
  1. 邻居们反映说在中午时分看见他离开了大楼。

    The neighbours reported seeing him leave the building around noon .

  2. LeadershipIQ还考察了一家公司的具体情况。这是一家有1000名员工的科技服务公司,差员工反映说投入度很高。

    Leadership IQ also looked into the specific dynamics of one company , a 1 , 000-person technology-services firm , where low performers reported high levels of engagement .

  3. 飞行员反映说:题目太难了。

    It was too difficult , pilots said .

  4. 根据几个学生反映说:手掌急救法和传统的急救方法效果是一样的。

    The organization says the hands-only method was just as effective as traditional CPR in several studies .

  5. 许多学生反映说:这一点是他们从这门选修课上所学到的最有用的东西。

    Many students'reflections on the course point this out as one of the most useful things they learned .

  6. 村民反映说,他们可以听到房屋内木质结构由于地面移动而开裂的声音。

    As the earth shifted , villagers say they heard cracking as the timbers in their houses began to split .

  7. 邻居反映说哪个年轻人深更半夜把录音机开的太响,搞得大家都睡不着觉。

    The neighbors complained that that young fellow kept his recorder working so loud that they could not fall asleep .

  8. 家长和学生也反映说,这种快速帮忙解题的服务减轻了不少压力,让晚上家里的氛围融洽多了。

    And parents and students say the quick homework fix can ease stress and make evenings at home more peaceful .

  9. 但后来一位顾客反映说,虽然茶叶是在美国种植的,但茶包却产自日本。

    Then a customer reported that , even though the tea was grown in America , the bags were from Japan .

  10. 她的同学反映说,她在杜伦大学住所的墙上挂着一张阿萨德的大幅照片。

    Fellow students say she had a large picture of the dictator on the wall of her home in the university grounds .

  11. 很多客人都向施华德先生反映说,上海扬子江万丽大酒店就像是他们的第二个家一样的温馨。

    Schaller has received warm responses from guests who told him they felt the Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel is their second home .

  12. 有些旅店反映说,今后几个星期,是旅游旺季的高潮,旅店可能只有不到一半的客房有人居住。

    Some report they may see fewer than half their rooms occupied , in the coming weeks-the heart of the peak tourism season .

  13. 媒体人士反映说,一位澳大利亚政府官员告诉法新社,这次的亚洲国家与美国的协议已经讨论了五个月。

    Media sources revealed that an Australian government official had told the Agence France Presse news agency that the Asian-US agreement had been under discussion for five months .

  14. 当然,这些天很多求职者的感觉并无不同。雇主们反映说,他们筛选出大量条件过高的申请人,而空缺岗位就那么几个。

    Of course , a lot of job seekers feel that way these days , as employers report sifting through hordes of overqualified applicants for the few available jobs .

  15. 这一点,台湾的人有一种反映,说我们不重视台湾人民。

    Some people in Taiwan have reacted to that principle by complaining that we don 't place any importance on the people of Taiwan .

  16. “这与当你看到在你前面的汽车的刹车灯时有同样的反映”Bruckner说。

    " It 's the same signal when you see a car 's brake lights in front of you ," said Bruckner .

  17. 婚姻问题常常要从妇女这个角度反映,一般说妇女总是处于原告地位。

    Marital problems are often reported by women , and , generally speaking , women are the plaintiffs .

  18. 地图是人类空间认知能力的图形化表述,而空间认知能力是民族思维方式的一种反映,所以说,地图也是思维方式的图形化表述。

    Map is the figurative expression of mankind spatial cognition ability that mirrors the mode of national thinking . Therefore map is the figurative expression of the mode of thinking .

  19. 未来需要的是有高度思想觉悟,能敏锐地接受各种新的信息,做出判断,做出正确的反映,能说会写,有一定的文化修养的人才。

    In the future , we require people who can think more profoundly , can incisively accept new information and make correct decision , can talk and write and have some literacy .

  20. 当问及如果父亲看到印在光滑纸张上的性感图片会做何反映,她说:“我想他会犯心脏病。”

    Asked how he would react to her posing for racy ( 13 ) pictures in a glossy ( 14 ) magazine , she said ," I think he would have a heart attack . "

  21. 对这一现象的反映,一些人说互联网无障碍的让人们迅速与世界接轨。

    An increasing number of people are joining the " Information Age " via the Internet .

  22. 通常当制造业不景气的时候,会直接在我们这里反映出来,他说。

    Usually when the manufacturing business is not doing so well , it would be directly reflected on us , he said .

  23. 真诚地和他人建立连接,在海文被放在一个很高的位置,同时这也是自我修行的一种很好的办法,而这些,都反映在上述所说的这些特质中了。

    Haven places a high value on authentic relating as an important path to personal development , and this is reflected in the qualities you see above .

  24. 传统的反映论和再现说不是文艺研究的惟一方法,也不足以揭示艺术本质的全貌。

    Traditional theory of reflection and representationalism is not the only method for study of literary and art and not adequate enough to reveal the essence of art and literature either .