
fǎn pài
  • villain;villain (in drama,etc.);negative character
反派 [fǎn pài]
  • [villain (in drama,etc.);negative character] 文艺作品中的坏人,反面人物

反派[fǎn pài]
  1. 而ChinaWhite不是唯一一个从第一季就出现的反派,观众们可能会期望看到第一季的反派在第二季再次出现。

    While Hu 's China White is the only confirmed Season 1 villain to make more trouble , fans can expect other old foes to reappear in the second season .

  2. 我唯一能想到的反派是童年时看到的迪士尼动画片中的钩子船长(CaptainHook)。

    The only villain that springs to mind for me is Captain Hook in the Disney cartoons of my childhood .

  3. 媒体把他描述成一个左翼大反派。

    The media depict him as a left-wing bogeyman .

  4. 片中的反派由杰森·贝特曼和鲍比·坎纳瓦尔饰演,编剧兼导演则是麦卡西的丈夫本·法尔科内。

    The supervillains are played by Jason Bateman and Bobby Cannavale , and the writer-director is McCarthy 's husband , Ben Falcone .

  5. 但愿《黑白魔女库伊拉》不要犯《沉睡魔咒》的错误,将一个足够邪恶的迪士尼女反派洗白成一个被误解的消沉的女主角。

    Let 's hope that Cruella doesn 't make the mistake Maleficent did , and turn a deliciously wicked Disney villainess into a mopey , misunderstood heroine .

  6. 在蜘蛛侠(反派称呼他为WebHead)和章鱼博士大战之时,李老爷子从坠落的残骸中救下了一名女子。

    In the middle of a battle between Web Head and Doctor Octopus ( Alfred Molina ), Lee saves a woman from falling debris .

  7. 去年电影《自杀小队》(SuicideSquad)上映时,小丑女由罗比饰演,电影集齐了DC漫画中的所有反派,也试图让这些角色一炮而红。

    Robbie brought Harley to the big screen last year in Suicide Squad , which brought together the villains from DC Comics and tried to make them heroes .

  8. n.坏人,恶棍;戏剧、小说中的反派角色;顽童;罪犯n.邪恶;恶行;坏事;罪恶

    a bad person who harms other people or breaks the law a character in a book , play , film , etc. who harms other people

  9. 斯诺登在国家安全局的上司在片中被称为科尔宾•奥布赖恩(CorbinO’Brian),显然得名于奥威尔(Orwell)《一九八四》(1984)中的那个反派。

    Snowden 's N.S.A. boss is unsubtly named Corbin O'Brian , after the antagonist in Orwell 's 1984 .

  10. 据去年报道,罗比将再次和《自杀小队》导演大卫·艾亚(DavidAyer)合作,出演《高谭魅影》(GothamCitySirens),一部全是DC女反派的电影。

    Last year it was reported that Robbie and Suicide Squad director David Ayer would be teaming up again for an all-female DC villains movie called Gotham City Sirens .

  11. 但是漫画原作者兼执行制作人罗伯特柯克曼告诉THR他想避免进入每一季都有一个大反派死去的循环。

    But comic book writer / executive producer Robert Kirkman already told THR he wanted to avoid having a new big bad every season .

  12. 这里还是不解释为什么满大人不同于其他反派了,因为此举会毁掉这个由德鲁•皮尔斯(DrewPearce)和导演共同撰写的剧本中为数不多的几个精彩意外情节之一。

    To explain why he 's unlike any other would spoil one of the few good surprises in the script , which was written by Drew Pearce and the director .

  13. CW电视网透露,将会有新反派人物加盟第二季的《闪电侠》,还会有更高科技的武器出现。在我看来,更快节奏的新剧集势必会更有趣。

    With CW hinting at new villains and more high-tech weapons coming in the show 's second season , I think this series is only going to get more interesting as it picks up speed .

  14. 这么说吧:如果一个导演拍了一部电影,并借片中反派之口说出茶党(TeaParty)的辞令,我觉得据此解读出自由派的意味还算公平(事实上,很多保守派流行文化评论人士是会这样做的)。

    Put it this way : If a filmmaker made a movie that put Tea Party rhetoric in the mouth of its villain , I think it would be fair to read that as a liberal message ( and , indeed , most conservative pop culture critics would ) .

