
  • 网络New political economy;New Political Economic;neo-political economy
  1. 新政治经济学的渊源及其研究方法

    The Origin and Methodology of the New Political Economy

  2. 政府失败的新政治经济学分析

    New Political Economy Analysis of Government Failure

  3. 西方新政治经济学的研究特色

    On the Research Characteristic of New Political Economics of the West

  4. 新政治经济学的复兴与中国经济学的发展方向

    The Revival of New-Political Economy and the Orientation Towards Chinese Economy

  5. 新政治经济学视界中的我国公共企业改革

    China 's Public Enterprises Reforms in New Political Economics Visual Field

  6. 中国内幕交易监管的效率&基于新政治经济学视角的分析

    The Efficiency of Insider Trading Surveillance A Perspective of New Political Economics

  7. 西方新政治经济学与东亚的现实

    Western new political economics and its applicability in east Asia

  8. 西方新政治经济学述评

    Comments on New Political Economics in the West

  9. 关于新政治经济学的思考

    Meditation on the New Political Economics

  10. 新政治经济学关于党派行为与经济政策关系的理论述评

    A Review of Literature on the Relationship between Partisan Behavior and Economic Policies in New Political Economics

  11. 然后总结了新政治经济学和新制度经济学的国家(政府)理论。

    Then , it summarizes the theory about the country in the subject of politic-economic and new-system-economic .

  12. 文章从新政治经济学的视角对腐败问题进行再次思考。

    This paper focuses on the rethinking of corruption from the new political and economic points of view .

  13. 一般说来,新政治经济学的研究可追寻到经济学和政治学的三个领域:宏观经济政策理论、公共选择理论和政治科学。

    The New Political Economics arise from Macro economic policy theory , public choice theory and Political science .

  14. 中国经济发展战略变迁的利益驱动分析&一个新政治经济学视角

    A Study of Interest Driving on the Changing of Chinese Social Developing Strategy : A New Political Economic Perspective

  15. 随着新政治经济学的兴起,经济学的分析边界从传统的经济领域扩展到非经济空间。

    As the neo-economics rises , the horizon of its analysis has extended from traditional economic to non-economic world .

  16. 新政治经济学是二战后西方社会出现的用经济学的方法研究政治问题的一门学术流派。

    Emerged in the West after World War II , the new political economy is an academic school studying political problems by means of Economics .

  17. 西方新政治经济学给我国政治与经济的深化改革和社会科学的研究创新带来诸多有益启示:政治公正孕育经济繁荣;制度创新是现代经济增长的内生因素;

    New Political Economics from the West will stimulate our nation 's political reform and bring us new ideas in the research of social sciences .

  18. 新政治经济学关于公共选择、集体行动、寻租和官僚的理论成果,在发展问题的研究中得到了广泛应用。

    The achievements in NPE , such as Public Choice , Collective Activity , Rent-seeking and Bureaucracy , have been applied widely in researches on development .

  19. 利益不一致与农村信用社的发展和改革&基于新政治经济学视角

    Interest Conflict and the Development and Reform of the Credit Association in the Rural Areas of China - An analysis based on the New Political Economy

  20. 我们利用新政治经济学的利益集团理论,从利益集团博弈的视角阐述垄断行业改革的艰巨性。

    We use pressure group theory of the new political economics to state the difficulty of the reform of monopoly industry from the pressure group perspective .

  21. 新政治经济学指的是研究决策的政治性质怎样影响政策选择,并最终怎样影响经济产出的科学。

    We defined the New Political Economics as the study of how the political nature of decision making affects policy choices and , ultimately , economic outcomes .

  22. 因此,作为这种研究取向的理论范式,新政治经济学为解释中国经济转型提供了一个有意义的视角。

    Therefore , as the theoretical pattern is in such a research dimension , new political economics provides a meaningful point-of-view for explaining the economical transition in China .

  23. 本文在对政治经济学的演变进行梳理的基础上,厘出经济和政治整合研究的两个范式,即新政治经济学和新演化政治经济学。

    Based on summarized the evolution of political economy , we differentiate new political economy and new evolutionary economy which are about the integration of economics and politics .

  24. 论文认为,新政治经济学与新公共管理的结合为公共行政理论研究指出了一条新的可能途径,这或许是新公共管理最有价值的部分。

    It concludes that the integration of NPE and NPM will establish a new approach for Public Administration study and it may be the most valuable contribution of NPM .

  25. 20世纪60年代以来,西方社会科学发展的整体化趋势,促使政治经济学的复兴,出现了政治学与经济学整合研究的新政治经济学。

    Since the 1960s , the integration of western social sciences accelerated the revival of political economics and thus a New Political Economics emerged as an integrated study of politics and economics .

  26. 通过对阿罗不可能性定理的重新叙述,我试图刻画任一新政治经济学或公共选择议题必须涉及的三个重要维度:(1)自由,(2)正义,(3)效率。

    Arrow 's impossibility theorem implies that any new-political or public-choice topic has to deal with three important issues : ( 1 ) freedom ,( 2 ) justice ,( 3 ) efficiency .

  27. 具体研究内容如下:(1)阐述论文研究的背景、意义,系统梳理关于城市融合的理论和实证研究,在文献述评的基础上,提出本研究采用新政治经济学的分析视角的基本考虑。

    Specific studies are as follows : ( 1 ) Elaborate the background and the significance of this study , and proposed the basic considerations of adopting a new perspective of political economics .

  28. 把经济人假设运用到政治市场领域,并提出政府人的行为理性问题,是新政治经济学的一个基本主张。

    It is a basic advocation of new political economy that applies the hypothesis of economy man to the domain of political market , and raises the question of rational behaviour of government man .

  29. 新政治经济学极大拓展了我国公共企业的改革视界,其若干理论范式给予后者许多有益的启示,如公共选择理论之于我国公共企业改革;

    New Political Economics has greatly expanded our vision in the reform of public enterprises . Some theoretical paradigms have given the latter many useful insights , such as public choice theory for public enterprises reform ;

  30. 从新政治经济学视角分析农村金融的发展问题,就可发现,历史、政权行为、经济发展阶段和现代化进程会影响和制约农村金融发展。

    This paper analyses Chinese rural financial development under a perspective Of neo-political economics . We emphasize that impact and restraint to Chinese rural financial development from history 、 administration 's behaviour 、 underdeveloped economy phase and modernization .