
  • 网络Counterrevolutionary War;crw
  1. 一切反革命战争都是非正义的,一切革命战争都是正义的。

    All counter-revolutionary wars are unjust , all revolutionary wars are just .

  2. 蒋介石在布置就绪之后,即于六月下旬发动了全国规模的反革命战争。

    In July , when the disposition of his troops had been completed , Chiang Kai-shek launched a country-wide counter-revolutionary war .

  3. 从蒋介石发动反革命战争的一天起,我们就说,我们不但必须打败蒋介石,而且能够打败他。

    From the day Chiang Kai-shek started his counter-revolutionary war we said that we not only must defeat him but can defeat him .