
  • 网络siltstone
  1. 就在上个星期,好奇号在沙和泥岩的样本中发现了氮的有用于生命形成的一种存在形式。

    Just last week , Curiosity discovered a biologically useful form of nitrogen in samples of sand and mudstone .

  2. 这些纹路的发现加大了火星有生命所需关键物质的猜测。就在上个星期,好奇号在沙和泥岩的样本中发现了氮的有用于生命形成的一种存在形式。

    The finding adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that ancient Mars had key ingredients for life . Just last week , Curiosity discovered a biologically useful form of nitrogen in samples of sand and mudstone .

  3. 沙一段泥岩为区域盖层。

    The mud stone of ES_1 was the region corniche .

  4. 利用模拟实验数据,建立并标定了研究区沙三段泥岩有机质成油、成气的化学动力学模型。

    A chemical kinetic model is developed for calibrating organic matter-generating oil and gas of Sha-3 member shale in Jiyang depression by using data from thermal simulation experiments .

  5. 油源为本地咸水环境下形成的沙一段暗色泥岩。

    Oil source rock is the dark mudstone in Es_1 Member , which deposited in a saline environment .