
  1. 第四章主要从产业、行业、企业自身三个层面进行分析,通过产业价值链、五力模型、SWOT分析三种工具对新能源汽车产业与企业的竞争力进行多层次分析。

    The forth chapter do the research from industry , business and enterprises levels , by using tools like the industry value chain , five forces model , SWOT analysis , this paper does a multi-level analysis on the new energy automotive industry and the competitiveness of enterprises .

  2. 基础设施建设已经成为新能源汽车产业化瓶颈之一。

    Infrastructure construction has become one of the new energy vehicles industrialization bottlenecks .

  3. 本文将汽车产业划分为传统汽车产业和新能源汽车产业。

    This article divided auto industry into traditional automobile industry and new energy vehicles industry .

  4. 其中,盐城新能源汽车产业正处于起步发展的关键阶段;

    The city ′ s new energy-fueled automobile industry is currently in a key stage of initial development .

  5. 中国公布了未来15年的新能源汽车产业发展规则。

    China has unveiled a development plan for its new energy vehicle industry in the coming fifteen years .

  6. 新能源汽车产业化发展的直接推动力就是国家的相关扶持政策。

    The relevant state policies support is the direct driving force to the development of new energy automotive industry .

  7. 一位中国官员表示,中国将加大力度支持新能源汽车产业的发展。

    A Chinese official says the country will step up efforts to support the development of the new energy vehicle industry .

  8. 锂离子动力电池的比能量、比功率较高,但其热安全性仍然是制约新能源汽车产业化的一个重要因素,需要进一步的研究。

    Poor thermal safety of lithium ion , is an important factor , which still constrains the new energy automotive industry .

  9. 另一方面,新能源汽车产业的不断发展,也带动了整个汽车产业发展方向的转型。

    At the same time , the new energy automotive industry continues to evolve , also contributed to the direction of the entire auto industry restructuring .

  10. 新能源汽车产业发展的直接推动力就是国家的政策扶持,尤其是国家财税政策的扶持对促进我国新能源汽车产业的发展起到了重要的作用。

    The direct driving force in supporting the development of the New Energy Vehicles industry is the national policy , particularly the fiscal and taxation policies .

  11. 这对于充分挖掘我国自主车企研发的后发优势,实现新能源汽车产业的跨越式发展,将具有深远的现实意义。

    It is far-reaching practical significant to fully uncover the advantage of backwardness of Chinese independent automobile companies and to achieve the striding development of the industry .

  12. 由于政府出台了购车补贴、税费减免等扶持政策,过去两年我国新能源汽车产业呈现爆炸式增长。

    China 's new energy vehicle sector has seen explosive growth in the past two years , thanks to the government 's support policies including subsidies and tax cuts .

  13. 一要在服务好世博的同时,进一步加快新能源汽车产业化的步伐。

    First , while providing good services to the World Expo is necessary , it is also important for SAIC to further accelerate the industrialization of new energy vehicles .

  14. 随着国家发布《新能源汽车产业发展规划》有关内容,作为节能环保新能源汽车的电动汽车将成为我国主要发展方向。

    Along with the release " of new energy vehicle development plan ," the content , as energy-saving electric vehicles new energy vehicles will become the main direction of development .

  15. 因此,为促进新能源汽车产业更快发展,需要充分发挥政府有形之手的作用。

    Therefore , in order to promote faster development of new energy vehicles industry , needs to give full play to the role of the government " the visible hand " .

  16. 第五章针对我国发展新能源汽车产业问题的根源,从政府、行业、企业三个层面提出了相应的对策建议。

    Chapter the root of the problem for the development of new energy automotive industry in China , from the three levels of government , industry , enterprise , the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions .

  17. 汽车消费快速增长造成巨大的资源和环境压力,以电动汽车为代表的新能源汽车产业迎来发展的重要战略机遇期。

    The rapid growth of automobile consumption caused huge pressure on resources and the environment . Take the electric car as representation of new energy automotive industry which is facing the important strategic development opportunities .

