
  • 网络red scare
  1. 尼克松和战后初期美国的红色恐慌

    Nixon and the American Red Scare Tendency in the Post-War period

  2. 战后初期美国红色恐慌在尼克松内政外交观点中的表现,正体现出政治家和他们生活在其中的社会环境之间的互动关系。

    My objective is to reveal the interaction between the politician and the social situation in which they grew up .

  3. 敌视巴黎公社、遍及全关的红色大恐慌以及针对红色革命而开展的帕尔默大搜捕都是其中的典型事例。

    The typical examples includes being hostile to Paris Commune , " Red Scare " which spread all over America , and Palmer Raids which was dead against the Red Revolution .