- Ultimate;Ultimate edition;VISTA Ultimate

The other likely choice is called Ultimate . It combines every feature of the other editions but costs upgraders $ 100 more than Home Premium .
It could cost as much as $ 300 if it 's treated like some other recent Android phones considered flagship models .
This rule has two exceptions . Any flavor of Vista except Starter can be upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate , if you care to spend the extra money .
Last year , however , it used its September launch event to announce two new devices-its flagship iPhone 5S and the ' cheaper " iPhone 5C .
In a rare move downmarket as it tries to stimulate growth , Apple cut the price of its Apple Watch Sport by $ 50 and introduced a new 4-inch iPhone at $ 399 , $ 250 less than its flagship 6s model .
The mobile phone giant , allying with Microsoft , is trying hard to compete with its new generation of flagship smartphones - the " Lumia " series .
The flagship Mi 6 will likely have 6GB of RAM , while the other models may be stuck with 4GB .
The mobile phone giant , allying with Microsoft , is trying hard to compete with its new generation of flagship smartphones – the Lumia series .
Rumors of a successor to Xiaomi 's 2016 Mi 5 flagship smartphone have begun to heat up , but the company has cooled off any hype by announcing that it will skip Mobile World Congress this year .
Metro Beijing , inserted into the flagship edition for the Beijing market , will expand from four pages to eight , making the Beijing edition a32-page daily .