  15. 相反,布洛迪以老派的巴兹尔·雷斯波恩(BasilRathbone)式傲慢演绎了自己的反派角色,他昂首阔步,旋转身体,庄严地发号施令。

    Mr. Brody , by contrast , takes to his villainous role with old-fashioned Basil Rathbone hauteur , swaggering and twirling while leading with his profile .

  16. “我见过的事,你们人不会相信。”在电影《银翼杀手》(BladeRunner)末尾,鲁特格尔樠尔(RutgerHauer)饰演的反派将哈里森輠祹(HarrisonFord)饰演的角色拉回屋顶,饶了他一命,然后说出了这句话。

    I 've seen things you people wouldn 't believe , " the villain played by Rutger Hauer reminisces at the end of the film Blade Runner after hauling Harrison Ford 's character on to a roof top and sparing his life .

  17. Ron出演过最让人熟悉的角色应该是《Alias》里的反派ArvinSloane,不过他这回在《触摸未来》中的角色将会正面很多。

    Although the actor is perhaps best-known for playing the role of the evil Arvin Sloane in " Alias , " Rifkin 's role on " Touch " may be a little more positive .

  18. 最大的问题就是荒原狼(Steppenwolf)这个角色,他就是个超级大反派。

    The dude in question is Steppenwolf , and his thing is basically just that he 's super evil .

  19. 此外,他还在《速度与激情:东京漂移》中饰演一名黑帮头目,即主要反派Takashi的叔叔Kamata。

    He also appeared in : " The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift " as Kamata , a Yakuza boss and uncle of the main antagonist Takashi .

  20. 片中,毛克利不时受伤流血,所处环境晦暗险恶,还有邪恶的大反派–老虎谢利·可汗(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(IdrisElba)配音)。

    Mowgli is regularlystreaked with blood , his surroundings are murky and sinister , and Shere Khan ( Idris Elba ) the tiger is a far more menacing antagonist .

  21. 该影片最大的特色是扭转了一众反派角色的形象,其中不仅包括盖•皮尔斯(GuyPearce)饰演的邪恶企业家奥德里奇•基利安(AldrichKillian),还有本•金斯利(BenKingsley)饰演的一个与众不同的大奸角——“满大人”(TheMandarin)。

    The film 's greatest distinction is the spin it puts on its villainy , which involves not only Guy Pearce as the malevolent entrepreneur Aldrich Killian , but Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin , an arch-villain unlike any other .

  22. 他以绿灯侠的身份在这座城市中打击犯罪。年轻的布鲁斯·韦恩还曾经在他打击反派Icicle时见到过他,并激励韦恩成为了未来的蝙蝠侠。

    He fought crime in the city as Green Lantern , and a young Bruce Wayne once saw him fighting the villain Icicle on Gotham 's streets , helping to inspire the future Batman .

  23. 但Grindelwald的发音和Grendel很像,格伦德尔(Grendel)是古英语史诗《贝奥武夫》中的怪物反派,而邓布利多的中间名Wulfric暗指主人公贝奥武夫。

    But " Grindelwald " sounds like a reference to Grendel , the monster villain in the Old English epic poem " Beowulf . " It 's also parallel to Dumbledore 's middle name " Wulfric . "

  24. 我们一定要下决心搞好反派性的斗争。

    We must be determined to win in our anti-factionalist struggle .

  25. 在搜寻这件神秘包裹过程中,约翰逊与反派进行搏斗。

    Johnson fights villains in the hunt for the mysterious package .

  26. 然后结局定会和反派功夫小子一决胜负。

    Then the final showdown with the bad kung fu kids .

  27. 在围绕网络盗版的辩论中,各方有一套中心反派人物。

    The online piracy debate supplies central casting villains for all sides .

  28. 拿枪的莎拉非常危险,具体见上(啥?别告我俩反派是被医生一人一枪给解决的!)

    Sara is very dangerous with a gun ( see above ) .

  29. 一个好的反派是一个有着致命的缺陷的人。

    A good villain is human with a fatal flaw .

  30. 晚期卵巢癌是最大的超级反派之一。

    High-grade ovarian cancer is one of the biggest supervillains out there .