
  • century;New Century;New Age
  1. 就在离被驱逐的最后期限仅有30分钟时,其余的“新世纪”旅行者也离开了凯里。

    The remaining ' New Age ' travellers left Kerry just 30 minutes before the deadline set for their eviction .

  2. 新世纪以来上海题材电影的创作状况

    The Film Creation with Subject of Shanghai since the New Age

  3. 下次选举要选出带领我们进入新世纪的政府。

    The next election is for the government to take us into the new century .

  4. "设计、建造和出口生产清洁水、清洁空气和健康丰富食物的绿色技术的能力将成为新世纪的动力货币。"

    " The ability to design , build and export green technologies for producing clean water , clean air and healthy and abundant food is going to be the currency of power in the new century . "

  5. 新世纪以来,中国同周边国家贸易额由1000多亿美元增至1.3万亿美元,已成为众多周边国家的最大贸易伙伴、最大出口市场、重要投资来源地。

    Since the beginning of the new century , China 's trade with its neighbors has grown from $ 100 billion and more to $ 1.3 trillion . China has become the largest trading partner , the biggest export market and a major source of investment of many of these countries .

  6. 新世纪照明用白色LED光源

    White LED Light Sources for the 21st Century

  7. 新世纪伊始,时值中国加入WTO以后,世界经济将展开全方位竞争。

    Since the beginning of a new century , competition in the world 's economy is spreading out in all directions .

  8. 新世纪WTO与外向型经济下的区际资源优化&以山东省为例

    Changing for Agriculture Resources on Area Borders under the Outside Type Agriculture Economy of New Century Taking Shangdong Province as An Example

  9. 第三段部分展望新世纪,指出市场对自动化仪表工业的需求和DCS的发展。

    Part 3 predicts the market requirements of automatic instrument industry and the development of DCS .

  10. STS革新教材给新世纪高师课程教材改革的启迪

    The Enlightenment from STS Reformed Teaching Material for Normal College Curriculum and Teaching Material

  11. 新世纪,企业如何抓住我国加入WTO的历史机遇,组织实施品牌国际化战略,积极参与国际竞争,关系到我国综合竞争力的提高和民族经济的发展。

    In the new century , to catch the valuable opportunities , enterprises should organize and implement strategies for brand internationalization , which will affect the improvement of Chinese comprehensive competence and the development of Chinese economy .

  12. 新世纪中国女性主义文学的目标与出路

    Goals and Outlets for Chinese Feminine Literature in the New Era

  13. 新世纪行政法发展的走向

    On the Direction of Adminstrative Law 's Development in New Century

  14. 新世纪清洁汽、柴油生产技术

    Production technology for clean gasoline and diesel oil of new century

  15. 新世纪创新人才培养途径的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Cultivating Innovative Talents in the New Era

  16. 面向新世纪的德国经济与社会

    German Economy and Society in the Face of the New Century

  17. 新世纪福建水产科技发展趋势

    The trend of Fujian aquatic science development in the new century

  18. 再谈新世纪中医药学发展和人才培养问题

    Re discussion on TCM Development and Personnel Training in New Century

  19. 新世纪南北双方的经济主权立场前瞻

    Economic Sovereignties of Both North and South in the 21st Century

  20. 新世纪如何提高党的领导水平与执政水平

    How to Enhance the Leading and Ruling Level of the Party

  21. 新世纪大学生集体主义教育初探

    On the College Students ' Collectivism Education in the New Century

  22. 新世纪中国乙烯工业原料优化发展趋势

    Development of China 's Ethylene Industry Feedstock Optimization in New Century

  23. 新世纪大学道德教育新理念研究

    Establishing New Ideas on College Ethical Education in the New Century

  24. 新世纪中国城市综合减灾思路

    Comprehensive Anti disaster Approaches for Chinese Cities in the New Century

  25. 新世纪体育运动全民性特征分析

    An Analysis of the Popularity of Sports in the New Century

  26. 新世纪高等学校风险投资运作

    The Operation of Risk Investment in University at the New Century

  27. 新世纪中国警方面临的七大挑战

    The Seven Challenges Facing the Chinese Police in the New Century

  28. 面对新世纪,加速发展现代光学仪器

    Facing New Century , Speed up the Development of Modern Optical Instrumentation

  29. 中国乡村文化在新世纪面临全新的发展机遇。

    Chinese village culture in new century faced with brand-new development opportunity .

  30. 面对新世纪,我们责任重大。

    Facing the new century , our responsibility is heavy .