
  1. MARCAMC与EAD档案著录标准比较研究

    Comparative Research on Archival Description Standards : MARC AMC and EAD

  2. 编码档案著录标准(EAD)的开发、实施和评价

    The Development , Implementation and Evaluation of EAD

  3. EAD的开发和实施是极为迅速和广泛的,它作为一种档案著录标准,具有很大的发展潜力。

    The development and implement of EAD is very rapid and extensive . As a standard of archival description , EAD has great potentialities .

  4. 编码档案著录标准(EAD)是档案管理员为改善著录和利用馆藏的方式而开发的一种标准,始于20世纪90年代。

    EAD is a standard that archivists have been developing to improve description of and access to their holdings . The development of Encoded Archival Description ( EAD ) began in 1990s .

  5. 小仪档案著录的基本原则

    On the Basic Principles of Bibliographic Description for Archives

  6. 对我国《档案著录规则》再修订的思考

    Thinking About Re-Revising " Regulations in Archival Recording "

  7. 数据项设置应符合《档案著录规则》(DA/T18-1999)。

    Data setting is accord with archives sign rule ( DA / T18-1999 ) .

  8. 学术期刊参考文献著录规范研究盲点分析GB/T3792.5-1985档案著录规则

    Some Blind Points in Descriptive Rules for Bibliographic References of Academic Journals Bibliographical description for archives

  9. 议档案著录标准化工作

    Standardization Work for Archival Description

  10. 与传统档案著录相比,电子文件著录在著录的目的、对象、时间、手段等方面均发生了变化。

    Comparing with the traditional description of archives , there are changes for the e-documents in aims , objects , time and measures .

  11. 并对电子档案著录技术要素进行了研究与探讨,指出电子档案管理是一个全新的领域。

    In addition the paper studies the techniques of electronic archives recording and points out that electronic archives management is entirely a new field .

  12. 本文用FoxBASE+数据库管理系统.编制了科技档案著录计算机管理信息系统软件.在高校科技档案计算机管理上进行了实践与探讨。

    This article uses Foxbase + system , works out the program of computer managing information system , and discusses the problem of the scientific and technical archives computer management of university .

  13. 档案著录是指档案馆(室)编制检索工具时对档案内容和形式的特征进行分析、选择和记录的过程,是编制检索工具的首要步骤。

    Bibliographical Description for Archives , which is the cardinal procedure to compile retrieval system , is a process that the archives room analyses , chooses and records the content and the form attribute when it is compiling retrieval system .

  14. 中国档案置标著录Web检索系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on Information Retrieval System of Chinese Encoded Archival Description on Web

  15. 国内开发档案置标著录的Web检索系统是个空白。

    The area of Information Retrieval System of Chinese Encoded Archival Description on Web is vacancy .

  16. 谈谈地质资料档案的标准化著录档案检索工具与著录项目

    Discussion on Standard Recording of Geological Information File Archival Finding Aids and Descriptive Entry