
  • 网络minimum stress
  1. 平均应力不相同,但最小应力却相同的载荷谱;

    The mean stress of spectrum is not same but its minimum stress is same ;

  2. 最小应力值是水力压裂最重要的参数之一。

    The value of the minimum stress is one of the most important parameters in hydraulic fracturing .

  3. 而最小应力值σ3的垂向增长率与孔隙压力P0成正比,与摩擦系数μc和应力形因子Φ成反比。

    While the vertical growth rate of the minimal principal stress σ 3 is direct ratio to pore pressure P 0 , inverse ratio to friction μ c and to stress factor Φ .

  4. 最大应力出现在横截面上v为最大的地方。需要两个值:最大应力和最小应力或二者之一和平均应力,以确定其起伏程度。

    The greatest stress is found at the location on the cross section where V is the largest . Either the maximum and minimum stresses of one of these and the mean stress-are required to specify the fluctuation .

  5. T轴和P轴的倾角统计的平均值为20°左右,最大和最小应力主轴产状较缓,中间应力轴产状较陡,区域的构造活动的驱动力来自水平方向。

    The statistics average value of dipping angel of T-axis and P-axis are both at about 20 ° . The dip angle of the maximum and the minimum press axis are low , intermediate axis is steep , that shows the actuating force is from horizontal direction .

  6. 最大应力和最小应力或二者之一和平均应力,以确定其起伏程度。

    Either the maximum and minimum stresses of one of these and the mean stress-are required to specify the fluctuation .

  7. 由螺栓屈服时的应力和法兰分离时的螺栓最小应力分别确定了预应力的范围。

    The range of pre stress is identified by yield stress of bolt ' and minimal stress of off lift of flange interface .

  8. 经对输电塔在不同地震动作用下地震结构反应的数据处理,比较其最大应力、最小应力和变形值,获得结构的地震反应特征。

    Both the stress and the deformation of transmission towers in seismic regions have been computed to get an insight into the behavior of transmission tower structures under earthquakes .

  9. 这与其它研究显示的最大、最小应力主轴的方向基本吻合,但与现有的最大、最小主应力轴均接近水平的基本认识存在一定差别。

    However , the state of the predicted stress axis is different with the existing cognition to some extent , which favors the maximum and least principal stress axis all being horizontal .

  10. 根据最大总应变能准则第二类失效的制定条件,利用应力符号约束和最小应力约束来避免优化过程中准则的失效,从而将结构设计的两相优化法推广到多工况问题。

    Based on discriminating conditions of second unefficient case of the maximum total strain energy criterion , its efficacy is assured in every iteration by using the stress-symbol constraints and minimum stress constraints . Thus two-phase optimization method is proposed , for structural design under multiple loadings .

  11. 增加最小主应力岩石不破坏(C型)。

    Increased the minimum principal stress and kept the rock sample intact ( type C ) .

  12. 研究了适用于PWM变换器的非最小电压应力(NonMinimumVoltageStress,简称NMVS)无源无损缓冲电路。

    This paper investigates Non Minimum Voltage Stress ( NMVS ) passive lossless snubber circuits in Pulse Width Modulated ( PWM ) converters .

  13. 实验结果表明:对于采用的三类材料在循环载荷作用下的疲劳寿命均最短,也得到了最小的应力腐蚀指数(n)。

    Difference between materials was discussed Experiment results showed that , for all the three materials , fatigue life under cyclic load was the shortest and a small n value ( fatigue exponent ) was obtained .

  14. [结果]有限元分析(FEA)结果显示,锁钉以15°角置入时,骨、髓内钉及锁钉所受最大应力为最小,应力分布也较其它角度均匀。

    [ Result ] The results of FEA show that the stress of bolts , bone and nails with 15 ° insertion angles of bolt was the tiniest and well distributed .

