
zhuàn lú ɡānɡ
  • converter steel
  1. 转炉钢的LF精炼

    LF refine of converter steel

  2. 小型转炉钢的清洁度研究

    Research on the cleanliness of small converter steel

  3. 顶底吹转炉钢氧位和操作条件的关系

    Relationship between oxygen potential and operation conditions in top-and-bottom blown converter process

  4. 侧吹碱性转炉钢质量的研究

    A study of side - blown basic Bessemer steel

  5. 德国氧气转炉钢的冶炼技术

    Recent development of oxygen steelmaking technology in Germany

  6. 转炉钢包车控制系统及出现故障处理方法

    Control system of buggy ladle and recovery processing

  7. 转炉钢夹杂物的形成及控制的工艺研究

    Converter steel inclusion formation and controlling research

  8. 复吹转炉钢-渣间容量传质系数的水-油模型

    Water-Oil Model for Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient between Slag and Metal in Combined Blowing Converter

  9. 小转炉钢的清洁度低,不能满足生产优质钢材的要求。

    The low cleanliness of small converter can 't satisfied with the production of prime product .

  10. 柳钢在1997年转炉钢实现了全连铸。

    In 1997 , the converter steel of Liu Gang was realized 100 % continuous cast .

  11. 提出了电弧炉炼钢比较优势分析框架,将电炉钢和转炉钢作为替代品进行比较,得出了电炉炼钢的优势及影响其应用的因素。

    An analytical frame work is developed by treating the BOF steel as EAF steel 's substitutes , Then the application potential and application potential are gotten using the framework .

  12. 我想第二种分类方法较简单。按冶炼方法,钢可分为平炉钢、转炉钢和电炉钢。

    I think the second way to classify steels is simple . By refining methods steels can be divided into three classes : open-hearth furnace steel , converter steel , and electric furnace steel .

  13. 2003年我国转炉钢产量已接近1.9亿t,占我国钢产量的85.2%,约占世界转炉钢的25%。

    The annual output of steel melted by converter was nearly up to 190 million tons in China in 2003 , which was 85.2 % of annual output of steel in china and was 25 % of world converter steel output in that year .

  14. 今后转炉钢的增长主要是对条件较好转炉钢厂挖潜改造,进一步提高装备水平、扩大品种、提高质量以及降低消耗,改善环境。

    In the future the converter steel production mainly depended on potential - tapping and revamping of excellent iron and steel producers to further improve technology and equipment , expend steel grade range , increase quality of steel , reduce consumption and improve environment .

  15. 介绍了氧气转炉钢产量增长、钢水质量改善和扩大品种、提高炉龄、开发氧气转炉复合吹炼、冶炼过程计算机控制,以及中磷铁水和半钢冶炼工艺技术的成就和技术进步。

    A brief introduction of the growth of oxygen-blown converter steel production , quality improvement , increase in grade , prolongation of campaign , development of combined-blowing technique , computer-aided control and achievements in treating medium-phosphorous hot metal and in refining process of semi-steel is given .

  16. 本文就转炉沸腾钢过氧化问题进行了原因分析,制订了解决措施

    Converter rimming steel over-oxidation is analyzed and solution raised .

  17. LD转炉半钢炼钢的温度问题探讨

    Study on temperature control during semi-steel steelmaking in LD converters

  18. 攀钢120t转炉半钢炼钢终点控制模型

    Controlling model for semi-steel steelmaking in 120 t converter at PZH Steel

  19. 120吨转炉半钢炼钢含钒炉渣的研究

    An investigation on the vanadium-bearing steelmaking slags in the 120-ton ld-converter

  20. 用贝西默转炉生产钢的程序。

    A process for making steel using a Bessemer converter .

  21. 转炉45~钢内裂分析

    Internal Crack Analysis of Converter Steel Grade 45

  22. 积极推广炉外精炼技术,促进小转炉品种钢的发展

    Actively spread out-of-furnace refining and promote development of specific steel produced by small converter

  23. 转炉沸腾钢过氧化原因分析

    Analysis of converter rimming steel over - oxidation

  24. 转炉半钢强化冶炼工艺

    Intensification of BOF steelmaking charged with semi-steel

  25. 对转炉特殊钢生产工艺的技术关键进行了论述。

    The key technologies for production of special steel in a converter are also described .

  26. 转炉优质钢顶锻质量与低倍缺陷分析及控制

    Analysis and Control on Heading Quality and Low-time Defects of Quality Steel Produced with Converter

  27. 通过对转炉冶炼钢的熔炼成分取样方法的探讨,提出新的取样方法。

    By discussing about sampling method of liquid steel in converter , this article puts forward new sampling methods .

  28. 转炉随着钢产量的逐年攀升,烟气净化系统不能满足生产需要。

    With steel production capacity of converters increasing annually , the converter gas decontamination system could hardly catch up with the requirements .

  29. 涟钢20t转炉出钢过程钢液温降规律的研究

    Research on law of temperature drop of molten steel during tapping at 20t converter of Lianyuan Steel

  30. 结合遗传算法(GA)和误差反馈型神经网络(BP),建立了优化的GA-BP神经网络预测模型,预测转炉炼钢过程钢液终点磷含量。

    Combined Genetic Algorithms ( GA ) and back-propagation neural network ( BP ), an optimized GA-BP model was established to predict phosphorus content . Some data were chosen to train the network model .