
  • 网络transforming principle;transference principle
  1. 非标准分析之转化原理及其在分析中的应用

    The Principle of Transfer in Non Standard Analysis and Its Application

  2. 基于功能转化原理的车辆&轨道系统脱轨安全性研究

    Research on the Derailment Security of Vehicle-Track System Based on Functional Transformation Theory

  3. 农业技术成果转化原理;

    The agricultural technological achievement transforms the principle ;

  4. 地下水人工补给又被称作地下水人工回灌,是运用三水转化原理而开展的水资源调蓄工程。

    Manual recharge of groundwater is adjustment project of groundwater applying rule of three-water conversion .

  5. 明确知识和默示知识之间的转化原理为企业预警战略提供了理论基础;

    The transform between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge offers a theoretic foundation for enterprise early-warning strategy .

  6. 利用生物转化原理,将无机硒转化为有机硒,制成富硒粉,添加到奶液中,利用乳酸菌发酵可制成具有保健功能的新型酸奶。

    Inorganic selenium was transferred to organic selenium with the help of biological transform principle , powder with rich selenium was obtained .

  7. 介绍了非标准分析的转化原理,并给出其在数学分析上的一些应用。

    In the paper , we introduce the principle of transfer in non standard analysis and its some applications to the classical analysis are given .

  8. 根据能量守恒和转化原理,并结合Grifith处理裂纹问题的思路,可得到结合应力表达式。

    Based on the test data , the bonding stress between the coating and substrate may also be calculated by using Griffith principle and considering the conservation of energy .

  9. 该设计利用喷射对流原理和催化转化原理相结合,对一种方案进行了具体的设计,包括其工作原理、尺寸参数、性能参数和某些零件的加工制造工艺。

    Based on what was given before , primarily the combination of the principle of injection-confection and catalytic conversion method , one new sample is design concretely and systematically .

  10. 它通过阐释教育理论和教育实践之间的转化原理,为教育理论价值的实现和教育实践水平的提升提供服务。

    By explaining the principle of interaction between education theory and educational practice , educational engineering can provide service for the value realization of educational theory and the quality lifting of educational practice .

  11. 适应与转化原理是教学的基本原理,反馈原理作为系统科学的一部分,为这一基本教学原理提供了科学基础。

    " Principle of adaptation and transformation " is a basic principle in teaching , and as a part of the systematic science , the principle of feedback lays a scientific foundation for it .

  12. 综述了光电材料的研究现状和应用前景,介绍了光电材料的分类和光电转化原理,并且着重阐述了纳米光电材料的性质特点、制备方法以及表面修饰。

    This paper outlines the present status if research and the promising application of photoelectric materials , of which classification and principle of photoelectric conversion are discussed . The properties and features , preparation methods and surface modifications of the nanostructure photoelectric materials are expounded .

  13. 低能离子注入介导外源DNA转化的原理与应用

    Principle of Exogenous Mega-DNA Transformation Mediated by Low-Energy Ion Implantation and their Applications

  14. 热力学定律解释了热量转化的原理。

    The Law of Thermodynamics explains the transfer of heat .

  15. 这些转化的原理是维持我们这个世界每一样事物、每一个人的运动。

    This principle of change is what keeps everything-and everyone-going in this world of ours .

  16. 以杆组分析方法为基础,结合转化机构原理及凸轮机构的相对速度理论进行从动件的速度和加速度分析。

    Analyzing the velocity and acceleration of the follower based on the Assur-group method and the inversion of the mechanism .

  17. 本文简述了圆环传动原理之后,利用转化机构原理,导出了传动比计算公式;利用圆矢量函数和活动标架理论,建立了圆环螺旋线方程式、圆环齿面方程式及诱导主曲率公式;

    Following the brief introduction to the principle of toroidal drive , the speed ratio equation is deduced by means of formula method .

  18. 连续挤压/连续包覆是利用摩擦热能转化的原理将铝、铜直接挤压成管材、型材或包覆产品。

    Continuously extrudes / the continual gable is the principle which transforms using the friction heat energy the aluminum , the copper direct extrusion tubing , the molding or the gable product .

  19. 介绍SO2非稳态转化工艺的原理、特点及工业应用。

    Abstract Principle , features and commercial application of SO 2 unsteady-state catalysis process are described .

  20. 甲烷绝热转化制氢的原理是将甲烷经高温催化后分解为氢和碳,这是连接化石燃料和可再生能源之间的过渡工艺过程。

    The principle of methane adiabatic transformation to produce hydrogen is to make the catalysis decomposition of methane into hydrogen and carbon with high temperature , which is the transition technology to connect fossil fuels with renewable energy resources .

  21. 从玉米转基因的受体选择、遗传转化方法和原理、标记基因的选择、表达载体构建和启动子的选择及玉米转基因研究、生产和应用前景等方面,阐述了玉米转基因研究的进展。

    In this paper , the new research and developments made in various aspects of transgenic maize was summarized , including selection of receptor , methods and theory of transformation , selection of marker genes and promoters , establishment of expression vector , aiming characters and the prospect of application .

  22. 结论是生物医学科学创新原理必须转化为技术创新原理才能进而转化为生产力。

    Only if the scientific innovative theory converted to the technical innovative principle , it can become productive power .

  23. 分析了二氧化碳转化率在尿素生产中的重要性,综述了近年来采用双塔技术和高效塔内件提高二氧化碳转化率的原理及其实施效果。

    Effect factor of CO2 conversion rater in urea reactor is analyzed , the application and result of using the new high efficient urea reactor internals is introduced .