  15. 与最小电压应力(MinimumVoltageStress,简称MVS)的无源无损缓冲电路相比,NMVS无源无损缓冲电路更具有电流应力小,软开关范围更广,效率高等突出优点。

    Compared to Minimum Voltage Stress ( MVS ) passive lossless snubber circuits , the NMVS passive lossless snubber circuits have less current stress , wider soft switching range and higher efficiency .

  16. 与Coulomb准则内接和相切时,反映最小主应力的作用偏小而中间主应力作用偏大。

    The effect is too lower of minimum principal stress in D. P criterions inner or tangent joining with Coulomb criterion , and too higher of medium principal stress .

  17. 分别在15种不同载荷下,计算出牙体组织的最大主应力、最小主应力和VONMISES应力。

    15 loadings were applied respectively , and the maximum principle stress , the minimum principle stress and the Von Mises stress of the tooth tissue were calculated .

  18. 通过岩石力学实验,测定岩样的内聚力、摩擦系数和单轴抗压强度等岩石力学参数,可以用常规的MohrCoulomb破坏准则确定最小主应力。

    Minimum in-situ stress could be obtained from normalized Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria through rock mechanical property testing . These properties include cohesion , frictional angle and uniaxial strength along failure plane .

  19. 无最小电压应力(NMVS)的PWM变换器与有最小电压应力的PWM变换器相比,具有电流应力小、效率高等突出优点。

    The PWM converter with non minimum voltage stress ( NMVS ) compared to another with minimum voltage stress has many merits such as smaller current stress and higher efficiency and so on .

  20. 最小主应力的最大值出现在中部断层FS51处;

    Of the minimum principal stress presents to mid fault FS51 ; the max.

  21. 上地壳最大主应力一般为(10~30)MPa,最小主应力一般为(2~20)MPa,最大差应力一般为(2~25)MPa。

    That most of the main maximum stresses range from ( 10-30 ) MPa , most of the main minimal stresses range from ( 2-20 ) MPa , and most of the maximum differential stresses range from ( 2-25 ) MPa for the upper crust of the earth .

  22. 应力分析表明,随着膜厚的增加,ZnS膜的应力差减小,在厚度为768nm时的选区范围内应力差最小,应力分布较均匀。

    The result of stress analysis shows that the stress-difference of the ZnS films decreases as the thickness of the films increases , and that it is the smallest and the stress is well-distributed in the selected area when the thickness is 768 nm .

  23. 在水平面内,对4个方向的试件进行声发射Kaiser效应试验,得到相应的各个方向的压应力,由此估算的水平最大和最小主应力分别为21.2MPa和12.1MPa。

    In horizontal plane , for four directions rock specimen , AE Kaiser effect tests were carried out and their corresponding normal stresses were gotten . The horizontal maximum and minimum principal stresses are 21 2 MPa and 12 1 MPa respectively .

  24. 最大主应力梯度值为0.029MPa/m,垂直应力梯度值为0.026MPa/m,最小主应力梯度值为0.023MPa/m;

    The gradient of the maximal principal stress is 0.029Mpa/m . The gradient of the vertical stress is 0.026Mpa / m , and the gradient of the minimum principal stress is 0.023Mpa/m .

  25. 具有最小电压应力的无源无损软开关的设计方法

    Design of Lossless Passive Soft Switching Methods with Minimum Voltage Stress

  26. 一种最小电压应力的无源无损软开关技术研究

    Research on a Passive Lossless Snubber with Minimum Voltage Stress

  27. 最小主应力减小引起岩石破坏时中间主应力的影响

    Rock rupture caused by decreasing the minimum principal stress

  28. 减小最小主应力使岩石破坏(B型);

    Decreased the minimum principal stress until the rock sample failed ( type B ) ;

  29. 根据水平最小主应力梯度分布状况,选择注水压力。

    Water injection pressure should be chosen according to the distribution of the weakest horizontal main stress gradient .

  30. 在泥岩段水平最大与最小主应力基本相等或相差甚小,在砂岩段才呈现较大差异。

    Horizontal maximum and minimum principal stresses are nearly equal in shale formation , and very different in sand formation .