
zuì hòu yī kè
  • last lesson
  1. 这是我给你们上的最后一课。

    This was my last lesson with you .

  2. 讲师要求写最后一课的摘要。

    The instructor asked for a resume of the last lesson .

  3. 书面期末报告在春季H1课程最后一课开始时上交。

    The written final report is due at the start of the last class of H1 Spring .

  4. 这些鬼魂教育了斯克鲁奇,而且最后一课很可怕。

    The ghosts educate Scrooge and the last lesson is terrifying .

  5. 那是关于女人秘密的最后一课。

    That was the end of our lesson about the secret of womanhood .

  6. 这周将是我们在一起的最后一课。

    This week 's class will be the last time we get together !

  7. 这是第一周最后一课。

    This is the end of week one .

  8. 今天是最后一课。

    Today will be my final class .

  9. 最后一课总会给我一些特别的感觉,祝福他们万事顺利!

    The last class always gives me somewhat special feeling & wishing them all the best .

  10. 这是最后一课。

    This is the last lesson .

  11. 他以自身言行为2014届毕业生上了最为宝贵的最后一课

    and he could not have provided a more valuable final lesson to the class of 2014

  12. 最后一课的铃响了,放学了,我才舒出了一口气。

    When the last bell rang , the last class ended , I let out my breath .

  13. 对于我外婆来说,她的遗愿也是她给我上的最后一课。

    Now , as for my grandmother , her last wish was also her last lesson to me .

  14. 这个领域的先锋们学习的最后一课是承诺的重要性。

    The final lesson learned by the pioneers in the field has been the importance of making a commitment .

  15. 这是最后一课,因为从现在开始,你们的训练就交由龙战士了。

    My final class because from now on ... your training will be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior .

  16. 阿瑞斯:你的最后一课就在眼前!克瑞托斯:阿瑞斯!摧毁我的敌人,那么我的一切都将归你所有。

    Ares : Your final lesson is at hand ! Kratos : ARES !! Destory my enemies , and my life is yours .

  17. “我知道我那天在做什么,”他在他的畅销书的前言中写道,书的名字也叫《最后一课》。

    " I knew what I was doing that day ," he wrote in the introduction of his best-selling book , also titled The Last Lecture .

  18. 原文:我曾读过法国作家都德写的一篇文章《最后一课》写的是法国人民为了祖国而奉献出了自己的全部。

    I have read Daudet , French writer to write an article " Last Lecture ," written by the French people to the motherland and dedicate their whole .

  19. 在最后一课中,我们将讨论如何利用这一法则来更好地吸引你的理想爱情。

    In this final lesson we will talk about how to make the Law of Attraction work more to your benefit to attract the love of your life .

  20. 这就是为什么,我们作为父亲所必须学的最后一课,我们能传给我们的孩子的最珍贵的礼物&是希望。

    And that is why the final lesson we must learn as fathers is also the greatest gift we can pass on to our children-and that is the gift of hope .

  21. 在这最后一课中,我们会回到第一节课所给的例子中,现在我们可以利用我们所学的关于经典力学的知识去解释欧拉盘的现象了。

    In this final lecture , I return to the demonstration given at the beginning of the course , and explain the main phenomena of the Euler disk based on what we 've learned about classical mechanics .

  22. 我将永远也不会忘记这最后的一课…

    I shall remember that last class .

  23. 他在上周的电邮来信中允诺捐款购新屋的同时,指出:这可真是最后的一课,对吧?

    He did so in an e-mail last week , saying , along with his pledge to donate toward the new house , So that 's the final lesson , isn 't it ?

  24. 他在上周的电邮来信中允诺捐款购新屋的同时,指出:“这可真是最后的一课,对吧?当你前往世界帮助自己,最后却免不了帮上……每一个人。”

    He did so in an e-mail last week , saying , along with his pledge to donate toward the new house , " So that 's the final lesson , isn 't it ? When you set out in the world to help yourself , you inevitably end up helping ... Tutti . " Eat , Pray , Love