
fǎn kōng xī
  • Anti air raid;counter-airraid
反空袭[fǎn kōng xī]
  1. 就濒海大城市反空袭作战中GPS干扰无人机的作用、使用原则、方法、指挥与协同等问题进行了研究。

    This paper researches on many problems about effects , principle and methods of employ , commands and coordination of GPS jamming UAV about anti-air attack battle in coastal large cities .

  2. 在信息时代高技术空袭与反空袭对抗作战行动中,防空C4ISR系统作为战斗效能倍增器的作用不可替代。

    In the high technologic air-raid and anti air-raid confronting of information period , the importance of air defense C4ISR system that multiplies the combat effect can not be instead by anything .

  3. 联合反空袭作战财务保障探讨

    Briefly on the financial support in joint anti air attack fighting

  4. 对城市反空袭作战地方经济动员的思考

    Thinking of the city economic mobilization in the anti-air attack

  5. 边境联合反空袭作战政治工作研究

    On the Political Work of Joint Antiair Warfare at Border

  6. 集团军反空袭战役空中威胁评估

    Evaluation of air threat on group army ′ s anti-air raid campaign

  7. 反空袭作战中雷达辐射源威胁等级评定

    Assessment of Radar Radiant Point Menace in Anti-Air Attack Battle

  8. 高技术条件下反空袭作战装备保障初探

    Discussion About Equipment Safeguard in the High-Tech Air Defence Fight

  9. 浅论反空袭作战中的饮食保障

    Food and drink support in the anti air attack fighting

  10. 攻势防空:21世纪反空袭作战大趋势

    General trend of anti - air - raid fight in the 21 century

  11. 基于层次分析法的城市反空袭防护目标选择

    City Anti-Air Attack Defense Object Choosing Based on AHP

  12. 摩步师(团)反空袭作战空中威胁评估

    Evaluation of Air Threat Motorized Infantry Division 's Anti - air raid Operation

  13. 深入研究反空袭作战特点着力提高后勤保障能力

    Studying on the characteristics of anti air attack fighting to improve the capability of logistic support

  14. 基于模糊对策论的城市反空袭作战方案的优选模型,主要由策略集和赢得矩阵构成。

    The optimum selection model for city anti-aircraft warfare scheme based on fuzzy countermeasures theory is composed of strategies unit and won matrix .

  15. 本文针对未来反空袭作战的特点及其对通信的要求,提出了反空袭作战通信组织的对策。

    In this paper , the authors have proposed the countermeasure of communication organizing for anti-air-attack operation based on discussing its characteristics and requirement .

  16. 在现代空袭与反空袭作战中,交战双方武器装备的作战能力,对双方的军事实力有重要的影响。

    In modern air raid and anti-air raid , combat capability of materiel facility has great influence on military might for two belligerent parties .

  17. 现代空袭与反空袭作战的空情极其复杂,反空袭一方如能对来袭的空中目标进行合理有效分类,将对防空作战产生积极的影响。

    Faced with the intricate aerial intelligence in the modern air strike and anti-air strike war , we have to rationally classify the aerial targets .

  18. 在反空袭作战中,如何快速、高效和准确地判断出众多雷达辐射源的威胁等级,为地对空雷达干扰行动提供科学的决策支持,成为亟待解决的问题。

    The serious problem that assessing menace grade of radar emitter and decision of ground-to-air radar jamming operation in anti-air battle is need to be solved .

  19. 反空袭作战中防空兵兵力分配,不仅需要考虑被掩护目标的自身价值,还要考虑被掩护目标的联合价值。

    In anti-air raid , the assignment of air defense forces not only thinks value of target itself , but also thinks unite value of targets .

  20. 复杂电磁环境下的空袭与反空袭是现代战争的显著特点,防空雷达作为主要的反空袭装备具有重要的地位和作用。

    As air attack and anti-air attack is a significant characteristic in modernistic warfare , antiaircraft radars play a important role as one of primary equipments of our army .

  21. 这名官员说,以色列相信如果再拖下去,伊朗将发展出核武器或一套先进的反空袭系统,甚至两种武器都发展出来。

    The official was quoted as saying Israel believes if it waits any longer , Iran will have a nuclear weapon or a sophisticated air defense system , or both .

  22. 研究分析了航天装备的概念、体系结构组成、效能及效能指标;并以在空袭反空袭作战中的航天装备体系作战效能评估为例,给出了航天装备体系作战效能评估的方法与实现步骤。

    Then the force effectiveness evaluation of space equipment system in air attack and counter air is given as an example , and the method and the procedures of force effectiveness evaluation o.

  23. 通过对防护目标的选定因素分析,城市反空袭防护目标指标体系包括目标层、准则层及措施层。

    With the analysis to the selected forms of defense objects , the evaluation index of anti-air attack of city defense system includes the target hierarchy , the rule hierarchy and the measure hierarchy .

  24. 在高技术条件下的局部战争中,空袭与反空袭贯穿始终,在很大程度上影响和决定战争的进程和全局,有效的防空作战已成为陆军顺利完成作战任务的根本前提。

    In the high-tech local wars , air attack and air defense have throughout influenced and determined the course of the war . Effective air defense had become the basic premise in completing operational tasks successful for Army .

  25. 近期发生的几场高技术局部战争已经深刻的揭示出,空袭与反空袭作战已经成为未来我军作战的一种主要模式。

    Through to the few games happened recently hi-tech local war analysis can be summed up such a conclusion : air strikes and the air assault operations have become a kind of important mode of operation in the future .

  26. 在现代战争背景条件下,反空袭作战与其它作战方式一样,不但要求作战装备性能的提升,另外对部队的指挥策略、指挥手段和指挥方式提出了全新的要求。

    On the modern war background , the anti-air raid combat , the same as the other combat , requires not only the raising of the battle equipment performance , but also the completely new requirement of command tactics , means and methods .

  27. 通过对科索沃空袭武器的分析,指出精确打击与航天系统支援作战是空袭的主要特点。科索沃空袭为反空袭作战与精确制导武器的发展提供了有益的启示。

    Through the analysis of air strike weapons in kosolv , pointed out that precision strike and operation support of spaceflight system were the main characteristics of the air strike the air strike in Kosolv gave useful enlightenment to the development of Antiair strike operation and precision guided weapons .

  28. 土耳其空军定期对伊拉克的反政府分子进行空袭,最近一次空袭发生在上星期。

    The Turkish air force regularly carry out air strikes against the rebels in Iraq , the most recent being last week .