  16. 实证主义史学的形成使历史学取得了作为一门独立学科的合法地位,并且使史料批判成为历史学家写作中公认的学术规范。

    The formation of positivism history made history acquire its valid status as an independent discipline and made the criticism of historical data recognized academic criterion in historians ` composition .

  17. 西方的近代实证主义史学建立在科学发展基础之上,除了继承兰克客观主义史学要求的如实直书外,还注重探求历史发展的规律,为历史研究开辟了新的领域。

    In western countries , positivism historiography is based on the development of science . It not only inherited the historicity of objectivism , but also focused on exploring the rules of history development , opening a new field for study of history .

  18. 实证主义史学倡导的探求历史发展的规律,扩大历史研究的范围,引进自然科学和社会科学新的研究方法等内容,暗合了中国史学发展的要求。

    The positivism history initiated : the historicism should seek the law of the development of history , expand the scope of study , import the new method of the natural and social sciences , and so on . They coincided with the demand of development in the Chinese history .

  19. 实证主义与中国近代史学

    Positivism And Chinese Modern Historiography

  20. 早期介绍西方实证主义哲学和实证主义史学的严复、梁启超关心的是用实证主义史学的进化史观和实证的方法来解决中国的实际问题。

    Yan Fu and Liang Qichao cared about how to solve the problems using evolution opinion and positive method .