
shí mó shì
  • Real mode;real pattern
实模式[shí mó shì]
  1. Windows是怎样处理实模式代码的?

    How does Windows process real codes ?

  2. Windows保护模式与DOS实模式通信编程技术

    Communication between Windows Protected Mode & DOS Real Mode

  3. 这个位置是对于断点(NT3)端的实模式矢量。

    That location is the real-mode vector for the breakpoint ( INT3 ) interrupt .

  4. 在此基础上给出了在实模式下访问4GB地址空间的策略和C程序设计方法。

    On the basis of that we provide the strategy to access4GB address space in the solid mode and the program design method of C.

  5. 通过研究BIOSINT13H重定向技术,实现了实模式下磁盘数据的读写控制。

    The controlling over reading and writing operations on the disk data in the real mode was implemented by researching on BIOS INT 13H redirecting technique . 5 .

  6. 在采用实模式访问内存时,物理处理器会将RMO寄存器的值与分区特定的实地址相加,以使得它能够引用物理内存中的实地址。

    Whenever memory is accessed in real mode , the physical processor adds the value of the RMO register to the partition 's specific real address so that it references a true address in the physical memory .

  7. 实模式下获取磁盘文件存储地址的一种捷径

    Short-cut to Obtain Memory Address of Disk File Under Real Mode

  8. 实模式下指令的实现和微程序的设计;

    Design and Realization of Instruction and Micro-program under Real Mode ;

  9. 肤浅的保护模式和实模式没有什么区别。

    Superficially protected mode and real mode don 't seem to be very different .

  10. 论人才培养五实模式的运行机制

    On Moving Mechanisms of Talents Training Model

  11. 当关闭地址转换时,分区将采用实模式访问内存。

    When address translation is turned off , the partition accesses memory in real mode .

  12. 当每个分区采用实模式访问内存的时候,它需要引用偏移量零。

    When each partition accesses memory in real mode , it needs to reference offset zero .

  13. 尽管如此,每个新的硬件事实上仍然需要一个实模式驱动。

    Even so , it was still true that every new piece of hardware needed a real-mode driver .

  14. 这个寄存器用于限制分区在实模式中可以访问的内存量。

    This register is used to limit the amount of memory that a partition can access in real mode .

  15. 请输入支持最终用户新购买计算机上所有设备的实模式命令行。

    Enter the real-mode command lines necessary to support the devices in the new computer at the END-USER SITE .

  16. 针对实模式下内存中设置的缓存可能被覆盖的情况,研究实现了一种内存防覆盖的方法。

    A method for preventing memory from being covered was implemented for the buffer that was set in memory may be covered in the real mode . 4 .

  17. 文章还论述了32位机的两种工作模式,分别叫做实模式和保护模式,以及他们的寻址机制。

    This text also discusses the two kinds of work-mode of32 machines , being called the solid mode and the protect mode respectively , and their addressing mechanism .

  18. 由于时间和精力有限,论文在功能验证方而通过了实模式下的验证。即在启动操作系统的过程中,使用设计的实模式下的中断控制转移模块可以使操作系统过度到保护模式下。

    Real-Address Mode interrupt control transfer module has passed in the function verification . That is during the process of starting the Operating System , all interrupt handled by the design .

  19. 当您的电脑启动后它进入的是实模式,您必须把机器切换入保护模式,然后再跳入您的内核映像。

    When your PC boots up it is in what is known as Real Mode , you have to switch your machine into Protected Mode , THEN jump to your kernel image .

  20. 内核引导完成的主要功能是从磁盘上把内核装载至内存,读取系统硬件参数,设置全局描述符表、中断描述符表和页目录表,利用长跳转指令,从实模式切入保护模式。

    Booting module gets information of the computer and configures the global descriptor table , interrupt descriptor table and page directory , after this , it use long jump instruction to go into protected mode .

  21. 以培育稀缺要素和嵌入价值链实现代工模式转型

    Fostering Scarcity Resource and Embedding Value Chain to Realize the Transformation of Subcontracting Mode

  22. 高职电子技术理实一体化教学模式研究

    The Teaching Pattern of Theory and Practice Combination in Electronic Technology of Higher Vocational Colleges

  23. 双电机消失模铸造振实台振动模式及效果

    Analysis on Vibration Modes and Their Effects of the Compacting Table Excited by Twin-Motors in LFC

  24. 培养形式型思维模式而慎待实质型思维模式,熟谙程序型思维模式而兼顾实体型思维模式;

    Educate form type of thought mode but the needs the substance type thought mode , familiar procedure type of thought mode but look after both sides the entity type of thought mode ;

  25. 面对文学表达中的焦虑,在不断的探索与创新中,他提出神实主义写作模式,这是他为实现理想寻找的一种新途径。

    Face literature expression in anxiety , in continuous exploration and innovation , he argues that " Shenshizhuyi " writing mode , this is he to realize the idealistic looking for a new approach .

  26. 因此,如果希望将适配器应用到设计中,将从选择面板选择对应的元素,并在工具中进行一些操作,以对设计进行转换,从而实使用该模式。

    So , if you wanted to apply an adapter to one of your designs , you 'd pull that element off the palette and make some manipulations in the tool to actually transform your design to use the pattern .

  27. 新疆早实核桃集约栽培模式的研究

    Approach to Intensive Cultivation of Early Xinjiang Walnut

  28. 本文从EPC干砂造型工艺特点出发,分析了EPC造型设备&振实台设计和选用中应考虑的若干问题。双电机消失模铸造振实台振动模式及效果

    Based On the analysis of the technologies of the expandable pattern casting , borne problems of the design and selection of the EPC molding equipment-squeezing table have been investigated . Analysis on Vibration Modes and Their Effects of the Compacting Table Excited by Twin-Motors in LFC