
  • 网络The Assembly;DVD
  1. 《集结号》:祛政治化社会现实的象征性反映

    Assembly : the Symbolic Reflection of the Dispelling Politicalization of the Social Reality

  2. 二是革命歌曲仅仅只是革命战争中的集结号,除了具有鲜明的政治性、革命性内容外,并没有任何的艺术性和创造性。

    Secondly , except for their distinctive political and revolutionary features , these songs are only the assembly of war without anything to do with art and creativity .

  3. 导演同样也受到了克劳德•勒鲁许的短片《集结号》(Rendezvous)的启发,那部影片中一辆车横穿了巴黎的街道,引擎的轰鸣声充斥了整条声道。

    The director was equally inspired by Claude Lelouch 's short film Rendezvous , in which a car tears through the streets of Paris while the revving engine fills the soundtrack .

  4. 这是一个陷入重重困境的国家新的集结号。

    It 's the new rallying cry of a beleaguered nation .

  5. 现在是时候吹响你的集结号了。

    Now that would be worth blowing your horn about .

  6. 不要回头,时代总会变化!这是一段永远等不到的集结号!

    This be that one passage cannot that wait till forever mass a number !

  7. 这里富裕繁荣的集结号已经吹响。

    This rich prosperity rally number already blew .

  8. 刚刚看了《集结号》的片花,由衷的佩服战争年代的士兵!

    Just read the " assembly " of the trailers , sincerely admire the soldiers during the war years !

  9. 而冯小刚在调动这些激动人心的元素上已经是位老手了,如《唐山大地震》中毁灭性的自然灾害以及《集结号》中那些惊心动魄的战争场景。

    And Feng is no stranger to using exciting elements , such as devastating natural disasters ( as seen in Aftershock ) and thrilling battle scenes ( as seen in Assembly ) .

  10. “中国·徐州首届国际动漫艺术节”吸引了全市乃至全国动漫迷们的目光,他们在网上发起“集结号”,组团前来观展。

    " China 's Xuzhou First International Animation Festival ," the city and the country has attracted the attention of anime fans , they launched an " assembly " delegation to the show .

  11. 近年来他所执导的影片步步卖座,从未失手,包括2007年的《集结号》、2008年的《非诚勿扰》以及2010年的《唐山大地震》。

    He hasn 't directed one movie that failed to make a handsome profit in recent years , including Assembly in 2007 , If You Are the One in 2008 and Aftershock in 2010 .