  18. 得到重要的研究结论:1.新能源汽车产业的产学研联盟并不仅仅是产、学、研三方的合作,还涉及政府、中介等机构。

    To be important findings : 1 . The new energy automotive industry and research alliances , and not just industry , academia , research tripartite cooperation , also involving the government , agency and other agencies .

  19. 高性能锂离子动力电池的研究和开发是新能源汽车产业发展的迫切需求,也是国家战略性新兴产业的重要组成部分。

    The research and development on the Li-ion battery of high performance of is the active demand for the progress of the new energy of automobile industry , and also an important part of the national strategic emerging industry .

  20. 为此,我国政府推出许多新能源汽车产业发展规划,通过政府的宏观调控来促进新能源汽车产业的发展,实现节能减排和低碳经济的发展。

    Therefore , China has introduced many new energy vehicles industry development plan , to promote the development of new energy vehicles industry through the intervention of government policy , to achieve energy-saving emission reduction and low-carbon economy in China .

  21. 随着国家将新能源汽车产业作为未来的战略性新兴产业,各大央企开始登陆抢占电动汽车市场,并迅速在各大城市部署架设电动汽车快速充换电加电站网络。

    As the new energy vehicles industry is classified as the future strategic and emerging industries , the major central enterprises began landing to seize the electric car market and deploy the electric vehicle charging stations network quickly in some major cities .

  22. 然后,在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,从技术、产品和基础设施建设三个方面分别对中日两国的新能源汽车产业发展概况做了总结性的梳理。

    Then , on the basis of access to a large number of documents from the three aspects of technology , products and infrastructure construction between China and Japan the development of new energy automotive industry overview , a summary of the comb .

  23. 为了增强新能源汽车产业的竞争实力,推动汽车产业循环经济的发展,我国政府应该制定并贯彻落实好新能源汽车的各项相关政策,充分发挥这只有形的手的作用。

    In order to enhance the international competitiveness of new energy vehicles and promote the development of circular economy , our government should draw up and implement the various policies relate to new energy vehicles to fully utilize the " visible hand " .

  24. 另外,我国的新能源汽车产业扶持政策体系还存在着一些缺陷,主要表现为政策手段单一,对相关基础设施的关注力度不够和政府急躁冒进且行政管理越位。

    In addition , there are still some defects in the system of policies that support the development of Chinese new energy automotive industry , such as the policy instruments is single , the attention to related infrastructure is not enough and the public administration is pushy and offside .

  25. 随着电动自行车和新能源汽车产业发展步伐的不断加快,储能科技迅速受到越来越多人的关注,绿色能源产业对锂离子电池的要求和关注度已达到了历史最高点。

    With the step of electric bicycle and new energy vehicles industry getting faster and faster , energy storage technology becomes more and more important and it takes our attention gradually , and the requirements and attention for lithium ion battery of green energy industry has reached an all-time high .

  26. 美国、日本和欧洲纷纷大力推进新能源汽车的产业化,并取得了一定的成果。

    America , Japan and the European Union have started propelling their industrialization of alternative fuel vehicles and have got certain practical achievement .

  27. 新能源汽车的产业化,需要整个产业链的发展,而当前中国在核心部件,配套设施,行业标准上还有待完善。

    The industrialization of alternative fuel vehicles means the development of the whole Industrial chain . But , there is a lone way to go for China in the core parts , facility coordination and industrial standards .

  28. 有效的促进了我国节能与新能源汽车技术和产业发展。

    Effective promoted our energy saving and new energy vehicle technology and the industrial development .

  29. 目前,国家已经把发展新能源汽车作为战略性新兴产业之一。

    Now our country has to implement the development of new energy vehicles as one of the strategic emerging industries .

  30. 刘作奎说,包括新能源汽车在内的新兴产业是双方合作的坚实基础。

    Liu Zuokui says emerging industries , including new energy vehicles , are also being viewed as a solid base for cooperation . ,