
  • 网络maximum thrust;kgf;newtons
  1. 基于空间矢量PWM的直线感应电机的最大推力控制

    The Maximum Thrust Control of Linear Induction Motor Based on SVPWM

  2. 这种新设计保证导轨在最大推力下保持平衡。

    The new kind of design allows the complete balancing of the guide rail at maximum thrust .

  3. 这是这台发动机所能产生的最大推力。

    This is the ultimate thrust the engine can generate .

  4. 固体火箭发动机一元两相流动最大推力喷管型面研究

    A study of the maximum solid rocket engine thrust nozzle surface for one-dimensional two-phase flows

  5. 最大推力喷管原理

    Principle of Maximum Thrust Nozzle

  6. 通过对计算数据拟合得到了最大推力与转速、最大压强与转速的经验公式。

    We can get experiential functions of maximum thrust to revolution and of maximum pressure to revolution with data-fit method .

  7. 本文用严格的变分法导出了最大推力喷管出口控制面方程。

    In this paper , employing rigorous variational calculus , equations of control surface at maximum thrust nozzle exit are derived .

  8. 同时,还导出了最大推力喷管这个泛函极值问题解存在的条件。

    The condition of the existence of solution of functional extreme value problem applied to maximum thrust nozzle is also presented .

  9. 同步电动机电磁力角与最大推力控制策略的研究

    Research on control strategy of electromagnetic force angle and the maximum of thrust of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor for vertical movement

  10. 针对凸极式直线永磁同步电动机的推力生成机制,本文提出了一种高性能的直线永磁同步电动机伺服驱动&基于最大推力电流法的无速度传感器直接推力控制。

    This paper describes a high performance servo drive system for interior permanent magnet linear synchronous motor ( IPMLSM ) without speed sensors .

  11. 本文从燃烧室压力、系统工作循环方式以及最大推力三个方面叙述了世界各国液体火箭发动机的技术水平。

    This paper presents the development of the liquid propellant rocket engine technology from the viewpoint of combustion chamber pressure , thrust level and power cycle .

  12. 该控制策略将直线电机的稳定控制引入到最大推力控制中,通过控制电机的电磁力角,实现直线电机的速度控制。

    The stable motor control was introduced to the maximum thrust control by using this strategy . The velocity control was realized through the control of electromagnetic thrust angle .

  13. 以至于三大钢铁企业复牌后股价大幅下挫,并成为了构成当日股指下调的最大推力。

    So that the three major steel companies share prices fell sharply after the resumption , and the day has become a form of stock index down the maximum thrust .

  14. 根据最大推力原理通过风动力与水动力的平衡方程求解出各条航线上的最大船速,在此基础上运用数学极值的方法计算了最佳航线。

    And then utilized the balance equation of aerial and watery dynamics to solve the maximal boat-velocity in various sail-routes according to the maximal drive-force theories , and finally calculated the optimal route by using the mathematical method of extremum .

  15. 采用虚拟样机技术,应用Adams软件对所设计的转向机构进行了动力学分析,得到转向机构工作时液压缸要能产生的最大工作推力。

    Using virtual prototyping technology , carry out steering mechanism dynamics analysis by Adams software . Get the maximum thrust that steering hydraulic cylinders must be able to generate when it working .

  16. 通过最大工作推力完成了转向动力缸的设计。

    Complete the design of steering cylinder by the maximum thrust .

  17. 在此过程中模具即将闭合时,销轴与支座、肘杆之间的摩擦起主导作用,决定着双曲肘五支铰内卷式合模机构所需要的最大油缸推力。

    Friction between pins and rods or platens played an important role , which determined the maximal thrust force of oil cylinder .

  18. 一个涡桨可以比其他的飞机发动机多处理一些气流,因此在低速时,无论给定的燃料占总量的比例是多少,都会产生最大的推力。

    A turboprop handles a larger airflow than any other aircraft engine and so ( at low speeds ) generates the largest thrust for any given rate of fuel consumption .

  19. 对活塞式压缩机气量无级调节系统工作原理作了详尽推导,对此课题的可行性进行了理论论证,得出了有关最大气体顶推力等计算公式。

    The principle for stepless capacity control system ( SCCS ) has been deduced , and it can be used as the feasibility evidence .

  20. 报告称香港在全球金融危机中表现出良好的恢复性,它在贸易和金融方面的自由度成为其排名最大的助推力。

    The report stated that Hong Kong demonstrated a high degree of resilience during the global financial crisis with freedom in trade and finance being the biggest boost to Hong Kong 's rating .

  21. 利用数值分析方法计算得到的应力场,重新定义推力最大原理中推力的含义,将边坡临界滑动场方法作进一步的改进,提出了基于数值应力场的边坡临界滑动场方法。

    Based on the stress field obtained by numerical methods , by defining the maximum thrust forces and improving numerical simulation method of conventional critical slip field of slope , the critical slip field method of slope based on numerical stress field is proposed .

  22. 实测电机最大速度达960mm/s、最大推力达100N。提出了超声电机谐振频率分离式电学匹配方法。

    The fastest speed was 960mm / s and The most large output force was 100 N.The separation mode electrical match method for the resonant frequencies of USM was presented .

  23. 依据动圈电动机的基本原理,研究开发了一种大推力复合补偿驱动的直线伺服单元,其推力常数为82N/A,最大驱动电流为10A,最大推力820N。

    A large power combined compensated driving linear servo unit based on the principle of voice coil motor is presented . Its force constant , maximum driving force and maximum driving current are 82 N / A , 820 N and 10A respectively .

  24. 对某型涡扇发动机的最大非加力寻优模式进行分析,在满足该发动机各部件的物理约束条件下,采用遗传算法对其进行性能寻优,提高其最大剩余推力值。

    Non-augmented maximum thrust modes and the physical constraints of the certain turbofan engine are analyzed , and Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) is applied to improve the engine performance in terms of the performance seeking control ( PSC ) mode above .