
jí tǐ tǔ dì suǒ yǒu quán
  • collective ownership of land
  1. 农民集体土地所有权的独立性价值研究

    Research on the Independence Value of the Collective Ownership of Land

  2. 我国集体土地所有权的检讨与重构

    Self - Criticism and Reconstruction of Collective Ownership of Land in China

  3. 再次,建立集体土地所有权实现机制。

    Moreover , set up the realization mechanism of collective land ownership .

  4. 国有化:中国农村集体土地所有权制度变革之路

    Analyzing the Nationalization of China Country Collective Landownership ; change of title

  5. 农村集体土地所有权问题研究

    A Study of the Ownership Right of Rural Collective Land

  6. 集体土地所有权立法的妥当性分析

    An analysis on propriety of legislation of collective land ownership

  7. 集体土地所有权法律制度研究

    Study of the Legal System Related to Collective Land Ownership

  8. 论农村集体土地所有权主体

    The study of the subject of rural collective land ownership

  9. 论集体土地所有权的困境及出路

    Difficult Position of and Way out for Collective Land Ownership

  10. 论我国农村集体土地所有权的形成和发展

    Formation and Development of Rural Collective Land Ownership in China

  11. 论集体土地所有权的缺陷及其完善措施

    Drawbacks and Perfecting Measures of the Collective Land Ownership

  12. 农村集体土地所有权登记发证主体确定问题研究

    Probe into Register and Certificating Main Bodies Confirmation in Country Collective Land Proprietorship

  13. 中国集体土地所有权权能探析

    A Probe into Powers and Functions of the Collective Land Ownership in China

  14. 农村集体土地所有权的流转问题探讨

    Inquiries on the Sales of Rural Collective Land Ownership

  15. 但我们不能因此而否认集体土地所有权是一项私权。

    But we can not deny that collective land ownership is a private right .

  16. 集体土地所有权的处分权应能得以实现。

    The managing right of the ownership right of collective land should be realized ;

  17. 实行农村土地国有化,取消集体土地所有权;

    Replacing rural collective land ownership with nationalization ;

  18. 在该部分中,笔者首先论述了农村集体土地所有权信托的概念、功能。

    This section mainly introduces the definition and functions of collective land ownership trusts .

  19. 然后论述了集体土地所有权的性质。

    And then an argumentation of the nature of collective land ownership is expanded .

  20. 集体土地所有权登记发证内业处理的探讨

    Discussion on Indoor Work Processing for Register and Providing Certificate of Collective Land Ownership

  21. 正是因为集体土地所有权的主体不明确,才造成了集体土地所有权的诸多弊端。

    This is because the subject of the ownership of the land is unclear .

  22. 关于集体土地所有权的改革研究,理论界存在诸多改造方案。

    There are many rehabilitation programs theorists about the reform of collective land ownership .

  23. 论农村集体土地所有权的行使&评我国《物权法》草案第62条之规定

    On Exertion Of Collective Country Land Ownership

  24. 论集体土地所有权实现的制度障碍及其完善

    A discussion about the systematical obstacle of realization of collective landholding right and its improvement

  25. 这种冲突,就是集体土地所有权制度存在缺陷的根源;

    This conflict is the root of the disfigurement of the collective land ownership system ;

  26. 本文从法律逻辑的角度对集体土地所有权制度存在的问题进行了分析。

    This assay analyzes questions which collective land ownership exists from the legal logic angle .

  27. 此外,还探讨了国家与集体土地所有权界限不清的问题。

    In addition , it is the state and collective ownership of land ill-defined problems .

  28. 论集体土地所有权制度的完善

    Perfecting the System of Collective Land Ownership

  29. 农村集体土地所有权之法律反思

    Legal Introspection of Rural Collective Land Ownership

  30. 集体土地所有权制度,是我国当前物权立法中的难点问题。

    Collective land ownership system is a difficult issue in the current legislation of Property law .