
  • 网络vermiculite
  1. 在上述单层试样基础上又进行了多层蛭石粉/丁腈橡胶试样复合的研究。

    Based on the single-layer sample , the multilayer vermiculite / NBR composite samples are studied .

  2. 采用空心玻球、蛭石粉、粉末橡胶、有机蒙脱土和铅粉作为功能粒子,与聚氨酯杂化复合发泡,制得了聚氨酯杂化复合泡沫体声学材料。

    The acoustic materials based on polyurethane hybrid composite foam was prepared via composition of polyurethane with hollow glass bead , powdered vermiculite , powdered rubber , organic montmorillonite , powdered lead for use as functional particle .

  3. 结果表明,450℃焙烧2h,蛭石粉体阳离子交换容量可提高17.5%以上;

    The results indicate that the CEC can increase 17.5 % when vermiculite powder is to be calcined at 450 ℃ for 2h .

  4. 行星式球磨机在加工蛭石粉体中的应用研究

    Application and Study of the Planet Style Ball Mill on Manufacturing the Roseite Powder

  5. 扦插基质以70%泥炭土加30%蛭石粉的混合基质为宜。

    The suitable substrate for rais - ing cuttings are made of 70 % peat soil and 30 % vermiculite powder .

  6. 本研究采用小型行星式球磨机加工新疆工业蛭石粉体。

    In this paper , the small-scale planet style ball mill is applied to manufacture the industrial roseite powder in XinJiang Province .

  7. 结果表明,椰壳粉与蛭石混合的基质理化性状优于单纯蛭石和椰壳粉,孔隙度为81.42%~85.45%,最大持水量为157.20%~398.90%。

    The results showed the mixed media had better physical and chemical properties than pure vermiculite or coir dust , total porosity ranged from 81.42 % ~ 85.25 % , maximum water holding capacities ranged from 157.24 % ~ 398.90 % .