
zhuàn tǒng
  • drum
转筒[zhuàn tǒng]
  1. 转筒真空过滤机最佳转速的计算

    Calculation of the Optimum Rotational Speed of Rotary Drum Vacuum Filter

  2. 新型生物转筒处理食品生产废水的试验研究

    Study on a New-Type Biological Drum Reactor Treatment of Food Industry Wastewater

  3. 基于ANSYS的陶瓷过滤机真空转筒的强度分析

    Strength Analysis of Ceramic Filter 's Rotary Vacuum Based on ANSYS

  4. 建立了颗粒物料在转筒干燥器内运动的数学模型,推导出了滞留时间的计算公式,用VB语言编制了计算程序。

    On the basis of the mathematical model , the equations of residence time were derived , and it was simulated by VB program .

  5. 转筒式负载膜光催化反应器及用于降解4BS染料的研究

    A Rotated Photo-Catalytic Reactor and Degradation of 4BS Dye Solution

  6. 方法用转筒法剥夺大鼠的睡眠,用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RTPCR)检测正常睡眠和不同剥夺睡眠时间大鼠下丘脑和大脑皮质食欲素原mRNA的表达。

    Methods Sleep was deprived with rotation cylinder in rats . RT-PCR was used to determine the change of prepro-orexin mRNA expression in cortex and hypothalamus of circadian rhythms and sleep-deprived rats .

  7. 转筒干燥器中物料运动模型的研究现状

    Research Status of the Solids Transportation Models in Flight Rotary Dryers

  8. 转筒干燥器直角抄板的模拟与试验研究

    Simulation and Test Study on Right-angled Flights of Rotary Dryers

  9. 转筒干燥器内颗粒物料运动的模拟与实验研究

    Simulation and test on particulate materials flow in rotary dryers

  10. 转筒法测液体黏度关系式比较研究

    A comparative study on relations for viscosity coefficient determined by eddy-canister viscometer

  11. 薄壁转筒壁厚不均度对圆度的影响

    The Effect of Thickness Uniformity on Roundness of Rotors with Thin Thickness

  12. 转筒式电涡流缓速器电磁场三维有限元分析

    Analysis of three-dimensional finite element electromagnetic field of rotary eddy current retarder

  13. 粉煤灰转筒干燥装置实验研究

    Experimental amd Research on the Rotary Dryers of Fly Ash

  14. 车用转筒式电涡流缓速器设计和试验研究

    Study on Design and Test of Rotary Eddy Current Retarder in Automotive

  15. 转筒式离心机在含油污泥处理中的应用

    Application of rotational tubby centrifuge to treatment of oil-bearing sludge

  16. 转筒真空过滤机的优化方程及最佳转速

    Optimization equation and rotation speed of rotating drum vacuum filter

  17. 转筒式冷冻浓缩装置的结构与调控研究

    A Study on Structures and Controlling of Rotary Cylinder Freeze Concentration Equipment

  18. 拖牵机转筒轴模糊可靠性设计研究

    Design Study of Tractor Rotating Drum Shaft Fuzzy Reliability

  19. 转筒内物料滞留时间的研究

    Study on Residence Time of Materials in Rotary Dryers

  20. 转筒式干燥器圆弧抄板的模拟研究

    Study on Simulation of Extended-circular Flights of Rotary Dryers

  21. 转筒干燥器中颗粒物料传热过程的数值仿真与实验研究

    Numerical simulation and test study on particulate materials heat transfer in rotary dryers

  22. 自校正前馈调节器在带有时变纯延迟特性的转筒干燥机系统上的应用

    Self-tuning Regulator With Feedforward Compensator for a Drum Dryer System With Varying Time Delays

  23. 转筒干燥机轴向窜动的调整

    Adjustment of axial displacement of rotary drum drier

  24. 我们用的混凝土是在现场的间歇式转筒搅拌机中搅拌的。

    Our concrete material is mixed in a rotating-drum batch mixer at the job site .

  25. 关于用转筒法测粘滞系数的测量公式的若干问题

    Some Problems on The Measuring Formula of Coefficient of Viscosity by Means of Rotating-Cylinder Method

  26. 本产品用作漂脱水机的转筒保护装置。

    The product can be used as the rotating cylinder protector of the rinsing-spinning machine .

  27. 介绍了一种新型高效污水处理设备&集成一体化生物转筒反应器(IBDR)。

    This paper introduces a novel and highly effective wastewater treatment facility-integral biological drum reactor .

  28. 转筒干燥机在水盐体系工艺硫酸钾生产中的应用

    Application of rotary kiln type drier in potassium sulfate production in the process of water-salt system

  29. 薄壁转筒的圆度变化三通管内高压成形时壁厚影响因素的研究

    The Variation of Roundness of Rotors with Thin Thickness Investigation of Thickness Variation in T-Tube Hydroforming

  30. 苜蓿转筒干燥时茎叶分离出口气流场模拟与优化

    Simulation and Optimization of the Wind Field of the Separation Exit of Alfalfa Rotary Drum Dryer