
jí zhuānɡ xiānɡ chē
  • container car;container truck
  1. 轿车尾随集装箱车外流场计算仿真分析

    Numerical Simulation Analysis of the External Flow Field of Automotive Trailing a Container Truck

  2. 2010年我国集装箱车的发展模式

    Model for Development of Container Cars ' n Our Country in 2010

  3. 国外集装箱车发展综述

    The Summarization of Development of Container Transport Car Aboard

  4. 货物重心偏移装载情况下双层集装箱车安全运行标准的研究

    Study on Security Standard of Double Stack Container Cars under Deviation of Cargo Gravity Center

  5. 为考察原始设计的6轴双层集装箱车在各种工况下的性能,本文利用ADAMS/Rail多体动力学仿真软件对该车进行动态仿真分析。

    The article use the ADAMS / Rail software to analyze 6-axle double-deck container vehicle by dynamic simulation method .

  6. 本文分析了影响双层集装箱车运行安全的主要因素,根据实际情况设计了双层集装箱车运行的不利工况。

    Based on analyzing security factor of double stack container cars , it has designed the operating condition under factual condition .

  7. 我国集装箱车装载能力的比较及与美国集装箱车的对照

    Comparing the Loading Capacities of Different Types of Container Cars in China and Collating Them With the Container Cars in USA

  8. 介绍美国、西欧各国集装箱车的发展情况及有关技术参数,并提出我国发展铁路集装箱运输的建议。

    This paper introduces the development and corresponding technical parameters of container transport car in American and west European railways , and points out the suggestion of developing railway container transportation in our country .

  9. 再次,针对大门子系统集装箱车流量不均衡情况,对大门系统通道调度作业过程进行了研究,根据调度目标以及调度的约束条件,建立了更符合实际的优化目标函数,并结合实例进行了验证;

    Thirdly , aimed at the situation of vehicle flux disequilibrium , the attemper task gate system alleyway is analyzed , and a new optimize objective function is suggested , considering the attemper aim and restrict condition , and validate with instance .

  10. 在铁路货运迫切的朝着重载快捷化发展的背景下,为了充分发挥现代货运技术,某厂新研制了一种具有高重心特点的6轴双层集装箱车。

    In the background of that the railway freight transport is developing to heavy haul and quick urgently , in order to release modern technology of freight transport , a vehicle factory developed a new 6-axle double-deck container vehicle , with high center of gravity .

  11. ~(60)Co集装箱检测车悬臂振动分析

    Analysis of cantilever vibration of ~ ( 60 ) Co container inspection vehicle

  12. X(2H)型、X(2K)型双层集装箱专用车

    The X_ ( 2H ,) X_ ( 2K ) Special Double-Deck Container Cars

  13. 在分析振动对集装箱检测车系统性能影响的基础上,提出了60Co集装箱检测车悬臂的振动指标。

    The cantilever vibration criterion for the 60 Co container inspection vehicle was analyzed based on the relationship between vibration and the performance of the container inspection system .

  14. 为了验证悬臂结构的强度和刚度条件,采用动力学分析软件ALGOR计算了60Co集装箱检测车悬臂的静态变形、振形和固有频率。

    Static deformation , the vibration shape and the inherent frequency of the cantilever of the 60 Co container inspection vehicle were calculated with the ALGOR Finite Element System to verify the strength and rigidity of the cantilever .

  15. 起重自装卸集装箱运输车力学分析及优化设计

    Mechanics analysis and optimal design of container vehicle with crane

  16. 关节式集装箱专用车的技术经济可行性分析及建议

    The Technical Economy Feasibility Analysis of the Special Articulated Container Car and Suggestions

  17. 新型铁道双层集装箱运输车的车体结构优化

    Structure Optimization Design on the New Type of Double Decker Container Flat Car

  18. 集装箱运输车在不同坡道条件下燃油经济性的试验

    The Economic Experimental Study of the Fuel under Different Ramp Conditions of Container Transport Vehicle

  19. 出口缅甸集装箱凹底车、守车简介

    Car Products , Parts & Components Brief Introduction of the Depressed Bottom Container Cars and Caboose Cars Exported to Burma

  20. 新型铁道集装箱运输车车体分析及优化重载运输装车区车流组织的研究与探讨

    Design Optimization of Body Structures of a New-type Railway Container Wagon ; Study on the Organization of Wagon Flow in Heavy Haul Loading Area

  21. 可用于集装箱、厢式车的缝密封,钢材和铝材之间的粘接。

    Sealing joint of container , box , and adhesion between steels and aluminous .

  22. 双层集装箱平车重车垂向振动加速度值偏大的原因分析

    Analysis of Causes to the Vertical Vibration Acceleration Being on the High Side on the Loaded Double-Deck Container Flat Car

  23. 主要生产各种系列的用于集装箱装卸的托盘车。

    Mainly used for the production of series of the pallet container handling car .

  24. 集装箱起重运输车的上起重臂端点直线运动和同步运动的实现

    Realization of Linear and Synchronous Movements of the Ends of Upper Arms of Container Handling Vehicle

  25. 我们通常用集装箱卡车和底盘车而不是跨运车来把箱子运到船边。

    We usually use container trucks and chassis but not straddle carrier to transfer the vans to the ship 's side .

  26. 我们公路运输主要经营商品车运输和集装箱运输、散货车运输、以及大件设备运输,包括堆存、转运、仓储、租凭、装卸等物流服务。

    We mainly carry the commercial vehicles , containers , bulk cargoes and heavy equipment , including storage , forwarding , handling , warehousing , leasing , loading and unloading .

  27. 集装箱固定费用是企业使集装箱和底盘车等设备处于良好使用状态而发生的费用,其在企业运输总成本中占有相当的比重。

    Container fixed cost hold big proportion in total shipping cost of liner companies .

  28. 中铁集装箱短信息服务系统的实现新型铁道集装箱运输车车体分析及优化

    Implementation of Short Message Service System of China Railway Container Transport CO. LTD

  29. 由于实际操作中存在集装箱箱货总重心发生横向或纵向偏移的情况,所以如何制定货物重心偏移装载情况下的双层集装箱车的安全运行标准成为保证双层集装箱运输安全亟待解决的问题。

    As a result of deviation of cargo gravity center in practical operation , how should we establish the security standard of double stack container cars has become the most important problem to solve for double stack container transportation security .