
  • 网络the last samurai
  1. 有报道表示,该片原定由《最后的武士》(TheLastSamurai)的导演爱德华·兹威克(EdwardZwick)于2012年拍摄,但由于日程和创意方面的原因,他退出了这个项目。

    Edward Zwick , who directed The Last Samurai , was reportedly set to direct the film in 2012 , but later dropped out , because of scheduling and creative issues .

  2. 真田曾与汤姆·克鲁斯合作过《最后的武士》,他将于明年加入《迷失》剧组,《迷失》的第六季也将是全剧的大结局。

    The Last Samurai star will join the castaways for the sixth and final season of the show next year .

  3. 至少,这是在观看了《最后的武士》和《十三刺客》等影片后,日本武士给我留下的印象。

    At least , thatwas how I 'd imagined samurai to be , thanks to films like The Last Samurai and13 Assassins .

  4. 该公司还为《拯救大兵瑞恩》、《指环王》、《最后的武士》和《夺宝奇兵》等电影提供过演出服。

    the company has helped with costuming for films including Saving Private Ryan , Lord of the Rings , The Last Samurai and Indiana Jones : Raiders of the Lost Ark .

  5. 自从2003年看了由汤姆•克鲁斯执导的日本电影《最后的武士》,那以后我再也没有看过如此气势宏大,英勇悲壮场景的电影了。

    I have never saw that film since saw the movie " The Last Samurai " of the Japan , director is ( Tom Cruise ) Edward Zwick in2003 , they are both grand , heroic scene so much .

  6. 包括星际大战系列:《最后的绝地武士》、《神奇女侠》、《嗨翻姐妹行》。

    These include Star Wars : The Last Jedi , Wonder Woman , and Girls Trip .

  7. 然而今年最新的《星际大战:最后的绝地武士》,将于12月15日上映,无缘上榜。

    However , this year , the latest Star Wars film , The Last Jedi , which hits theaters on Dec. 15 , was nowhere to be found on AFI 's list .

  8. 最后,年轻的武士筋疲力尽。

    Finally , the young warrior exhausted himself .