
  • 网络The Red Peony;peony
  1. 《红牡丹》让读者看到林语堂内在人格构成的丰富性、复杂性和独异性。

    The Red Peony provides the reader with the outlook of Lin 's in - trinsic formation of personality in terms of richness , complexity and uniqueness .

  2. 论混血儿红牡丹的文化审美意蕴

    On the Connotation of Cultural Aesthetics of Halfbreed Red Peony

  3. 伊甸园的追寻与失落&林语堂小说《红牡丹》解读牡丹红斑病的研究

    Study on Red Spot Disease of Peony Tree

  4. 《歌女红牡丹》(1931)

    Singing Girl Red Peony ( 1931 )

  5. 1930年,导演中国第一部有声片《歌女红牡丹》。

    In 1930 the first Chinese sound film Singing Girl Red Peony was successfully made by him .

  6. (1925)、《白云塔》(1928)、《火烧红莲寺》(1928)等影片。由她主演的中国第一部有声片《歌女红牡丹》相当成功。

    The first Chinese sound film Singing Girl Red Peony ( 1930 ) starred by her was fairly a success .

  7. 本研究以中国莲‘红牡丹’的顶芽和腋芽为外植体,探索通过从生芽途径再生植株的方法进行快速繁殖。

    Experiments in this study were performed to determine the multiplication media in ' Red tree peony ' derived from apical buds and axillary buds explant .

  8. 当他试图卖自己女儿遭到红牡丹出面阻拦时,他便把女儿骗出,卖入娼门。

    After his attempt of selling their daughter was stopped by Red Peony , he tricked his daughter to a brothel and sold her to the brothel owner .

  9. 影片讲述京剧名伶红牡丹从小学习京戏,深受封建礼教的影响。

    The film tells a famous Beijing Opera Girl player called Red Peony who learned Beijing Opera since she was very young , and she had been deeply influenced by Confucian Ritualism .

  10. 《歌女红牡丹》是中国拍摄的真正第一部发音有声片,它充分展示了电影有声的特点,使观众第一次透过银幕听到了中国传统艺术——京剧的唱白。

    Singing Girl Red Peony was renowned as the truly first sound film made by China . It fully revealed the characteristics of sound film , which made the audience hear the traditional Chinese art - Beijing Opera 's singing and dialog through the screen .

  11. 从林语堂创作的七部小说中,选取《京华烟云》中的姚木兰,《朱门》的杜柔安,《红牡丹》的梁牡丹三个女性为典型表现林语堂对女性与文化的新的审美感悟。

    In seven novels which creates from Lin Yutang , selects " National capital Smoke cloud " the Yao Lily magnolia , " Vermilion gate " Du Rou is peaceful , " Red Peony " Liang peony three females for typical perspective Lin Yutang to female esthetics new solution .

  12. 1931,《歌女红牡丹》是中国第一部蜡盘配音有声片,虽然有声片在公演时,并未产生所期望的轰动效应,但是制作者们的大胆尝试和努力实践,毕竟揭开了中国电影历史新的一页。

    In 1931 the first Chinese wax disc dubbing film , Singing Girl was produced.Although it did not bring the expected sensational effect in its public performance , the fearless experiment and struggling practice of the producers opened the new page of the history of Chinese film after all .

  13. 不同开放阶段‘洛阳红’牡丹切花对乙烯及1-MCP处理的响应

    The Responses of ' Luo Yang Hong ' Tree Peony Cut Flowers at Different Opening Stages to Ethylene and 1-MCP

  14. ‘洛阳红’牡丹切花ACS1基因的原核表达及转化烟草的研究

    Prokaryotic Expression and Tobacco Transformation of ACC Synthase Gene in Cut Flower of ' Luo Yang Hong ' Tree Peony

  15. 乙烯对‘洛阳红’牡丹切花开放和衰老进程及内源乙烯生物合成的影响

    Effect of Ethylene on Cut Flowers of Tree Peony ' Luoyang Hong ' Opening and Senescence Process and Endogenous Ethylene Biosynthesis