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  • 网络Excess cold syndrome;cold syndrome of excess;repletion cold pattern
  1. 月经病实寒证与血清5-HT、β-EP及生殖激素的关系

    Relations between Serum 5-HT , β - EP , Genital Hormones and Excess Cold of Emmeniopathy

  2. 加减温经汤对月经病实寒证患者生殖激素及5-HT、β-EP的影响

    Effect of modified Wenjing Decoction on reproductive hormones , 5-HT and β - EP in patients with menopathy of excess-cold syndrome

  3. 方法对60例月经病实寒证患者给与加减温经汤治疗,连续服药3个月经周期。

    METHODS : Sixty patients with menopathy of excess-cold syndrome were successively treated with Modified Wenjing Decoction for three menstrual cycles .

  4. 胃溃疡胃实寒、实热证模型大鼠经穴辐射热、pH值、氧分压的检测研究

    Detection of acupoint radiant heat , ph and Po 2 in gastric ulcer modeld rats with excessive cold and heat syndroms