
zì fèi chū bǎn
  • have one's works/books published at one's own expense;vanity publication
  1. 麦当诺已经自费出版了一本关于邮票DIY的书重点突出了英国邮政系统的错误。

    Mr McDonagh has now self-published a book about his creations - to highlight the flawed system .

  2. 据Taleist网站最近进行的一项调查显示,在所有自费出版的作家当中,有半数作家每年从写作中赚取的收入还不到500美元。

    According to a recent survey by the web site taleist , half of all self-published authors make less than five hundred dollars a year from their writing .

  3. 商业出版著作两本,自费出版两本。

    I had two books commercially published and self-published two more .

  4. 当此书找不到出版商之时,爱默生怂恿梭罗自费出版。

    When this book failed to find a publisher , Emerson urged Thoreau to publish at his own expense .

  5. 这对于当初在2006年自费出版五百本「陌生人」摄影集的圣渊来说是个极佳的成就。

    This has been an excellent achievement for Sheng-yuan who originally funded the publishing of500 copies himself when the book was completed in2006 .

  6. 基尔帕特里克的书每年能卖掉2000本,他虽然时常接到大出版商的电话,但由于他不肯删减任何内容,至今仍要自费出版这本书。

    Kilpatrick 's books sold each year to2000 , although he often received a large publisher of telephone , but he refused to cut anything , so far have published the book at their own expense .

  7. 书中甚至还讨论了自费出版的价值,奎恩的情妇抱怨说自己走上了“独立”的道路,因为“传统出版社不知道什么才是好书,就算好书砸到他们脑袋上也认不出来”。

    There is even a debate on the merits of self-publishing when Quine 's mistress whines that she 's going the " indie " route because " traditional publishers wouldn 't know good books if they were hit over the head with them . "