
  • 网络Counter terrorism forces;anti-terrorist force;JTTF;SWAT;CTU;ATVP
  1. 这起事件发生在歌剧《威廉·退尔》表演歇场之时,此举还导致反恐部队进入了林肯中心会场。

    The incident happened during an intermission of Guillaume Tell , prompting anti-terror units to enter the Lincoln Center venue .

  2. 而格斗训练在提高部队战斗力方面具有重要作用:它既直接生成显性战斗力,又可有效地提高部队的隐性战斗力,因此应当加强军队特别是反恐部队的格斗训练。

    And we can improve battle effectiveness directly and indirectly . through wrestle training . We should enhance wrestle training in the army .

  3. 攻击事件发生在过渡政府组建了一只专门对付不明身份武装分子的700人反恐部队之后。

    The attacks happened as the transitional government formed an anti-terror unit of700 troops , which it said would fight with the unknown gunmen .

  4. 德国边防警察第九大队是在1972年德国慕尼黑奥运会期间,在几名以色列运动员遭到杀害之后促使德国成立了这支反恐部队。

    GSG-9 was born out of the tragic events that led to the death of several Israeli athletes during the1972 Olympic games in Munich , Germany .

  5. 经济学家证实,解决这一问题耗资巨大,但却比从共产主义和法西斯主义中拯救欧洲的“马歇尔计划”耗资要少得多,也比一浪高过一浪的反恐部队的开支要少得多。

    The economists confirm it . It 's an expensive fact but , cheaper than say the Marshall Plan that saved Europe from communism and fascism . And cheaper I would argue than fighting wave after wave of terrorism 's new recruits .

  6. 该部队是支反恐特种精英部队,由加拿大军事人员组成,承担着一系列任务:众所周知的包括为各国政要提供安保服务,参与2010年冬奥会之类的大型活动现场保卫工作;

    Composed of military personnel from the Canadian Forces , JTF2 undertakes a range of operations . They have been known to escort VIPs and provide site security at events like the 2010 Winter Olympics .

  7. 由于美国国防预算紧张,新计划将大力发展更适合于广阔的亚洲和太平洋的海军和空军力量,以及执行反恐任务的特种部队。

    With the U.S. defense budget being tightened , the plan is to focus on sea power and air capabilities that are more appropriate for the vast expanses of Asia and the Pacific Ocean , and on Special Forces for counter-terrorism missions .

  8. 为了支持国际防恐反恐斗争和应对地区冲突,俄罗斯国防出口公司联邦单一制国有企业提供专为警方和反恐部队设计的装备。

    In support of international efforts to prevent and contain terrorism and local conflicts Rosoboronexport offers special means of equipment designed for police and anti-terrorist units .