
  • 网络the real
  1. 对于一个数学实在论者来说,一个特别急迫的任务是回答数学证明是如何建立起关于数学对象的真理性问题。

    For mathematical realists an especially pressing question is that of how a proof can establish a conclusion about mathematical objects .

  2. 然后文章介绍了反实在论者提出的三个诘难:悲观的元归纳论题、迪昂-蒯因论题和不可通约性论题。

    Then the article has described three problems which were proposed by anti-realist : Pessimistic Meta-induction Thesis , Duhem-Quine Thesis and Incommensurability Thesis .

  3. 它迫使科学实在论者不断地修正自己的观点,从而达到某种较为温和的实在论。然而,悲观元归纳是有问题的。

    It forces scientific realism to confine their opinions so as to be more moderate . Nevertheless , we can find Pessimistic Meta-induction to be problematic .

  4. 科学实在论者还可以指出,过去成功的科学理论并不是所有理论组分都为真,其中既有正确的理论组分,也有错误的理论组分。

    Scientific realists can also suggest that not all the constituents in the past successful theories are true . The empirically successful theories can have both true constituents and false constituents .

  5. 货物之价值,于托运时为不实之声明,使声明价值与实在价值不同者,其共同海损牺牲之补偿额以金额低者为准,分担价值以金额高者为准。

    The cargo being sacrificed which value have been wrongfully declared on shipment at a value which is different from their real value , shall be contributed for at the lower value , but shall contribute upon the higher value .

  6. 康氏所谓的元气是一种三一体,是概念与客观存在的统一,换言之,它是概念、概念所代表的实在以及这二者的统一。

    What Kang calls Elementary-Qi , a kind of Trinitarian , is the consistency of concept and objective existence . In other words , it is concept , reality represented by concept and the consistency of them .