
  • 网络Collective Land-Use Right;collective land use rights
  1. 以物权理论来规范集体土地使用权制度,与传统民法上的地上权相区别,形成新的用益物权的种类,使之真正成为体现土地权利财产性的载体;

    Regulate the system of collective land-use right which differs from right of superficies in traditional civil law and form new types of usufructuary right , which will make it real carrier of land property right ;

  2. 所有这些迹象表明,加快农村集体土地产权制度改革和推进农村集体土地使用权流转已经刻不容缓。

    All these indicate that it is necessary to improve the reform of rural collective land property right system and encourage the transfer of collective land-use right .

  3. 集体土地使用权流转分析及对策

    The Circulation Analysis and Countermeasures of Right to Ues Collective Land

  4. 但是与其并存的农村集体土地使用权却处于一种较为尴尬的境地。

    But the coexistence of the collective land was in aless embarrassing situation .

  5. 集体土地使用权流转属于经营权的范畴。

    The circulation of right to use collective land belongs to operation right .

  6. 泉州市农村集体土地使用权的流转探析

    Explore and Anslyze on the Usufruct Circulation of Rural Collective Land Use in Quanzhou

  7. 第三章的内容是集体土地使用权出资。具体分为集体建设用地使用权出资和农地使用权出资。

    Chapter three discusses the investment of the right to the use of collective land .

  8. 中国集体土地使用权交易制度是建立在所有权公有基础上的规制集体土地使用权交易的规则。

    Chinese transaction system of the right to use collective land regulates the behavior of transaction .

  9. 解决小产权房的前提条件就是建立集体土地使用权流转机制。

    Prerequisite of solving the estates is that it should establish transfer mechanism of collective land tenure .

  10. 郫县农村集体土地使用权的流转具有宏观诱因与微观必然。

    Pixian rural collective land circulation of the right to the use of incentives and microcosmic inevitable .

  11. 承包经营制是我国农村集体土地使用权行使的基本方式。

    The contracting out system is the basic way in which the right of collective land is practiced .

  12. 要根据集体土地使用权价格的组成,合理分配集体土地使用权流转收益。

    To fairly collocate the profit of circulation of right to use collective land should take the price of collective land into consideration .

  13. 因此,如何引导、完善、规范农村集体土地使用权的合理流转,是我们面临的重大课题。

    Therefore , how to induce , improve and standardize the rational circulation of rural collective land use rights is the major problem .

  14. 目前,集体土地使用权流转存在着流转交易量小、收益分配不合理、服务机构少、流转限制多等问题。

    Many problems also exist in this field , such as small circulation exchange , unreasonable profit collocation , few service agencies and too much limitation .

  15. 农村集体土地使用权流转应遵循自愿原则、有偿性原则、效率原则、公平公开公正原则、登记原则。

    Use right of rural collective land circulation should follow voluntary principle , profitable principle , efficiency princple , open and fair principle and register principle .

  16. 本文主要结合我国土地使用权抵押的现实,界定划拨土地使用权和集体土地使用权抵押的范围,并对完善土地使用权登记手续提出看法。

    This paper tried to distinguish the difference between collective land use and distributed land use in mortgage and proposed a stricter control of land use right registration .

  17. 农村集体土地使用权是指土地使用者依法对农村集体土地享有占有、使用和收益的权利。

    Use right of rural collective land is the right to possess and use the rural collective land and get profit from it according to law by land users .

  18. 除了改革和完善集体土地使用权流转制度本身之外,还应完善集体土地使用权流转的相关配套制度,以解决集体土地使用权流转中存在的普遍性问题。

    In addition , it is also necessary to improve the related system in connection with the transfer of the collective land use right , to solve the common problems in land circulation .

  19. 从集体土地使用权特性进行分析,我国农村集体土地使用权不是一般意义上的用益物权。

    A conclusion is drawn in this paper , based on an analysis of the characteristics of collective land use , that the right of collective land use in China is not a common real right .

  20. 在使用权设置上,统一建立集体土地使用权,再根据分类(承包地、集体建设用地、宅基地)进行分类管理,根据不同的土地利用类型确定产权主体和建立不同的实现形式。

    In land use right setting , we should establish collective use rights , and then establish different subjects and realization form according to the classification ( farmland , collective construction land , residential land ) .

  21. 建立集体土地使用权转让制度和宅基地有偿使用制度,许可农村房屋出卖给非农业人口,促进农村房地产业的发展;

    The system should be set up to permit the assignment of collective ownership of land and the compensated use of curtilage in rural area ; Law should permit the selling of rural houses to non-agricultural population ;

  22. 农地产权的明晰主要体现在明确集体土地使用权主体,赋予集体土地使用权包括宅基地使用权市场化流转的权能等。

    Clarity of property rights of rural land is mainly reflected by identifying the subject of collective land use rights , giving collective land use rights including the right to exchange the homestead land use right and so on .

  23. 本文将集体土地使用权交易制度创新的目标设定为两个。一是根本性目标,即实现土地资源可持续发展和农业可持续发展:二是基础性目标,即改善农民生存状况,实现城乡共同发展。

    In this article , two aims are designed about innovation of transaction system of the right to use collective land , to realize sustained development of land resources and agriculture and to improve living situation of peasants and level of common development of city and countryside .

  24. 集体所有土地使用权可以依法抵押、继承。

    The right to use collectively owned land may be lawfully mortgaged or inherited .

  25. 改革集体土地所有权与使用权制度的构想

    Conception of the Reform of the System of Collective Ownership and Right of Use of Land

  26. 集体土地所有权与使用权非法转让现状及处理

    The Statue Quo of Illegal Conveyance of the Right-to-Use Collective Land and Ownership of Collective Land and its Disposal Principle

  27. 其关键点在于区分和完善集体土地所有权和使用权。

    Finally , the key is to differentiate and improve the right to the use of collective - owned land and its ownership .

  28. 随着我国城市化步伐的不断加快,集体土地所有权与使用权在也在随之发生转移。

    Along with the accelerated pace of being city of our country , the collective land ownership and using rights are correspondingly shifting in .

  29. 应具体分析集体土地所有权与使用权的现行立法规定,理顺集体土地使用权与建筑物所有权之间的关系,完善我国集体土地所有权与使用权法律制度。

    This paper proposes feasible suggestions to perfect the legal system of collective ownership of land and right to the use of land by analyzing the present legislation .

  30. 第六十三条农民集体所有的土地的使用权不得出让、转让或者出租用于非农业建设;但是,符合土地利用总体规划并依法取得建设用地的企业,因破产、兼并等情形致使土地使用权依法发生转移的除外。

    Article 63 The land use right of peasant collectives shall not be leased , transferred or rented for non-agricultural construction , except in the case of legal transfer of the land that conforms to the general plan for the utilization of land and legally obtained by enterprises due to bankruptcy or acquisition .