
  • 网络free occurrence
  1. 现在是适合让正义与自由出现的时候了。

    He also said that now is the time to act in order for freedom and justice to be manifested .

  2. 最后,针对地方综合性大学本科生学习自由出现的问题提出了一些可控性、可操作性比较强的路径。

    Finally , according to the Local comprehensive University undergraduate students to study free of the problems some controllability , maneuverability is strong path .

  3. 教育最终目的是要人摆脱狭隘的人类中心主义,培养一种正确的价值观念,使人在技术面前以自由人出现而非附庸。

    The ultimate goal of education is to get rid of the narrow anthropocentrism and cultivate the right values . People are free before technology rather than a client .

  4. 300转分条带的自由面出现部分柱状晶,而贴辊面及贴辊面和自由面之间的过度区都为等轴晶。

    While in the as-spun ribbon at 300 rpm , equiax crystals are found near the roller surface side , and near the unconfined flow surface , column crystals appear .

  5. 这种劳动力自由流动没有出现在大西洋两岸之间,也没有出现在英联邦内部。

    Such free movement does not apply across the Atlantic nor the Commonwealth .

  6. 在竞选演说中以自由派姿态出现。

    Come on as a liberal in campaign speeches .

  7. 这封信断言一个自由社会将会出现。

    The letter asserts a free society .

  8. 自由人的出现给排球运动增添了新的活力,同时也提出了一个新的课题。

    The emergence of free people to volleyball has added new vitality , but also put forward a new task .

  9. 同时,借助代际交叠模型从理论上探讨了自由竞争经济出现动态无效的可能性。

    The possibility of dynamic inefficiency in a free competitive economy is also explored according to the overlapping generations model .

  10. “老师大多都会担心”“如果给学生太多自由,会出现失控的局面”“。”

    " Common doubts among teachers were : " If we give students too much freedom , they will get out of control ,""

  11. 人们拥有选择的自由权;出现问题的是他们做出的选择,而不是他们做选择时所处的文化背景。

    People have autonomy to choose ; at issue are the choices they make , not the cultural context in which they make them .

  12. 自由市场的出现,代表了中国农村农业领域发生重大变革的先机,最先是在广东试点,最终推广到全国并产生了深远的影响。

    It represented the first shoots of major reforms to China 's rural agricultural sector , which began experimentally in Guangdong and eventually became a nationwide phenomenon with far-reaching impact .

  13. 真的类分布相对自由,可以出现在句首或句中,只要有需要确认的内容即可。

    The distribution ofzh ē ndetype is relatively free , which may appear among the sentence or at the beginning of the sentence , so long as there something needs to be confirmed .

  14. 赖兹的这些经历,为后来自由电影的出现及其发展打下了良好基础。1956年2月到1959年9月,自由电影共放映六组影片,后由于经济等多方面原因而宣告结束。

    These laid a good foundation in the occurrence and development of Free Cinema ; six groups of films were shown from 1956 February to 1959 September . Then Free Cinema ended because of economic reasons .

  15. 只有当农民以具有完善人格和个人理念的自由公民形象出现并真正成为政治关系的完整主体时,才能为宪政和法治建设奠定坚实的社会基础。

    In general , only when the peasant have the right to enjoy their liberty and became the subject of political system , can the construction of constitutionalism and rule of law hold its solid social basis .

  16. 首先是从传统角度入手介绍了网络表达的,按照表达自由一词出现的历史事件介绍其含义的演变过程,进而推进到网络表达与传统表达自由的区别,最后总结出网络表达的含义。

    First , it introduces the network expression from the traditional perspective , according to the history of appear time to introduces the meaning evolutionary process , and then introduces the difference between network expression and traditional expression .

  17. 尽管如此,这个“派对”上家长太多了。我们都应该关注沟通年轻人与年轻人,且母亲们尚不敢尝试的下一代自由平台何时出现。

    Still , there are too many chaperones at this party , and we should all be on the lookout for the next free platform that connects young people to young people and that your mom is afraid to try .

  18. 随着两国经贸关系的不断发展、深入以及世界经济区域化、一体化的迅速发展,东亚地区的双边自由贸易也出现了迅速发展的新局面。

    With the continuous development of bilateral economic trade relations , and the rapid development of world economy , as well as regional integration , now free trade in East Asia has also emerged into a phase of rapid development .

  19. 自由低音的出现,突破了传统手风琴在左手音域上只有一个八度的缺陷,将左手的音域扩展到四个半八度,可以演奏更多的复调音乐和复杂的和弦。

    The emergence of free bass , break through the traditional left only in range , accordion , the defects of an 8 will expand to the range of a left hand , can play four half an octave of polyphonic music and more complex harmonies .

  20. 本研究结果表明,LPS导致多巴胺能神经元退行性变化,被激活的胶质细胞产生自由基,比如出现一氧化氮和过氧亚硝基阴离子是主要的神经毒性中介体。

    Activated glial produce free radical such as NO and ONOO - appear to be the major mediators of neurotoxicity .

  21. 薄板中,塑性区尺寸xp的最大值不是出现在约束较低的自由表面,而是出现在约束较高的中面,但随B/ρ的增大逐渐向自由表面外推;

    In thinner plates , the plastic zone size x p / ρ reaches its peak on the mid-plane , but the peak of plastic zone size x p / ρ removes toward the free surface with the plate thickness B / ρ increasing .

  22. 自由低音手风琴的出现,大大拓宽了手风琴音乐的深度与广度。巴赫的古钢琴音乐成为音乐院校手风琴专业教学的重要教学曲目。

    The clavier works Bach composed have become important repertoire for professional accordion teaching .

  23. 然而,令人不安的是,现在全球自由贸易体系正在出现裂痕。

    Yet , disconcertingly , cracks are now appearing in the global free trade system .

  24. 帕帕都普勒斯指出,运用位阱粒子所带的自由能量,就会出现这种放大现象。

    This amplification occurs by tapping the free energy associated with the trapped particles , Papadopoulos notes .

  25. 特留份制度起源于罗马法,是作为一种限制遗嘱自由的手段而出现的。

    Forced heirship is derived from Roma , which was initially taken as a measure to limit the freedom of testament .

  26. 深表面层是一个均匀应变层,其内H~+以自由OH~-基团形式出现。

    The deep surface layer is an uniformly strained layer , where H + appears as a free OH - group .

  27. 实际上,自由市场体系的出现和发展彼必须有三个前提&霸权、自由意志和共同利益。

    In fact , the emergence and development of the free market system must have three preconditions-hegemony , free will and common interests .

  28. 外资准入自由条款也不断出现在双边、多边投资条约之中,逐步成为世界性立法趋势。

    So recently , foreign investment access liberalization clauses appear frequently in bilateral or multilateral investment treaties or agreements , and this has become a world-wide legislative trend .

  29. 主要从商业性农业的发展,农民的分化与自由雇佣劳动的出现以及土地所有制的变化三方面来分析。

    There are three conditions : the development of commercialized agriculture , the division of peasants and the appearance of free wage labor and the change of land ownership .

  30. 自由低音手风琴的出现,拓宽了手风琴演奏曲目的范围,使准确演奏巴赫等作曲家的复调作品成为可能。

    The emergency of free bass accordion , which broadened the range of repertoires played on accordions , made it possible to accurately master polyphonic works created by composers like Bach .