
  • 网络Anti missile defense system;ASMD
  1. 该系统可为将来的战役级地空对抗仿真提供参考依据。为将来反导防御系统的演示验证打下基础。

    Also this system can provide reference for the campaign ground-to-air simulation in the future .

  2. 随着反导防御系统的发展,弹道导弹突防将受到更大的威胁。

    With the development of anti-missile defense system , the anti-defense of ballistic missile will be faced with a greater menace .

  3. 布什政府已将科索沃独立和波兰的反导防御系统变成既定事实,这让它们无法成为讨价还价的筹码。

    The Bush administration has turned Kosovo independence and ABM defence in Poland into faits accomplis , making them unusable as bargaining chips .

  4. 作为反导防御系统中的重要传感器,宽带成像雷达对目标的探测、跟踪、尤其是识别能力直接影响反导系统的总体作战效能。

    As the most important sensor of the anti-missile defense system , the wideband imaging radar has the ability of detecting , tracking , especially recognizing targets , which impacts on the overall operational effectiveness of anti-missile systems directly .