
  • 网络Collective choice;collective selection
  1. 利益分配、战略行动与集体选择的不确定性

    Interest Distribution , Strategy Action and the Uncertainty of Collective Choice

  2. 决策程序是做出和执行集体选择的普遍实践。

    Decision-making procedures are prevailing practices for making and implementing collective choice .

  3. 社区公共服务中集体选择的逻辑

    On the Logic of Collective Choice in Public Community Service

  4. 虚拟组织集体选择问题研究

    Research on Collective - choice Problem of Virtual Organization

  5. 集体选择视野下的城市遗产保护研究

    Research on the Urban Heritage Conservation : In the View of " Collective Choice "

  6. 从公共选择角度来看,城市规范是城市中的各种利益主题集体选择的结果。

    And it is a result of collective selection from the perspective of public selection .

  7. 本文介绍了运用集体选择理论解释为什么公司治理结构在国家间存在显著的差异。

    The paper use political economics to explain why corporate governance structures differ among countries .

  8. 以集体选择理论为基础构建新型汽车行业知识管理系统

    Take the Collective Choice Theory As the Foundation to Construct a New Automobile Profession Knowledge Management System

  9. 个体动机与集体选择&一种分析经济人理性悖论的框架

    Individual Motivation and Collective Choice : A Framework to Analyze the Rational Paradox of " Economic Man "

  10. 这是为了能尽量长久住下来而做出的集体选择。

    It is a group choice to try to stay in a settled home for as long as possible .

  11. 几年前,当地市民因不喜欢当时的市长候选人,而集体选择斯塔布斯作为市长候选人。

    Residents didn 't like the mayoral candidates years ago , so they encouraged enough people to elect Stubbs as a write-in candidate .

  12. 在研究方法上,新制度经济学以及博弈论、集体选择理论等的分析手段和研究方法正被逐步引入到合作社的研究中来。

    In terms of research methods , neoinstitutional economics , gaming theory and collective choice theory are gradually applied in the researches on cooperatives .

  13. 集体选择的结果存在内生的不确定性。

    In my opinion , equilibrium is also a kind of illusion , namely , endogenous uncertainty is the natural character of the collective choice .

  14. 认识到集体选择的不确定性特征对于理解社会的运行以及设计与社会控制相关的制度规章都具有重要的意义。

    Recognition about the uncertainty does benefit to the understanding of the proceeding of society and the related design of institutions for the social control .

  15. 提出了虚拟组织的贝叶斯集体选择问题和贝叶斯讨价还价问题,指出了合作伙伴在虚拟组织中的相关策略;

    This paper gives the Bayesian collective-choice problem and Bayesian bargaining problem of the virtual organization through analyzing the context from which virtual organization arise .

  16. 认为在馆藏资源配置过程中,结合运用“集体选择”的方法能使馆藏资源配置实现“帕累托最优”或“帕累托改进”。

    It is considered that Pareto Optimum or Pareto Improvement can be realized in the library resources allocation by using the method of Collective Choice .

  17. 在此基础上,本文沿着理性选择、集体选择和博弈论的发展线索对形式模型在国际关系领域的应用进行了讨论。

    This article also discusses the application of formal models in International Relations through a developing direction of rational choice , collective choice and game theory .

  18. 公共物品提供的市场失效,需要采取非市场机制的方式即集体选择的方式来提供公共物品,政府就是一种典型的集体选择方式。

    The market failure in the provision of public goods makes it necessary for non-market mechanism , namely collective choice to provide and government is a typical form of this mechanism .

  19. 集体选择因素,如选择者偏好的分布和偏好加总机制等,既决定公司管制在国家间的差异,也决定它们如何演化。

    Political factors , such as the distribution of voters ' preferences and the mechanisms of preference aggregation , determine not only international variation in corporate regulations , but also their evolution over time .

  20. 认为“两头家”是早期华南侨乡移民在“文化传统”与“社会结构”的框架下一种集体选择的家庭策略。

    The author holds that " Two Families " is a family strategy collectively chosen by early emigrants in South China under the framework of " cultural tradition " and " social structure " .

  21. 它主要研究如何进行资源配置以提高效率、如何进行收入分配以实现公平,以及如何进行集体选择以增进社会福利。

    It is mainly on how to improve the efficiency in the allocation of resources , how to achieve fair distribution of income , and how to conduct collective choice to enhance social welfare .

  22. 从商会的起源来看,商会是有机辈生的一种制度安排,而从商会集体选择的行动来看,商会的经济运行空间或边界就在于市场失灵和政府失灵而出现的领域。

    The chamber of commerce is a kind of organically institutions in the view of its origin , and it is running in the field of both the market failure and the government failure .

  23. 我们设计了一个从集体教育选择到个人教育选择的制度安排列对此进行了总结。

    We reach a model which explores the room for institutional establishment between collective education choice and individual education choice .

  24. 一代人拥有一个选择,我们拥有集体做出的选择

    A generation has a choice , and we have choices we make collectively

  25. 而地方政府则在中央与集体之间需求选择自己最佳的行动。

    And local governments to choose their own best course of action between the central and collective needs .

  26. 落实农村土地集体所有权的选择是设立农民集体大会,重塑农村集体土地所有权主体。

    The choice of ascertain rural collective proprietary right of land is establish peasant collective congress , recreate the rural collective subject of land .

  27. 1936年,由白区转移到延安,意味着丁玲彻底完成了从个体到集体的精神选择,完成了身份意识的重建与确定。丁玲的自救是通过政治身份的选择与确立完成的。

    In 1936 , she moved to Yan ' an from white area , this meant she finished her spiritual choice from individual to collective and finished re-build and confirmation of identity consciousness .

  28. 公正指选民、候选人有参加选举、竞选与当选的公平机会,选举结果客观和真实,公布的结果与选民(集体)的选择相符合。

    Justice refers to that voters , candidates have the fair opportunity to participate in voting , campaign and to be selected , election results are objective and true , and the return results are compatible with the choice of voters ( the collective ) .

  29. 在疏离方面,他们在文学和政治中对个体书写和集体书写的选择上,在宏大历史叙事和微观日常生活叙事以及公式化与多元化叙述模式的不同追求上产生了分歧。

    In the alienation , in the literature and politics of " individual " to write and " collective " on the choice of writing in the grand narrative history of everyday life and micro-narrative and formulaic narrative and diversity in the pursuit of the different models have their differences .

  30. 产权制度改革&城镇集体企业刻不容缓的选择

    Property Rights System Reform Is the Urgent Choice for City Town Collective Enterprises